Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Struggle goes on!

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Sunday, December 23, 2007

New Year's Eve

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Happy New Year!

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cartoons reproduced in the Greek magazine GALERA

Two of my cartoons (one of them related to the Iraq War) were published in the December edition (nr. 27) of the top quality Greek cartoon magazine GALERA.(Click on images to enlarge)...

Thursday, December 13, 2007

عن التغير

أينشتينرجل تثق البشريةفي عقلهو يضرب به المثلحتي تركيبة الحروف في اسمهتشي بقدراته الفائقةقال أينشتينالثابت الوحيدفي الكونهوالتغير*القرآن الكريمكتاب معجزباتفاق المدينين له و الدارسين و الكارهينكتاب لم تختلف طبعاتهو لم تتبدل فيه تشكيلة كلمة واحدةو يحمل اسم آخرو هو: العهد الأخيرباعتبار مسميات العهد القديم و الجديدفيه آية تقولكل من عليها فانو...


هناك مثل هنا.. ليس أحسن ولا أسوأ.. ولكنني من هنا.. كما أن النخلة القائمة في فناء دارنا..نبتت في دارنا و لم تنبت في دار غيرها*الطيب صالح...

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The poor die FIRST

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

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