Sunday, March 30, 2025

Monday, September 14, 2009

Faith in Barack Obama Or Your Politicians?

Do Politicians Lie or Miss Lead or Over States the Facts?

Headline: Politics and Lies - Why Politicians Lie

Politicians lie because the public wants to be lied to

The reasons politicians lie is because the public doesn't want to hear the truth. People want to hear what they want to hear. When two candidates are running and one of them tells the truth and the other says what the public wants to hear, the one who says what the public wants to hear wins the election. Thus, and there are exceptions to this, if you want to win an election, you better start lying, because the guy who's telling you the truth doesn't have a chance.
The above is an excerpt from

What Team Are You On? Are You Willingly To Do Anything To Win?

Many people today are looking for savior other than Christ. It seem there are some people such as my friend Eleanor from Canada who thinks that Barack Obama is the one who will turn everything around in America.

The problem we have, is that we don't have any money and most of our products that we used are being produce overseas. Coming into office trying to produce jobs without a natural product to produce to exchange with other countries is a recipe for disaster. Building roads and bridges and schools and nuclear plants is all good. But we don't have the funds. We are living a life of one of a false sense of prosperity. Everyone including our government seems to be maxed out on all of their credit cards.

Next year the forecast is calling for a deep recession or depression. The problem with the United States is trying to maintain a static that cannot be maintained. And Barack Obama is not going to change that. The way that it can be change is to confess the obvious and that is we cannot not borrow our way out of the crisis. We have to learn to live with less.

We have to realize that our bar is set too high. Our industry is a prime example they want a bail out package like the banks. A man working at GM makes 70 dollars an hour now compare that to China who makes say 70 dollars a day. So they can make better cars for less keep most of the money and sell it in the U.S. comparable to the U.S. cars.

A lot of people think Obama will change this country and he probably will but to what. Until they start telling the American people the hard honest truth I don't see a turn around. Spending what we don't have won't last, California is an example.

That is why our borders stay open for so long. It was to help off set the higher labor rate for companies in the U.S. Both the Democrats and Republicans were in on it just like our Social Security and medicare problem. Why do America elect the say people to office every year knowing full well that they are tapping in to their hard earn funds so they can take care of some special interest group of theirs?

Listen I can go on and on. I like to deal in reality. And for me the reality is the American people are spoiled and they have been blinded by politicians for years. For me it is like being played. All of them up there knows what is going on. The question is when will they tell the American people the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

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