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Saturday, December 27, 2008


As if putting 1.5 million people at risk of starvation was not enough, Israel weighed a brutal attack on Gaza today, killing more than 200 people, with 750 injured, including women and children. Once again I beg you reader, my brothers and sisters-in-arts, to spread these cartoons. Reproduce them in posters, newspapers, magazines, zines, blogs, everywhere. Let's make the voice of the Gaza people to be heard all around the world. Thank you, in the name of the Palestinians of Gaza.

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:
And here:

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:
And here:

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:
And here:

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:
And here:

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High resolution version for printing purposes here:
And here:

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High resolution version for printing purposes here:
And here:

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:
And here:

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Muntazer al-Zaidi

On behalf of journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi, Bush shoe-thrower and hero of the Iraqi people.

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution versions for printing purposes here:

And here:

You are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail. Contact me here!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Art at the service of people

(Click on image to enlarge)

Al Jazeera website shows a photo of a demonstration against the siege of Gaza in front of U.S. embassy in Berlin, Germany, where a boy holds a poster with one of my cartoons. This is the kind of thing that encourages me to keep making resistance art. My heart stands with the Palestinians, Iraqis and people who fight oppression around the world.

Original artwork here:

Carlos Latuff: Cartoonist and opinion-maker (Interview for Menassat)

Arabic version here:

He has been alternatively praised and vilified in the press for his depictions of suffering in places like the Palestinian Territories, Iraq, and the slums of Latin America. But Brazilian cartoonist Carlos Latuff says he is not out to please anyone. MENASSAT spoke with Latuff on the heals of a newly released series of cartoons about Iraqi journalist Muntazer Al-Zaidi.


BEIRUT, December 23, 2008 (MENASSAT) — Carlos Latuff, 40, is nothing short of a one-man cartoon wrecking-ball when he hits the ink.

Based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Latuff has spent the last 15 plus years crafting a style that can best be described as "populist cartooning." He has touched on issues like Apartheid in South Africa, the plight of Native Americans in the US and the oppression of Tibetans in China.

But perhaps his most controversial series to date is "We are all Palestinians," in which he compares the actions taken by the Israeli government towards Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip directly to the Nazi's treatment of Jews.

In a December interview with the Jewish cultural scholar Eddy Portnoy, Latuff said, "It happens to be Israeli Jews that are the oppressors of Palestinians. If they were Christians, Muslims or Buddhists, I would criticize them the same way."

Latuff's cartoon series of world leaders like former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon, outgoing US president George W. Bush and British PM Tony Blair conjure up the distorted, monster-like depictions of UK-based stencil graffiti artist, Shepard Farley.

And his irreverent take on recent issues like the Bush shoe-throwing incident with the Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi has continued to stir-up hundreds of online comments equally praising and decrying his work.

i-heart-girl writes in one online forum, "Your pieces have inspired me to keep hoping, praying, and working for peace and the end of corruption, no matter how fruitless the attempt may seem. I hope you can continue to bring awareness to the ignorant."

MENASSAT reached Latuff in Rio de Janeiro and conducted this on-line interview.

MENASSAT: Can you tell us about your personal history? Your biography says you're 40-years-old. How long have you been a cartoonist?

CARLOS LATUFF: I have been a professional artist since 1989. I started as an illustrator for a small advertising agency and then worked as a political cartoonist for leftist trade union papers in 1990. But I've been drawing since I was a kid.

MENASSAT: Why did you decide to focus on issues relating to the Arab world?

CARLOS LATUFF: My work doesn't only concern the Arab world. I also draw cartoons about concerns closer to home, like the police brutality in Brazil, the right-wing conspiracy against Evo Morales and his administration in Bolivia, and elsewhere, about events like the Russia-Georgia crisis, the riots in Greece, and so on. I do have a special focus on Palestine because of the time I spent there. When I was in the West Bank in 1999, I decided I would support the Palestinian struggle with my art.

MENASSAT: You've characterized your work as controversial. What is at the heart of your cartoons that makes them controversial?

CARLOS LATUFF: Touching the taboo of the Palestinian-Israeli [conflict] is always controversial, especially when you take the side of the oppressed. My art intends to break the common perception of the issue and it challenges the mainstream version of the conflict.

MENASSAT: Your work has been featured on Independent Media Center sites ( worldwide and in more mainstream publications like The Toronto Star. Which outlets have more impact on the public and does that matter to you?

CARLOS LATUFF: Having my cartoons shown from time to time in the mainstream media is only a consequence. The method I rely on the most to distribute my drawings are the good people throughout the world that are willing to reproduce my images online, via email, on their websites, etcetera.

MENASSAT: Your cartoon series, "We are all Palestinians," published on the Swiss Independent Media Center (IMC) site in 2002 prompted a Jewish organization to level the charge of anti-Semitism towards your work. A Swiss court suspended the criminal proceedings, but do you think it was anti-Semitism?

CARLOS LATUFF: Regarding cartoons and anti-Semitism, I have a recent interview with Eddy Portnoy, which clarifies my opinion about this on my blog, Tales of Iraq War. As a cartoonist, I feel comfortable enough to make any comparison I think necessary that expresses my point. Metaphors are the key point to political cartooning. Of course Israel isn't building gas chambers in the West Bank, but surely we can find some similarities between the treatment given to Palestinians by the [Israel Defense Forces] and the Jews under Nazi rule.

Inaccurate or not, it's important to highlight that such comparisons have been made worldwide—not only by cartoonists but by people such as Yosef 'Tommy' Lapid, Ariel Sharon's former Justice Minister and a Holocaust survivor [who died in June of 2008.] He said in 2004, during an interview, that a photo of an elderly Palestinian woman searching through rubble reminded him of his grandmother who died in Auschwitz. For me, this is more painful than comparisons of how Palestinians live under Israeli occupation.

My cartoons have no focus on the Jews or on Judaism. My focus is Israel as a political entity, as a government, their armed forces being a satellite of US interests in the Middle East, and especially Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. It happens to be Israeli Jews that are the oppressors of Palestinians. If they were Christians, Muslims or Buddhists, I would criticize them the same way. I made cartoons about George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Tony Blair, [former Mexican President] Ernesto Zedillo, [former Chilean dictator Augusto] Pinochet, and none of them were Jewish.

I mean... you insult the Muslims with a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a [suicide] bomber and claim the right to freedom of speech, but if you make drawings about the Holocaust, then it's hatred against the Jews.

MENASSAT: On your deviant art page, you list Sebastião Salgado as a big influence. A lot of his work has dealt with the oppressed and downtrodden in societies, and
 his assignments are often lengthy ones. Do you look to replicate this documentary approach with your cartoon work—as opposed to a one-off political cartoon?

CARLOS LATUFF: The cartoons I make aren't directed at middle-class, bourgeoisie readers, so I really don't care about what they think or believe. I make art for people living in Gaza, in Baghdad, in the slums of Latin America, ordinary people, the populace. I hope this art can serve to boost the morale of people suffering and the freedom fighters in every corner of the planet.

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Revolutionary Muntazer al-Zaidi

(Click on image to enlarge)

A man hangs an image of the Bush shoe-thrower, Iraqi journalist Muntazer al-Zaidi, at a photo studio in Sidon, southern Lebanon, on December 18, 2008. Other pictures in the window show Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah with former Egyptian president Gamal Abdel Nasser (Center), the founder of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine George Habash (Left) and the Palestinian Che Guevara cartoon I made in 2004 (Right). (AFP PHOTO/MAHMOUD ZAYYAT)
Non-watermarked photo authorized for reproduction on this blog by AFP Sales Manager in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

(Click on image to enlarge)

عن المنتظر

نعيش حياتنا بين الترقب و التوجس .. الأمل و الخوف .. الاقبال و الرهبة ..نعلو الي سماء التمني .. فنعقد الأحلام و نتخذ القرارات و نندفع الي المجهول .. و ما المجهول الا كل لحظة تلي الراهنة .. ثم تجذبنا مخاوفنا من الفقد و الفشل و الافراط .. فنسترح قسرا أو عمدا أو اختيارا .. كل خطوة في عمرنا تقع بين هذا الحدين .. ننفعل بالسرور اذا قاربنا الحد الأعلي و نهتاج بالغضب و الحزن اذا أوشكنا على ملامسة الحد الأدني .. و ننتظر في حياتنا الكثير .. منا أو من غيرنا .. ننتظر أن يرصف أحد طرقنا بالموافقة أو نقوم نحن بشق الطريق للبداية و نتحمل و نتحمل من أجل المواصلة الي أن تحين لحظة ملك الموت أو الشيخوخة المدمرة .. ننتظر الكثير من الكثير .. و ربما انتظرنا أمر حدوثه مستحيل و لكنا نظل نمني أنفسنا أنه حتما سيتحقق .. لكي يتسني لنا الهناء و الرغد .. ننتظر أن يحضر محمد حسني مبارك الي نهاية سواء بالوفاة أو بالتنحي أو حتي بالاغتيال لعل عهد أكثر سعة يظللنا من بعده .. ننتظر من أمين السياسات جمال مبارك أن يترأف بنا اذا ما حل علينا حاكما .. ننظر من أعضاء المجلسين المحروقين أن ينقلوا صوت الناس الي البرلمان لا الدفاع عن مصالحهم و الذود عن تجارتهم .. ننتظر من النائب العام أن يقف في صفنا أكثر من هذا و ألا يستجيب لأي تسييس .. ننتظر من أمن الدولة أن يتركونا لحالنا .. ننتظر من وزارة الداخلية معاملة أكثر حزما لأعضائها المختلين المجرمين .. ننتظر من الخارجية مواقف أكثر كرامة و عناية أكثر تأثير .. ننتظر من وزارة القوي العاملة تدخل أكثر فاعلية لكل متضرر يساء اليه في الخارج .. ننتظر من وزارة العدل أن يحققوا مبادئهم و أن ينصفوا أكثر و أن يشهلوا شوية .. ننتظر من وزارة الصناعة مشاريع أكثر اتساعا و أشمل انتاجا تدر علينا النفع .. و نناشد وزارة الزراعة بكلمة الكفاية و سد الاحتياج المحلي .. و ننظر من وزير الثقافة أن يرحل .. و ننتظر من وزير الاستثمار مراجعة نفسه 40 مليون مرة قبل أن يودي بـ40 مليون مواطن الي الهلاك .. ننظر من وزير المالية احكام ادارة الأزمة التي سيشيع تأثيرها المميت في 2009 .. و ننتظر من وزير التنمية أن يدرس مصرنا جيدا و يأخذ على عاتقه مسئولية النهضة .. و ننتظر من محافظ البنك المركزي أن يتخذ القرارات الصائبة تجاه الأزمة المالية .. و نرجو محافظ القاهرة أن يرحمنا من المرور الخانق و عشوائيات المرور بقه .. و ننتظر من محافظ حلوان أن يعيد محافظته الي مجدها القديم .. و ننظر من وزير التعليم أن أن يجتث نظامنا التعليمي الفاشل بجدارة و وضع نظام يستخدم الخلايا القابعة في الجمجمة البشرية .. ننتظر من وزير الصحة أن يتقي الله فينا فهو يتعامل مع بشر .. و ننتظر من وزير التعليم العالي أن يلتفت الي الأبحاث العلمية و النهضة الأكاديمية في مصر .. و ننتظر من وزير الاعلام أن يدرك أنه يتحكم في ضمير مصر .. و ننتظر من وزير البترول شفافية تامة في قضية الغاز الاسرائيلي .. و ننتظر من وزير الطيران المدني ألا تتوقف عند ثورة المطار الثالث .. و أنتظر شخصيا من وزارة الأوقاف أن تفتح المساجد ليل نهار .. و نتمني من شيخ الأزهر أن يقرأ الصحف انشالله الأهرام لكي يعرف صور حكومة اسرائيل .. و نتمني من وزارة الطاقة و الكهرباء أن تظل على رعايتها لمنشأتنا على الدوام و التوسع في وصل الطاقة الي كل بقعة في مصر .. و نمتني من وزارة الاتصالات أن تراعي أن الانترنت أصبح أمر حيوي لنا و أن انقطاع كابلات في البحر و على أثره تعطيل الشبكة في مصر أمر لا يليق بمنجز قطاع الاتصالات بمصر لا سيما أن رئيس الوزراء مهندس اتصالات .. و نسأل وزارة الاسكان ما رأيكم في الدويقة و باقي المساكن المنكوبة .. و نسأل وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي أين أنتم و الزمان ترللي .. و ننتمني من وزارة النقل أن تضع نصب عينيها مهمة ايصال مصر كلها ببعض بأيسر الطرق .. و نتتمني من رئيس الوزراء أن يشعرنا بنتيجة الأرقام المشرفة التي نحققها العام تلو العام على الورق .. و نتمني من الجيش أن يظل مرابطا على الحدود متربصا لأي صهيوني وسخ يحاول مجرد المحاولة أن يخلخل الأوضاع .. و نتمني من الدولة زيادة المساعدات الي أشقائنا الفلسطينيين فلقد شاهدت وصول السفينة القطرية و تغمدني حزن كبير رغم سعادتي بالمساعدات .. و نتمني من أوباما السعي الدائب الي لعب دور الدولة الرشيدة .. و نتمني أن يتغبر حكام الدول العربية قاطبة قبل أما أموت يا رب .. و أتمني من أعزائي المصريين ألا ينجرفوا الي الاشاعات و الانشغال و سفساف الأمور و أن يأتي اليوم - أي يوم - و نتظاهر سلميا في التحرير بالذات بمختلف الطوائف و الاتجاهات و الانتماءات لنتحد و نملي مطالبنا على حكامنا .. و أتمني من كل مسلم أن يكون رسولا في شخصه .. و أتمني من كل قبطي أن يتبع المسيح العظيم .. و نتمني من الله أن يرفع عنا الغلاء و الوباء و الشقاء

و كنت أتمني أن يغور بوش و حكومته في ستين داهية .. و لم يكن يخطر في بالي أن يجري ما جري .. اذ كنت نائما و ظبط الموبايل على ثلاثة الصبح و استيقظت و نظرت للموبايل .. و اذا بعشرة ميسد كولز .. و مسج تقول بوش انضرب بالجزمة .. الحق اني لم أفهم و لم أتصور حرفية المعني .. ظننت أن أحدهم نجح في قتل بوش .. فقمت و النوم مازال متعلق بعيني الي التلفزيون و هممت بالجزيرة و رأيت الاعادة كاملة .. الرئيس الأبله يبتسم و يقول شكرا بالعربية و اذا فجأة بالمنتظر يرفع نعليه و يقذف بواحدة الي وجه الرئيس الأمريكي - اللي هو أقوي رئيس لأقوي دولة - ولكن مرونة الرئيس تحميه منها .. و يصيب اللقاء الشلل لثانية أو يزيد .. أما منتظر فيشتم و يقذف بالاخر في دقة متناهية و لكن مجددا الرئيس بنحني الا أن الحذاء أصاب العلم الأمريكي .. سقطت على المقعد في صمت و تناحة مصرية أصيلة .. لم أضحك و لم أقهقه و لم أندهش و لكن عملت بداخي شماتة كبيرة .. لقد أهين الرئيس الأمريكي ثاني أكبر اهانة عربية .. نعلم جميعا أن أول اهانة صارخة في الثقافة العربية هو التبول على أحد أم ثانيهما فالجزمة .. لقد ضرب بوش بالجزمة .. راحة راحة راحة .. طبعا هذا الفعل لا ننتظر منه أن يرجع العراق الي ما قبل التفتت و لا أن يعيد صدام حسين الي الحياة و لا أن يرد للضحايا أرواحهم .. ولكنه رد فعل تلقائي عظييييييييم .. لقد كتبت في هذا اليوم عشرات ال اس ام اس و أرسلتها الي كل من أعرفهم في مصر .. و في الصباح نزلت الي المقهي و أمرتهم أن يغيروا قناة الرياضة المجيدة الي الجزيرة و حرصت أن يشاهد الجميع الوقعة و كلما قابلت شخص أكدت عليه ما حدث و ضرورة مشاهدتها انشالله على اليو تيوب .. الأمر عبقري .. حذاء في وجه بوش و علمه .. و انظروا اليه و يبتسم في بلاهة بعدها كأن أحدهم نزع بنطلونه و تبدي للعالم و كاميراته في البوكسر .. يااااااه .. أما آراء الصحافة فجاءت متباينة .. بالطبع قساوسة الدولة من الصحف الحكومية أدانوا الفعل و وصفوه بعدم المهنية .. و باقي الكتاب اعتبروها رد كرامة و أتفق تلريار في المية معهم .. فنحن كعرب فصيلتين .. دولة و شعب .. الدول كلها مذعنة خانعة .. أما الشعب فلقد عبر عن رأيه عبر حذاء منتظر .. المؤسف أن الشعب لا حيلة له في مستقبل منتظر المجهول .. فأتوقع أن يطلعوا تلاتة مياتين أمه هو و أسرته و مسقط رأسه و ربما العراق بأكمله .. ما يدعو للتفاءل -رغم أنباءشبه مؤكدة عن اصابته- أنه في حوذة القضاء .. لا الشرطة و لا الجيش و الا فانه كان سينتفخ .. و أنه معرض لاحدي التهمتين : الاساءة الي رئيس زائر أو الاساءة الي ضيف رئيس الوزراء .. و الأخيرة أرحم شوية .. و أخيرا سيتم التعامل معه و قضيته على أنها جنحة لا جناية مم سيخفف من العقوبة .. ردود الفعل الشعبية جاءت ببسالة منظر .. فالكل يؤيده و المصريون بدأوا التنكيت و نقابة الصحفيين تؤيده و السعوديين يعرضون شراء الحذاء بعشرات الملايين من الدولارات .. ننتظر من منتظر أن يعود الي قناته البغدادية و ننتظر من بوش .. على فكرة .. الابتلاء يأتي من الله لا من البشر .. و اقرأ قول الله تعالي "و اذ نجيناكم من آل فرعون يسومونكم سوء العذاب يذبحون أبنائكم و يستحيون نسائكم و في ذلكم بلاء من ربكم عظيم" الآية 49 من سورة البقرة توضح أن البلاء يهبط على البشر من سوء أعمالهم .. فننظر أن نصلح من أنفسنا ليخفف عنا الله


اللهم من علينا بتوبة

و تقبلها


الان لو مشيت عاريا بلا لباس و لا فانلة فلن يسأل عن صحتك الا الشرطي


نجيب محفوظ

Friday, December 19, 2008

Cartoons and anti-Semitism

A conversation between me and Eddy Portnoy, writer and scholar of Yiddish and Jewish popular culture at Rutgers University, for the Jewish Daily Forward:

Eddy Portnoy: You frequently use the Holocaust as a metaphor to criticize Israeli policies. This is seen as an inaccurate comparison and deliberately hurtful to Jews. Can you further explain your use of this metaphor?

Carlos Latuff: As a cartoonist, I feel comfortable enough to make any comparison I think necessary that expresses my point. Metaphors are the key point to political cartooning. Of course Israel isn’t building gas chambers in the West Bank, but surely we can find some similarities between the treatment given to Palestinians by the [Israel Defense Forces] and the Jews under Nazi rule. Inaccurate or not, it’s important to highlight that such comparisons have been made worldwide not only by cartoonists, but by people such as Yosef “Tommy” Lapid, Ariel Sharon’s former justice minister and a Holocaust survivor (deceased in June of 2008). He said in 2004, during an interview, that a photo of an elderly Palestinian woman searching through rubble reminded him of his grandmother who died in Auschwitz. For me, this is more painful than comparisons of how Palestinians live under Israeli occupation.

E.P.: “Cartoons and Extremism” (read the book's review here) argues that you use a “medieval and modern antisemitic grammar and vocabulary,” meaning you apply traditional antisemitic motifs to modern political situations. What is your response to this?

C.L.: Israel apologists have frequently compared my cartoons with those published in the Nazi paper Der Stürmer. Let’s have a close look at the Der Stürmer’s cartoonist’s role and mine. Philipp Rupprecht, pen name Fips, dedicated almost 20 years of his life to making only Jew-hating ‘toons for a paper for which the motto was “Jews are our disgrace.” My cartoons have no focus on the Jews or on Judaism. My focus is Israel as a political entity, as a government, their armed forces being a satellite of U.S. interests in the Middle East, and especially Israeli policies toward the Palestinians. It happens to be Israeli Jews that are the oppressors of Palestinians. If they were Christians, Muslims or Buddhists, I would criticize them the same way. I made cartoons about George Bush, Condoleezza Rice, Tony Blair, Ernesto Zedillo (Mexico’s former president), Pinochet, and none of them was Jewish.

I produce political cartoons on different issues, both local (Brazilian) and international, for trade union papers in Brazil and many alternative, progressive, leftist-oriented publications around the world. My detractors say that the use of the Magen David in my Israel-related cartoons is irrefutable proof of antisemitism; however, it’s not my fault if Israel chose sacred religious motifs as national symbols, such as the Knesset Menorah or the Star of David in killing-machines like F-16 jets. I can’t be blamed for making an Israeli bomb-dropping warbird adorned with a religious symbol, because that’s the way Israeli air force planes are. To say my cartoons are a remake of the past antisemitic imagery is just another well-known strategy for discrediting criticisms regarding Israel.

E.P.: Is the history of antisemitic caricature completely irrelevant when it comes to criticizing Israel?

C.L.: No doubt about real antisemitism. Of course you’ll have people hijacking the Palestinian struggle as a chance for bashing the Jews, like European neo-Nazis who demonstrate against the occupation of Palestinian territories or the Iraq War. It’s important for the left to keep them apart from the legitimate struggle for the rights of the Palestinians; however, saying that anti-Zionism is antisemitism is a well-known tactic of intellectual dishonesty.

E.P.: You participated in the Iran Holocaust Cartoon Contest, which also included many genuinely antisemitic cartoons. Do you feel that being associated with these images and such a deliberate provocation in any way compromises your work?

C.L.: The artwork with which I won second place was a depiction of an elderly Palestinian man wearing a Nazi concentration camp uniform, and some people said that I was “denying the Holocaust”! That was completely stupid, since I’m affirming the Holocaust with that illustration. Believe me, no matter what I draw and where I publish, there will be always someone who will point a finger and say it’s antisemitic.

I saw this contest as both a good chance for denouncing the suffering of the Palestinian people before the eyes of world public opinion and for raising questions about the West’s double standards. I mean, you insult the Muslims with a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a bomber and then claim the right to “freedom of speech,” but if you make drawings about the Holocaust, then it’s “hatred against the Jews.”

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Bush shoe-thrower, journalist Muntazer al-Zeidi, hero of the Iraqi People

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:

And here:

You are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail. Contact me here!

The Pathetic End to Bush Era 2

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:

And here:

You are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail. Contact me here!

The Pathetic End to Bush Era

(Click on image to enlarge)

High resolution version for printing purposes here:

And here:

You are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail. Contact me here!

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