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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Office Politics - The Worst Fear in Your Working Life

So when you just graduated from university/college and looking forward to your first job, everything was doing great - your boss is nice, Supervisor and colleagues are helpful and friendly, but your worst fear comes true when you are caught in one of the most common problem which is office politics.

It is unfortunate but do not worry, because there are secrets to keeping yourself separate from office politics.

The most common problem that causes one to be involved in office politics is gossip. It can be the most powerful tool to destroy one's reputation at work place and at the same time provoke problems. If your colleagues are gossiping about a Supervisor or other colleagues, do not be part of the spreading the gossip. Keep your distance and steer away from it. If the gossip-monger insist of telling you and you do not want to offend the colleague, just pretend that you are listening to it, but never spread it to another colleague. Leave it where you hear it from the gossip-monger.

Another common problem in office politics is taking sides - whose side are you on? How you solve this problem is by being neutral. This may sound simple and ridiculous at the same time but it is not. By keeping yourself neutral, it will give you the freedom and opportunity to work with both groups (or more!) who are against each other in the office. There might be a period of setback as those involved in the politic game might suspect you for being a spy and give you a hard time, but do not give in to the pressure. Be yourself and do your work appropriately instead of meddling in the office politics which may be too much for you.

Why waste time on office politics when you can spend your time working on your own career advancement? Be smart in keeping your work performance away from office politics and get more tips and advices on office politics from Career Planning 101.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The G20 Summit Participants Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (AFP) - President of the United States Barack Obama will host a summit (summit) Group of 20 industrialized countries and emerging economies (G20) on Thursday and Friday in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Here is a list of leaders who will take part in the summit as the AFP reported.

Chistina Argentine President Kirchner, Prime Minister of Australia Kevin Rudd, President of Brazil Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Prime Minister of Britain Gordon Brown, Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper, President of China Hu Jintao and the EU Presidency: Prime Minister Reinfeldt of Sweden Fedrik.

In addition French President Nicolas Sarkozy, German Konselir Angela Merkel, Prime Minister of India Manmohan Singh, President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

One also of the Foreign Ministers of Saudi Arabia Saud al-Faisal Dario, South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak and Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Thursday, September 24, 2009

عن الطالب

أشهد لمعلمي أنه أكثر أهل الارض علما .. كما أشهد له أنه أعلاهم خلقا .. و أنه لا يتكبر عن الاعتراف بجهله اذا ما صدمه أمر خارج معرفته .. و الحق أن معلمي كلما اهتز يقينه تجاه أمر أمرني بالتوجه لصاحب علم لأحصل منه ما التبس عليه .. و لكن أشهد أن معلمي هذه المرة قد بدأ يجانب الخرف .. أي امرأة هذه الذي أمرني بالسعي اليها .. منذ متي و القول الثقيل و العلم البليغ يؤخذ عن المرأة .. و أي امرأة .. انني كلما سرت في سهل او قطعت وادي بحثا عنها أعلنوا انها صاحبة علة في عقلها .. و أنها تعكف كل صباح على جزع شجرة قديم قبل ان تبدأ يومها .. اي تلف في رأسها .. و اي قرار هذا الذي اتخذه معلمي .. ايكون الهرم قد بدأ زحفه بمخه .. هاأنذا أطيع عالم عجوز و أطلب لقاء سيدة تصاحب شجرة .. و لقد مضت الايام تلو الايام أشق مسالك الكون الي هذه الارض التي تسكنها العجوز .. و كلما أثناني عقلي عن السير أتذكر حكمة معلمي و النور الذي أودعه الرب فيه فأعترف بأني لم أخسر قط من طاعتي له .. لأري ما وراء العجوز

و عند الوادي الذي طابق وصف معلمي توقفت .. قال ان اراد الرب بك خيرا ستنزل بوادي أهله مطمئنون و هالات النور على جباههم و ستري أثر عبادة الرب على وجوههم و لن يجد صدرك اي ضيق طالما انت بينهم .. فاذا وصلت للوادي فاسأل عن السيدة صاحبة الجذع العتيد .. و أنصت لأراذلهم فيم يقولون عنها .. و اسعي اليها .. و ان اراد بك الرب خيرا بعد هذا نهلت منها .. و كان أهل الوادي كما أخبر معلمي بلا زيادة أو نقص .. و وخزني الفضول أن أسأل أي عالم يعيش بينكم جعل حالكم على ما يصبو عليه أهل الورع و الصوامع .. همسوا بأن فيهم سيدة تعكف على جذع شجرة كل صباح هي من جعلها الرب السبب فيما هم فيه .. فراودني أنها ربما كانت ساحرة و لكنها صبت مقدرتها في الخير .. ايريد بي معلمي ان انهل من خزعبلات الوادي .. ثم انني بحثت عن أراذل الوادي فبعد المشقة في العثور عليهم سخروا منها قائلين انها رغم مرور السنون و ضعضعة صحتها لاتزال على ضلالها القديم .. أسروا لي أنها ليست كما يدعي الوادي على أي شئ من الصلاح .. انما هي صاحبة قلب مصبوب .. قلب شغف حبا برجل هجرها ربما نفر منها .. و هي تنتظر عودة المحبوب لتزاول حياتها الحيوانية التي تشتهي .. بل و حثوني على ان اراودها عن نفسها لعلها تقنع بي و تنسي ضلالها القديم .. قلت تالله لولا ان معلمي أمر لنكصت عائدا

و طلعت الشمس بعد ان استرحت من عناء السفر .. قمت من نومي عازما على لقاءها .. انه اليوم لا ريب .. أديت الصلاة للرب و استوقفت احد أهل الوادي المطمئنين لأسأله طريقها .. أشار و وصف حتي أوفي .. كانت تسكن أعلي الربوع .. على القمة و الحافة .. عندما ينتهي العمران و ينقطع الأناس و تلوح لي شجرة وارفة جذعها عتيد و كوخ يخال اليك انه مهجور و هو عمران بقلب امرأة .. سأجد سيدة عجوز اذا رأيتها ستود لو تلقي برأسك المتعب على صدرها الذي هدلته الأيام .. تتبعت الوصف بالحذافير .. و عند قمة السفح المنشود فاح عبير الليمون في الأفق .. وصلت .. و السيدة كانت تولي للوادي ظهرها .. و قدحين من الليمون امامها .. ألقيت سلام أهل الاسلام عليها .. ردت بلا التفات .. كانت الشمس قد أراقت نورها المتوهج على الأعالي و الأسافل .. و كانت الطيور قد شرعت في التغريد و كأنما حفل بهيج في خلل أغصان الشجر .. لم تلتفت .. فخطوت حيث تولي وجهها .. فتهللت لرؤيتي .. و كأنما تنتظر مقدمي .. و الحق أن اطمئنان اهل الوادي كلهم كبيرهم و صغيرهم لا يضاهي ما يرتسم عليها من هدأة و سكون .. و الحق ان في تبسمها الي ما شرح صدري الي جلوس امامها في اقبال .. و رغم وجهها الذي لم يخفي عمرها فانها تجلس في استقامة يتململ منها الشاب الفتي .. ربتت على كتفي في حنان صادق .. و قامت في بطء .. الي كوخها هرعت و لثوان غابت و قد جلبت معها قدح ليمون بارد و دعتني للشراب .. و طيلة الوقت لا تزايلها بسمتها .. ثم سألتني من اين جئت و ماذا تستطيع من اجلي .. قلت انني طالب علم .. أتيت من سفر أيام .. و قالت ماذا تتعلم .. قلت أصل الحرف و رسمه .. و منشأ الكلم و مقصده .. و ما يحب الرب و يكره .. الأنبياء و قصصهم .. و الصالحون و عبرهم .. فربتت على كتفي ثانية في حفاء و كأنني ابن رحمها الذي طلب العلم .. ثم سألتها ما لحالها .. قالت بين تبسمها

" يا بني الحبيب ان لي حكاية طويلة .. في سالف الزمن عندما كنت فتاة بجيد يطيح عقول الرجال تزوجت من رجل لا يري أبعد من التراب شئ .. و تشاركنا في التراب .. فكنا مضرب المثل فيما يبغض الرب .. حتي أتي رجل فينا يدعي أنه نبي .. حضر من أور .. أور التي تجاور نهر الفرات .. و مكث فينا مليا .. أذاب قلوبنا بكلامه عن الخالق ذو الجلال .. و صحا يوما و قد عزم على المضي .. فتكالبنا عليه و زوجي .. و حاولنا ما اوتينا ان نبقيه .. الا انه قال ان الرب أراد به الرحيل .. و أرشدنا الي طريق الرب و رحل .. لبثت و زوجي متفكرين .. حتي قر الرأي على أن يرحل زوجي طالبا علم الرب "

قلت " و رحل و تركك

قالت في بشر

" ما كان ينبغي له أن يقعد .. لن يأتي علم الرب بالراحة و الكسل .. ان النبي الذي جاء فينا كان يسافر من ارض الي ارض .. فسمعنا أنه راح الي القدس ثم الحجاز ثم مصر

قلت " و تركك

قالت " ما كان ينبغي له ان يستقر الي جانبي .. لابد ان يجني علم الرب .. فبه ننجي في الدار الآخرة

قلت " و متي سيعود

قالت " أمرته ألا يعود الا اذا اطمأن أن معه ما ينجينا من خطوب الرب .. و وعدني أنه متي وصل للقدر الذي ينجينا سيعود عند انبلاج الفجر تحت جذع هذه الشجرة و سيحكي لي عن رحلته من أجل الرب وهو يتناول من قدح ليمون

قلت " و متي رحل عنك

قالت " عندما كان شعري فاحم السواد

قلت " و ماذا تفعلين في انتظارك

قالت " عندما يشق النور السماء أهبط للعمل .. فأنا أعلم الصغار نطق الحرف و كتابته .. و عندما يسدل الظلام ستاره على الدنيا أدعو الرب أن يوفق المحبوب في طلبه

صمتت ثوان ثم قالت

" و الآن ماذا كنت تريد مني يا ولدي الحبيب

قمت على قدمي و وقفت .. و رأسي تدور .. حملقت فيها قليلا .. و قلت " والله ما أريد أكثر من هذا " .. ثم ودعتها في رقة و قبلت رأسها الأشيب .. و طلبت منها أن تدعو لي .. و انصرفت و رأسي مازال يدور .. لقد صدق معلمي فيما قال .. حمدت الرب على أنني رأيتها و سمعتها .. و امتنانا لمعلمي فكرت أن أجلب معي هدية له و أنا عائد .. فتذكرت شغفه بشراب الليمون


و ما ان قرأت القصة الاولي العنونة "موت الموظف" حتي أيقنت أن هذا بالتحديد هو الاطار الذي يلائمني .. الاطار الذي يمكنني أن اودعه كل ما حلمت به .. أيا كانت قيمة هذه الاحلام او الاوهام .. آمنت تماما بأنني لست سوي كاتب للقصة القصيرة .. ليس أكثر من ذلك ولا أقل


ابراهيم اصلان

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Israeli Attack on Gaza Eid

A number of fighters and Israeli artillery bombarded several tunnels in southern Gaza Strip, near the border with Egypt. The bombing took place as Palestinian Muslims in the Gaza Strip still celebrate Eid, Sunday, September 20, 2009.

Page Iranian television station, Press TV, revealed no reported casualties in the attack that night. But on Sunday afternoon, the Israeli attack killed two Palestinians in the town of Jabalia, northern Gaza, which borders with Israel, as Palestinian officials said.

To page Yedioth Ahronoth, an Israeli military spokesman said that air attacks on Eid day is a response to Qassam rocket attacks fired from Gaza Palestinian militants into southern Israel. Rocket attack took place Saturday night, September 19, 2009.

Israel targeted objectives are the tunnels near the Gaza-Egypt border that had been used to smuggle goods and people.

The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip could not celebrate Eid with great fanfare. The reason, besides the threat of attack from Israel, Gaza has been facing a blockade by Israel and Egypt. Economic blockade and the logistics were miserable life 1.5 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Noordin M Top Killed in Solo

Apparently Noordin M. Top killed by a bomb vest on the last info. Is this correct?

Drama raids in Solo some time ago it left a lot of mystery unfolding. As the adage that sampled from the film The X-Files "The Truth Is Out There".

Thousands of shells detonated by anti-terror Dansus 88 killed Nurdin could not because of a successful line her life is a vest containing the bomb that she always wore and never released for one moment in his life.

Noordin is suspected that the man Activate bomb vest, Head Apart

The body is allegedly destroyed Noordin M Top, head separated from his body. The possibility of Noordin's suspected suicide bomber detonated while surrounded densus 88.

Information obtained AFP, Thursday (17/9/2009), factors reinforce the notion that the body was Noordin, because these people are believed killed after a switch was wearing a vest bomb. Because, so far mentioned, go anywhere, Noordin always wore a vest that contains a bomb ready to explode.

In addition, the severed head is found, his face also was like Noordin. However, certainty whether the remains are badly damaged it was Noordin or not, needs to be proved through DNA.

Suspected Suicide Bombings

There are two indications that the alleged conduct Noordin's suicide bombing. First, the head separated from his body. This sort of thing also happens to the suicide bombers as Asmar Latin Sani, Dwi Dani Permana, and also Nana Maulana.

Second, there are cries of interpretation before the great explosion in the morning at around 06.00 am. After a great explosion occurred, the firefight was interrupted. The occupants of the house allegedly contracted Adib Susilo dead.

After a great explosion, 88 densus officials soon went into the house. And they found four people dead and a woman gunshot wounds. Women are Munawaroh Princess, wife of Susilo Adib.

While three of the four people who died were mentioned Adib Susilo, Urwa, and Maruto. One more person allegedly Noordin M Top.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Faith in Barack Obama Or Your Politicians?

Do Politicians Lie or Miss Lead or Over States the Facts?

Headline: Politics and Lies - Why Politicians Lie

Politicians lie because the public wants to be lied to

The reasons politicians lie is because the public doesn't want to hear the truth. People want to hear what they want to hear. When two candidates are running and one of them tells the truth and the other says what the public wants to hear, the one who says what the public wants to hear wins the election. Thus, and there are exceptions to this, if you want to win an election, you better start lying, because the guy who's telling you the truth doesn't have a chance.
The above is an excerpt from

What Team Are You On? Are You Willingly To Do Anything To Win?

Many people today are looking for savior other than Christ. It seem there are some people such as my friend Eleanor from Canada who thinks that Barack Obama is the one who will turn everything around in America.

The problem we have, is that we don't have any money and most of our products that we used are being produce overseas. Coming into office trying to produce jobs without a natural product to produce to exchange with other countries is a recipe for disaster. Building roads and bridges and schools and nuclear plants is all good. But we don't have the funds. We are living a life of one of a false sense of prosperity. Everyone including our government seems to be maxed out on all of their credit cards.

Next year the forecast is calling for a deep recession or depression. The problem with the United States is trying to maintain a static that cannot be maintained. And Barack Obama is not going to change that. The way that it can be change is to confess the obvious and that is we cannot not borrow our way out of the crisis. We have to learn to live with less.

We have to realize that our bar is set too high. Our industry is a prime example they want a bail out package like the banks. A man working at GM makes 70 dollars an hour now compare that to China who makes say 70 dollars a day. So they can make better cars for less keep most of the money and sell it in the U.S. comparable to the U.S. cars.

A lot of people think Obama will change this country and he probably will but to what. Until they start telling the American people the hard honest truth I don't see a turn around. Spending what we don't have won't last, California is an example.

That is why our borders stay open for so long. It was to help off set the higher labor rate for companies in the U.S. Both the Democrats and Republicans were in on it just like our Social Security and medicare problem. Why do America elect the say people to office every year knowing full well that they are tapping in to their hard earn funds so they can take care of some special interest group of theirs?

Listen I can go on and on. I like to deal in reality. And for me the reality is the American people are spoiled and they have been blinded by politicians for years. For me it is like being played. All of them up there knows what is going on. The question is when will they tell the American people the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Taiwan former first lady a year Imprisonment

charcoal a ibunegara involved in a case. But former ibunegara Taiwan, Wu Shu-chen, in fact sentenced to one year prison sentence for corruption allegations with her husband, former President Chen Shui-bian.

"Wu even asked her children to lie during the investigation of bribery cases that had befallen his family. Taipei District Court decided to punish two children and one daughter Chen, "the court statement, as quoted by the Straits Times, Wednesday (2 / 9).

Court reward each of the three men had a six-month jail sentence for perjury. While the court decision to Chen and Wu had held on 11 September.

Based on the information the prosecutor, if all the charges proved, including allegations of embezzlement and accepting bribes, then Chen will face life imprisonment charges. while his wife was sentenced to one year imprisonment only.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama Advisor Retreat

Advisor to President Barack Obama, Van Jones, resigned amid controversy over statements related to Jones in the past. As stated by the White House, Sunday, September 6, 2009.

Jones, a counselor who specializes in environmentally friendly activities "green jobs" in the White House Council on Environmental Quality, involved in efforts to bring the United States government assumption involved in the 2001 terror attacks. He also issued a comment that insulted Republicans.

Jones issued an apology last Thursday for her statements in the past. Last Friday, when asked whether Obama still believed to Jones, White House spokesman, Robert Gibbs, commenting only that Jones will continue to work as government officials.

Sticking problem after blowing news that Jones took out comments an insult to Republicans, and separately, Jones's name appeared on a petition relating to the events surrounding the terrorist attacks 11 September 2001.

Petition in 2004 that asked Congress held an investigation and other investigations to determine whether high-ranking government officials allowed the attacks to happen.

"On the night of the historical struggle for health care and clean energy, opponents of the reforms put through a negative campaign against me," Jones said in his resignation statement.

Although he urged his colleagues to stay in the government and against its opponents, he chose to resign because they do not want to let her co-workers have to spend to defend or explain past Jones.

In a previous statement, Jones explained that he did not agree with the contents of the petition and the petition did not reflect his views, now and forever. For other comments that she remove it before joining the Obama administration, Jones apologized if any party who feels offended by these comments.

Although Jones has apologized, Republicans asked him to resign for reasons very extreme Jones view.

Friday, September 4, 2009

عن الحارث

حميت الشمس .. و هوازن لا تطيق .. و عائلات هوازن يدركون انه عندما تحمي الشمس من فوقهم .. فانه سيكون عام أشهب .. سيسوده الجدب .. و يحرموا المطر .. و سيتربص بهم الجوع .. فقرر بنو سعد أن يخرجوا .. ان يخرجوا الي مكة .. أهل هوازن بدو .. و بنو سعد من أهل هوازن .. و أهل مكة يحبوا أن يودعوا أطفالهم الرضع عند البدو .. أهل مكة يستحسنوا لغة البدو و يسروا اذا ما نشأ أطفالهم على لسان البدو .. هي اذا شمس حامية واحدة .. ترهق أهل هوازن .. و تدفع أهل مكة الي اخراج أطفالهم الرضع .. حر مكة يتجاوز أي حر .. و وجهاء مكة اعتادوا مرضعات البدو .. يمكث الرضع عندهم حتي حين .. فخرج بنو سعد في ركب يقصدون مكة .. النساء و أزواجهم و أطفالهم .. ترفرف عليهم الآمال .. الا ان الحارث بن عبد العزي لم يرفرف عليه شئ .. فهو ينظر لزوجته و يصمت .. انها تركب على أتون عجفاء .. و باقي النساء يركبن على بغال بادية الصحة .. ينظر لزوجته و يصمت .. فهي نحيلة هزيلة ينظر لذبولها و يصمت .. حتي وصل الركب الي مكة .. هبط الجميع .. وجدوا البيت العتيق رابض بمكانه .. بحجارته العتيدة وأثره الثابت في أنفسهم .. هبط الجميع و طاف به .. و لما فرغوا لبثوا واقفين ينتظروا أشراف مكة و أطفالهم الرضع .. و توزعت النسوة على الأشراف .. يساومون الآباء الأثمان .. و يختاروا الأطفال ذكور ام اناث .. و يضربوا للأهل موعد لرجوع أطفالهم .. أما الحارث فوقف مكانه .. معه حليمة واقفة الي جواره .. تذكر مولودهما الذي تركاه في هوازن .. و تذكر انها مضت دون ان تجد في ثديها ما تطعمه به و صمت .. و راقب كيف يقبل الاشراف على المرضعات و ينصرفن عن زوجته و صمت .. فتحركت حليمة الي الاشراف بنفسها .. و كان امامها رجل مهيب مديد القامة ابيض الوجه مشرب بحمرة حسنه .. و كان يحمل لفة فيها رضيع و من وراءه سيدة يشع من وجهها نور لولا مسحة حزن باقية .. فلما دنت منه قال

"من انت"


"امرأة من بني سعد"

"ما اسمك"



"بخ بخ سعد و حلم خصلتان فيهما خير الدهر و عز الأبد .. يا حليمة ان عندي غلاما"


"أنت أبوه"


"لا .. أبوه قد مات"



فاهتزت المرأة التي كانت تقف على مقربة منهم

و أضافت حليمة

"انما نرجو المعروف من أبي الولد .. فأما أمه فماذا عسي أن تصنع الينا"

و لما سمعت المرضعات كلمة يتيم لاحظ الحارث ان كل المرضعات صرن يتجنبن الرجل المهيب بل و أخذن يرددن فيما بينهن كلمة يتيم .. و المرأة التي تقف على مقربة من الرجل المهيب و التي بدا و أنها أم الرضيع ينمو الأسي على وجهها .. و عرف الحارث في وجه الرجل أنه عبدالمطلب سيد بني هاشم .. فاندهش من علو مكانته و ما يلقاه الآن من اعراض و رضيعه من سخرية مكتومة .. و مضي الوقت و تأهب الركب للرحيل .. للعودة الي هوازن .. و قد حملت كل مرضعة رضيعا يكفل لها رزقا .. كلهن ماعدا واحدة .. فنظر الحارث الي النساء و من في أيديهن و نظر الي زوجته و الي ذراعيها الخاليين و صمت .. و نظرت حليمة الي الرجل المهيب و اذا برضيعه معه و نساء بني سعد كلهن في الركب .. لقد نبذوا اليتيم اذا .. نظرت لزوجها و قالت

"والله اني لأكره ان ارجع من بين صواحبي ليس معي رضيع .. لأنطلقن الي ذلك اليتيم"

و هبت حليمة الي السيدة التي اكتمل الأسي على وجهها لتتسلم منها الرضيع .. فعرفت حليمة ان السيدة من أشراف آل وهب و ان الرضيع الذي عرف باليتيم ولد منذ ثمانية ايام فقط .. تسلمت حليمة الرضيع في لفته وقد كان في ثوب صوف ابيض و قد راح في سبات .. فتناولته برفق خشية ان توقظه .. و لكنه فتح عينيه .. فدهمها حسنه و صدمها .. و وجدت نفسها تميل عليه فتقبله .. نظر الحارث الي زوجته و تمتم

"عسي ان يجعل الله لنا فيه بركة"


أعلى الناس صوتا .. ليس أحسنهم .. و انما أقربهم الي الميكروفون


أنيس منصور

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Suicide Bomb Attack Kills Afghan Deputy Chief of Intelligence

U.S. soldiers stand guard at the location of a suicide bomb attack in Mehterlam, capital of Laghman province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday (2 / 9) that killed deputy intelligence chief of Afghanistan.

Taliban suicide bomber attacked a convoy of Afghan deputy intelligence chief, who visited a mosque in Kabul, Wednesday (2 / 9), killing 22 officials and other people.
The attack took place in the office of Afghanistan's intelligence service center, which shows that the Taliban's ability to launch more powerful attacks with strategic goals.

The blast hit a crowd of people in Laghman province at the time officials had just left the main mosque in Mehterlam, 100 kilometers east of Kabul. Two key officials of Laghman province was also killed in the incident of death, and the blast destroyed several government vehicles.

National Security Directorate (NDS) comes from Afghanistan's ethnic Tajik while the bombers came from Pashtun tribes. This can again exacerbate ethnic tensions in the country tegah calculate the results of presidential election August 20. With approximately half of which was signed, President Hamid Karzai, an ethnic Pashtun, beat Abdullah Abdullah, the ethnic mix of Pashtun and Tajik, but considered as a candidate Tajik.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said the attack was carried out a suicide car bomber who was a member of the group.

An eyewitness in the city saw a pickup truck carrying people who are injured and bleeding. Eight ambulances headed toward Jalalabad, the nearest big city to the scene.

One police source said, the Governor Lutfullah Nashal Laghman province also injured, but the governor's spokesman could not confirm the news.

U.S. forces closed the site of the explosion, just outside the main mosque Mehterland, which is located in a crowded market area. According to Safi, Laghmani visited the mosque to discuss the rebuilding plans mosque.

Denial of Taliban suicide attacks are now often aimed at the high-level government officials.

In other violence, four militants were killed when a roadside bomb exploded their pairs, said Fazel Ahmad Sherzad, deputy police chief of Kandahar.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Malaysia claimed the island Jemur

Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) - The information contained a number of web sites on the Internet mentioned that the existing Jemur Island in Riau province is part of a tourist destination Selangor State, Malaysia.

The news immediately get a strong reaction Government of Riau Province, Monday, who firmly stated that Jemur Island is the outermost island in Rokan Hilir, Riau, which borders Malaysia on the Straits of Malacca.

Information on tourism promotion that was published by and mentioned that Jemur Island as tourist destinations Selanggor State, Malaysia. sites listed in the location and the map is said Jemur Island is in the Selangor, Malaysia. Just can not know information about the person in charge of tourism such pages.

Responding to that, Head of Riau Provincial Bureau of Public Relations in Pekanbaru Zulkarnain straighten Kadir misleading information on the Internet pages that Jemur Island is part of Indonesia.

He said the island was part of Rokan Hilir regency that has been equipped with a variety of infrastructure by local governments.

"The government Rokan Hilir Riau and also became Jemur Island as one of the icons of tourism in this province. So not true that Malaysia's claim," he said.

He explains, Jemur island archipelago located in the mansions of the Dead in the water Rokan Hilir. The island is the largest island reaches 2.5 square kilometers.

According to him, the area was used as long as one of the mainstay tourism object in Riau. Therefore, the claim Jemur Island as one tourist destination is a loss Jiran Affairs for Indonesia, especially Riau.

State Malingsia seems there is no deterrent - State belongs jeranya mengakuti Indonesia. After mengkalim some art and culture of Indonesia, they throw tantrums again claiming Jemur Island as part of their territory. The island is located in the province of Riau on Malingsia as recognized by one of the tourist area tsb Malingsia country.

The claim is known in Malingsia sebuat website where they list Jemur Island as one of the goals of their state tourist area.

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