news general topic

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Film “Air Terjun Pengantin”

Ringkasan Film "Air Terjun Pengantin" Liburan ke pulau sunyi, nampaknya sangat menyenangkan. Terlebih di temani oleh kekasih. Begitulah yang dilakukan oleh Tiara. Tiara, mantan seorang atlit wushu yang kemudian mengundurkan diri setelah mengalami kecelakaan dank arena itu membuat dirinya mengalami trauma terhadap gelap, mengajak keponakannya. Juga teman-temannya yang lain untuk berlibur di sebuah pulau yang sunyi dan eksotis itu.

Tapi apa yang terjadi setelah sampai di tempat tujuan? Bukan kesenangan yang didapat. Tetapi di tempat itulah, nyawa mereka dipertaruhkan. Tidak ada satu pun dari mereka yang mengira bahwa liburan itu akan berubah menjadi bencana.
Pemain : Tamara Bleszynski, Marcel Chandrawinata, Tyas Mirasih, Kieran Sidhu, Navy Rizky Tavania, Andrew Ralph Roxburgh
Sutradara Air Terjun Pengantin : Rizal Mantovani Token ; G8ZNEVPVZAXB

Ringkasan / Sinopsis Film Avatar

"Film Avatar" bercerita tentang seorang mantan marinir Amerika dikirim menuju Pandora, sebuah hutan yang penuh dengan kandungan mineral untuk dieksplorasi. Pandora juga rumah bagi suku Na’vi, makhluk yang mirip manusia dengan kehidupan primitif serta memiliki kemampuan seperti manusia. Suku Na’vi, yang primitive itu, memerintahkan para prajuritnya untuk melindungi negerinya dari ancaman Di hutan Pandora, Jake melihat banyak keindahan dan bahaya

Ia juga bertemu dengan wanita muda Na’vi bernama Neytiri (Zoe Saldaña).
Berjalannya waktu, Jake berbaur dengan suku Na’vi dan jatuh cinta kepada Neytiri. Pada akhirnya, Jake harus memilih; menjalankan perintah sebagai prajurit atau menurut sisi kemanusiaannya berdiri bersama suku Na’vi

Pemain dan sutradara film Avatar
Pemain : Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Sigourney Weaver,Michelle Rodriguez
Sutradara : James Cameron

Ringkasan Film “Sherlock Holmes”

Film “Sherlock Holmes”

Penampilan terbaru dari tokoh terkenal karya Arthur Conan Doyle. Dialah Sherlock Holmes berkisah tentang petualangan terbaru Holmes (Robert Downey Jr.) dan mitra setianya Watson (Jude Law).
Alkisah sang intelektual Sherlock Holmes. Ia dihadapkan pada keharusan untuk bertarung dan mengeluarkan segala atraksinya untuk mengalahkan musuh barunya.

Film D 13 U

Ringkasan Film "D 13 U"

Jika anda penggemar film semacam “Kiss Of The Dragon”, “Transporter”, dan “Taxi”. Jika ingat film seperti Yamakashi yang mengandalkan aksi lompat melompat dari satu gedung ke gedung lainnya, tentu film "Film D 13 U" ini lebih menarik lagi.

Alkisah wilayah bernama Distrik 13 atau kerap disingkat D 13 ditempati oleh beberapa kelompok geng dari berbagai etnis; Afrika, Cina, Arab, bahkan Skin Head juga ada di wilayah ini. Leito (David Belle) ingin sekali daerahnya ini dibangun oleh pemerintah agar lebih layak huni oleh penduduk di dalamnya. Sayang, cita-cita itu tidak semudah yang dikira. Banyak kepentingan yang bermain di situ. Alhasil perang saudara antara pemerintah dan pemimpin geng di D 13 tak terelakkan

Bodyguards and Assassins

Ringkasan Film “Bodyguards and Assassins”

Alkisah pemimpin China modern yang termashur itu, Dr. Sun Yat-Sen. Ditangganya nasib Negara ditentukan. Untuk itulah keselamatannya harus dijamin. Ia harus mempertahakan diri dari serangan-serangan tak terduga dengan mengandalkan lima pengawal pribadi untuk melindunginya. Menghadapi ratusan pembunuh, para pengawal ini harus mengerahkan seluruh kemampuan mereka untuk melindungi sang pimpinan meskipun nyawa mereka menjadi taruhannya
Pemain : Donnie Yen, Leon Lai, Nicholas Tse, Li Yuchun, Wang Xueqi, Zhou Yun
“Bodyguards and Assassins”disutradarai oleh : Teddy Chen

Film Terbaru Indonesia | Bukan Malin Kundang

Film terbaru Indonesia yang akan tampil di bioskop pada akhir bulan Desember 2009 diantaranya adalah Bukan Malin Kundang.

Tiga orang sahabat hidup seenaknya. Mereka adalah Ryan, Ado, dan Luna. Hobi mereka yang suka menjahili orang kini kena batunya. Suatu ketika Ryan seenaknya mengikat seorang Nenek-nenek renta (Aming) sekedar untuk lucu-lucuan. Nenek yang emosi lantas mengutuk Ryan.

Abracadabra…..di rumah Ryan menemukan Patung Batu perempuan yang berwujud Ibunya.
Untuk mengembalikan Ibunya menjadi manusia, Ado membawa mereka termasuk Patung Ibu Ryan ke Poliklenik, tempat praktek dukun-dukun paranormal. Dari salah seorang Dukun paling top (Joe P Project) Ryan diharuskan mencari Nenek-nenek yang pernah dijahili untuk menarik kutukannya. Mencari nenek-nenek di kota Jakarta bukanlah pekerjaaan yang mudah. Manakala bertemu dengan Pak Sabeni (Jaja Miharja), lelaki 5 jaman, Ryan berhasil menemukan Nenek tersebut, Nenek Rapiah namanya

Namanya juga film komedi, tentu endingnya bahagia. Demikian pula yang dialami oleh tiga orang sahabat itu..

Pemain, sutradara Film Bukan Malin Kundang

Pemain : Agus Ringgo R
Save as Draft
ahman, Desta, Sissy Priscillia, Aming, Jaja Mihardja,
Sutradara : Iqbal Rais

Monday, December 21, 2009

Teeth Loss Since Berlusconi Statues

Milan: The incident that happened to the Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi in Milan, Italy, is still making headlines in various international media, Monday (14/12). It turned out that the cause of collapse of the two teeth owner AC Milan football team is throwing the statue.

So far, no known intention of the perpetrators of acts that allegedly suffered from a mental disorder that. Meanwhile, Berlusconi's 73-year-old was treated in hospital. In addition to losing two teeth, the hospital said if the man who became a public controversy that has fractured the bone of his nose [read: attacks against Berlusconi's motives Not Known].

In December last year, U.S. President George Bush's star-like. In a press conference in Baghdad, Iraqi journalist named Al Zeidi throw shoes at Bush. It was an expression of the reporter resentment against Bush's policies that make Iraq even more alarming conditions.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


روي أبو نعيم أن رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم لما خرج من مكة مهاجرا الي الله قال

الحمد لله الذي خلقني .. و لم أكن شيئا

اللهم أعني على هول الدنيا .. و بوائق الدهر .. و مصائب الليالي و الأيام

اللهم اصحبني في سفري .. و اخلفني في أهلي .. و بارك لي فيما رزقتني

و لك فذللني .. والي الناس لا تكلني

و انت رب المستضعفين و انت ربي

أعوذ بوجهك الكريم الذي أشرقت له السموات و الارض .. و كشفت به الظلمات .. و صلح عليه أمر الأولين و الآخرين

أن تحل علي غضبك .. و تنزل بي سخطك

و أعوذ بك من زوال نعمتك .. و فجاءة نقمتك .. و تحول عافيتك .. و جميع سخطك

لك العتبي على خير ما استطعت

و لا حول ولا قوة الا بك

(المسافات و النقط بتصرف من المدون)

نقلا عن عامود الكاتب أحمد بهجت بجريدة الأهرام 20-12-2009


سيدنا محمد

صلي الله عليه و سلم

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Threaten kill Obama, the U.S. Men's Prison was sentenced to 3 Years

U.S. federal court sentenced a man in jail to the U.S. for threatening to kill U.S. President Barack Obama. 21-year-old man was sentenced to three years in prison.

Nathan Wine has sent threatening e-mail on November 5, 2008. Or the day after Obama wins the U.S. presidential election. In the email was written "Obama will be blood splattered on the street".

Such as reported by Reuters news agency on Saturday (19/12/2009).

To the judge in Tampa, Florida, a man from Florida was claimed to have email sent to the Army Recruiting Command U.S.. Wine admitted that he wrote the email as a threat of assassination. But the young man did not mention the motive threat.

"I'm not going to calm down before this tyrant Americans shot. Blood was splattered at Obama will be the streets of DC," writes the Wine of the threat letter.

On doing so and threatened Wine maximum prison sentence of five years. But the judge sentenced 3 years in prison.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

عن المرقص

في موعده المنضبط يوميا دخل .. هبط الدرجتين اللتين لا تعكسان قدر هبوط المكان عن العالم خارج الباب الفضي .. استقبلته الانوار الخافتة القريبة من الظلمة .. هدأت دقات قلبه .. سار حتي البار و سعد ان كرسيه العالي الذي على حافته ينتظره .. استقبله الساقي بالنظرة الباردة نفسها .. ثم صاح في الساقي بنفس المشروب اللعين .. قدح بالغ الصغر من المشروب و ليمونة الي جانبه .. قدح محتواه صغير يستطيع ان يتخلص منه خلسة في قدح المخمور الجالس الي يساره و في نفس الوقت سعره باهظ يسمح له باطالة الجلوس بدون ان ترشقه الانظار باي شكل يضايقه .. اتسقت ضوضاء المكان مع ما يعتمل في صدره .. فهدأت دقات قلبه أكثر .. تنزه بصره بين الأضواء المسلطة بعناية على ساحة الرقص و الجالسين و التي تستجيب لايقاع الضوضاء .. جلس وحيدا يرمم ما تساقط من نفسه طيلة اليوم مستمتعا بكرسيه العالي الذي يشعره انه جالس في الهواء لا يلامس الارض و لا يصطدم بالسحاب .. حتي لمحها .. كانت منضبطة ايضا .. سارت حتي استقرت على طاولة قريبة من ساحة الرقص .. تتبسم للراقصين كأنها أمهم .. لم تشاركهم يوما .. على أقل منذ بدأ يتوافد على هذا المرقص بانتظام .. كانت دقات قلبه قد انتظمت و حل الصفاء أخيرا بباله حتي ألفي شفتيه تنفرجا متبسمتين .. نظر للساقي نظرة ود ثم غادر كرسيه و سار حتي طاولتها .. توقف ثانية .. التفتت له مندهشة و لم تقطب .. جذب كرسي و جلس أمامها .. زايلتها دهشتها و بدأت تتخير التعبير الملائم للوضع الجديد .. و لكنه لم يمهلها .. بدأ يتحدث

"أتعلمين أني لا أستطيع أن أرقص"

انفصل انتباهه عنها و بدأ يشرد

" اذا لماذا آتي .. أنا آسف ان لم اتمكن من الرقص .. و لكن فكرة ان اترك جوارحي هكذا بدون ضابط تلهو في الهواء مع ايقاع ما مخيفة .. أتمني أن أجلس منفردا مع كل هؤلاء و أسألهم كيف تمكنوا من ذلك .. انه حقا تجربة بارعة .. انظري اليهم "

راح يوزع نظراته على الراقصين .. تعالت في المكان أغنية يعلمها و تسحره .. رمقها مستبشرا

" هذه الأغنية جميلة جدا .. أحبها جدا .. تنقلني الي اجواء اخري .. أينما كنت "

قالت متخلصة من الريبة التي لازمتها طيلة حديثه

" و انا ايضا "


" انا عادة لا اتكلم .. احب السكوت و السكون .. لماذا .. لا أدري .. و لكني أحب الاماكن المزعجة .. لماذا .. لا أدري ايضا "

و ضحك في خجل .. و هي ضحكت ضحكة رائقة

" انا لا اعلم لماذا لا استطيع الرقص .. انا اجهل كيف يرقص هؤلاء "

صمت .. و بدا ان البهجة التي كانت مفروشة على وجهه انصرفت

" انا ارتاد نفس المكان .. و احب نفس الاغاني .. و اشاركهم نفس الشراب .. و احسب اني من بني جنسهم .. و لكني أعجز عن تأدية ما يؤدون .. لماذا .. لا أدري "

بانت مسحة حزن عميقة على وجهه و زاد اهتمامها

" انا عادة لا اتحدث .. افضل السكوت و السكون .. ماذا يجني المرء من الكلام على اية حال "

أخذ نفسا عميقا و عاد ينتبه للأغنية التي تسحره .. و احتل الجد ملامحها هي

" انا لا استطيع الرقص .. و لكني ارقص على هذه النغمات عندما انفرد بنفسي .. ثم اسخر من نفسي .. اذا كنت استطيع ان ارقص وحيدا .. لماذا لا استطيع ان ارقص هنا "

انتهت الاغنية التي تسحره و عاد لشروده .. هي زحف عليها الضجر

" انا لا استطيع الرقص .. و لكني عندما كنت طفلا لم اكن اتورع عن الرقص امام الجميع .. كانت ايام استهانة بكل شئ .. كنت ارقص بجسدي و كان وجههي يشاركني المرح فأصنع تعبيرات في شدة الغرابة و الطرافة .. و كنت أصيح و أهتف و أركض و أضحك .. اما الآن .."

سكت ثم همس

" انا عادة لا اتحدث .. افصل السكوت و السكون "

ثم سدد نظرة متفحصة عليها .. لم يجد في وجهها ما كان يعثر عليه كل مرة اذا راقبها من بعيد .. انتابه قلق .. و لكن عزمه قد انتصب .. قرب كرسيه من كرسيها .. تلاشي كل شئ من حوله شيئا فشيئا .. لم يعد يدرك ضوضاء و راقصين و أضواء .. بل هالة تحيط بوجه .. فرت الكلمات من رأسه .. و تخلت عنه ملامحه و تركت صفحة جامدة .. استوحشت ارادته من قفر صدره و قلبه و عقله .. فهم بيدها خشية ان يتراجع .. تناول يدها في رفق .. لم تبدي استغرابا ظاهرا من برودة يده .. تنبأ هو ان عند هذه اللحظة سيستقبل اهانة فاضحة او اعراض مؤلم .. و لما لم يند عنها شيئا سوي نظرات متأهبة للمجهول زادت حيرته في امرها .. و اشتد التصحر داخله .. فقد التحكم في وجهه فلم يعد يدري ماذا يبدي .. و لكن عزمه أنذره من قبل بكل هذا و حذره ان يتخاذل .. فوقف موليا صدره ساحة الرقص .. ويدها الدافئة في يده الباردة .. عاد يدرك ما حوله .. هجمت عليه الحقائق من حوله و تسمر امام هولها .. ابتلع ريقه في صعوبة .. و رغم ان عينيه على الحشد الراقص الا انه لا يري شيئا .. و احس بسخونة تلفحه من حيث لا يدري .. و انهالت عليه كل خواطره السيئة و ذكرياته الرديئة و افكاره المجهضة و افعاله الكريهة .. سيل عارم متدفق يسوده من الداخل .. و هو واقف يتلقاه بصمت من يواري الثري .. حاول ان ينظر اليها .. و عندما وجدها أشفق عليها .. فحرر يدها من يده .. و استدار ناويا الرحيل

" اناعادة لا اتحدث .. افضل السكوت و السكون .. كما انني لا استطيع الرقص .. و هؤلاء كلهم يستطيعون .. و هؤلاء كلهم يتحدثون "

مسح جبهته التي تجمعت عليها حبيبات من العرق .. و تغلب على ركبتيه التي تودان الانهيار و قال

" ربما كان هذا يوم غير مناسب .. على أن أغادر "

ثبت بصره عليها حتي اكتفي

و حث قدميه على الخطو الي الباب دون انتباه لشئ حتي انه لم يشعر بذراعه و هي ترتطم باحدهم .. و لا بصوتها الذي كان يناديه


فليس هناك جمال بلا حب .. و ليس هناك حب بلا جمال .. فالشئ الجميل هو الذي يشعرنا بالجمال و الحب .. فالفن اذن هو الذي يشعرنا بالجمال و الحب .. فما هو الجمال و ما هو الحب .. لا يمكن ان نعرف الجمال تعريفا معينا له قواعد ثابتة و خطوط محدودة .. فالجمال نسبي و قد يختلف باختلاف الزمان و المكان .. على اننا نعرفه تعريفا عاما بانه ذلك الذي يحوي من التناسق المادي او الروحي ما يشعرنا بلذة و سرور حين رؤيته


محمود تيمور

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Foto Bugil Jenny Cortez


Foto Bugil atau lebih tepatnya foto setengah telanjang artis pemeran film air terjun pengantin Jenny Cortez tersebar di internet . Terdapat sepuluh foto hot dari Jenny Cortez yang beredar di dunia maya, model pernah dekat dengan pesulap Dedi Corbuzier. Dikabarkan pihak keluarga Jenny sangat terkejut dan shock atas beredarnya foto-foto setengah telanjang putri mereka.

Jenny Cortez yang kebetulan sedang di luar negeri juga menyatakan keterkejutannya atas berita beredarnya foto syur dirinya. Ketika dikonfirmasi oleh media Jenny Cortez menyatakan bahwa foto-foto dirinya tersebut merupakan foto-foto lama dan bukan sama sekali foto porno dan sama sekali tidak pernah mengenakan selembar kain seperti terlihat dalah foto-foto yang terkspose di internet. Jenny memang mengakui salah satu foto yang menunjukan dia berpose dengan memakai bra adalah foto dirinya. Dari kesepuluh foto yang diekspose di internet setengahnya boleh dikatakan sangat vulgar karena menunjukkan aurat atau organ vital sang model yang merintis karir sebagai model pada awal tahun ini.

Dunia hiburan Indonesia memang seringkali dihebohkan oleh kejadian seperti ini, apakah ini hanya salah satu taktik promosi film Jenny Cortez untuk meningakatkan penjualan film terbarunya? hanya Jenny Cortez yang tahu.

Film New Moon | Film Ninja Assassin

Film New Moon
Kepergian kekasihnya, vampire Edward Cullen, membuat Bella putus asa. Namun beberapa saat kemudian, hatinya berubah ceria kembali setelah pertemanannya dengan Jacob Black semakin akrab. Di kemudian hari, Bella sadar, ia telah masuk dalam dunia serigala jadi-jadian. Padahal serigala jadi-jadian adalah musuh para vampire sepanjang masa. Nah dunia mana yang dipillih oleh Bella? Di situlah rasa setianya diuji…
Pemain : Robert Pattison, Kristen Steward, Taylor Lautner, Dakota Fanning,
Sutradara : Chris Witz

Film Ninja Assassin
Soal pembunuh sadis di dunia, Raizo adalah orangnya. Oleh Klan Ozunu ia dipungut di jalanan dan dididik menjadi pembunuh sejati. Tapi kini, Raizo melarikan diri dan menghilang. Nun di sana, di Berlin agen Mika menemukan aliran dana pemerintah yang membiayai kelompok pembunuh Klan Ozunu. Raizo menyelamatkan Mika dari para penyerangnya, namun ia juga tahu bahwa klan tersebut tidak akan pernah berhenti sampai mereka berdua terbunuh. Raizo dan Mika harus saling percya satu sama lain jika ingin selamat dan menghancurkan klan Ozunu
Pemain : Rain, Naomie Harris, Sho Kosugi, Ben Miles, Rick Yune, Sung Kang
Sutradara : James Mcteigue

Film Barat Terbaru ini ditulus sekitar awal bulan Desember tahun 2009 dan akan selalu kami perbaharui, rajin-rajin aja berkunjung kesini ya.. :)

Film Terbaru Indonesia

“XXL- Double Extra Large”

Kasep (Aming), pinpinan geng berlatar etnis Sunda, ‘Barudak Lieur’ merasa resah. Pasalnya, wibawa gengnya tersaingi geng‘Wong Kenthir’ pimpinan Soemanto (Dwi Sasono). Ia semakin stress sebab, perlambang kejantanannya dibawah standar. Oleh anak buahnya ia didorong-dorong pergi ke Mak Siat, dukun yang bisa mereparasi ‘perlambang’ itu dan berubah menjadi ukuran yang tidak standar lagi.

Seperti kisah Romeo dan Juliet Kasep terperangkap oleh cinta dan jatuh hati pada Melati (Meichan), adik pimpinan Wong Kenthir. Kasep menjadi serba salah. Ia tidak mungkin memberi tahu jati dirinya pada Melati mengingat suasana persaingan di antara kedua kubu tambah panas.Kasep pun terjebak di tengah tarik menarik antara kepentingan Barudak Lieur dan cintanya pada Melati. Di samping itu ia juga tengah berusaha menumbuhkan kepercayaan dirinya dengan berobat pada Mak Siat. Ia harus segera mengambil keputusan, apalagi pertempuran antara kedua kelompok semakin tak terhindarkan
Pemain : Aming, Meichan, Tessy, Sarah Sechan, Meriam Bellina, Dwi Sasono
Sutradara: Ivander T


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jakarta protests rocked the World Anti-Corruption Day

Jakarta - A number of demonstrations will take place in the capital Jakarta on the very day anti-corruption worldwide. It is estimated that thousands of people will do demonstrations. Careful stuck!

Launched from the site Traffic Management Center (TMC) Polda Metro, Wednesday (9/12/2009), a number of places would disambangi rallies.

Among demonstrations will take place in front of the Presidential Palace on Jl Medan Merdeka Utara, Central Jakarta began at 09.00 am. The protest will also take the Vice Presidential Palace began at 10:00 am.

A similar action will occur in the House of Representatives Jl Gatot Subroto from 08.00 pm. KPK building on Jl HR Rasuna Said, Kuningan also did not escape the protests that began at 09.00 am. The protest will also take place at Police Headquarters Jl Trunojoyo, South Jakarta began at 10:00 am.

Meanwhile, a number of elements including the Civil Society Coalition Against Corruption (Compact) and Indonesia Net Movement (GiB) will mobilize the masses to ensure relevant anti-corruption worldwide anniversary which fell on 9 December.

Mass action which was estimated at thousands of people are likely to be crowded areas Monument, Presidential Palace, and Bundaran HI.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Global warming

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation. Global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) between the start and the end of the 20th century.[1][A] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that most of the observed temperature increase since the middle of the 20th century was caused by increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases resulting from human activity such as fossil fuel burning and deforestation.[1] The IPCC also concludes that variations in natural phenomena such as solar radiation and volcanoes produced most of the warming from pre-industrial times to 1950 and had a small cooling effect afterward.[2][3] These basic conclusions have been endorsed by more than 40 scientific societies and academies of science,[B] including all of the national academies of science of the major industrialized countries.[4]

Climate model projections summarized in the latest IPCC report indicate that the global surface temperature will probably rise a further 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) during the twenty-first century.[1] The uncertainty in this estimate arises from the use of models with differing sensitivity to greenhouse gas concentrations and the use of differing estimates of future greenhouse gas emissions. Some other uncertainties include how warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe. Most studies focus on the period up to the year 2100. However, warming is expected to continue beyond 2100 even if emissions stop, because of the large heat capacity of the oceans and the long lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.[5][6]

An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.[7] The continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice is expected, with warming being strongest in the Arctic. Other likely effects include increases in the intensity of extreme weather events, species extinctions, and changes in agricultural yields.

Political and public debate continues regarding climate change, and what actions (if any) to take in response. The available options are mitigation to reduce further emissions; adaptation to reduce the damage caused by warming; and, more speculatively, geoengineering to reverse global warming. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Temperature changes
Main article: Temperature record
Two millennia of mean surface temperatures according to different reconstructions, each smoothed on a decadal scale. The unsmoothed, annual value for 2004 is also plotted for reference.

The most commonly discussed measure of global warming is the trend in globally averaged temperature near the Earth's surface. Expressed as a linear trend, this temperature rose by 0.74°C ±0.18°C over the period 1906–2005. The rate of warming over the last half of that period was almost double that for the period as a whole (0.13°C ±0.03°C per decade, versus 0.07°C ± 0.02°C per decade). The urban heat island effect is estimated to account for about 0.002 °C of warming per decade since 1900.[8] Temperatures in the lower troposphere have increased between 0.12 and 0.22 °C (0.22 and 0.4 °F) per decade since 1979, according to satellite temperature measurements. Temperature is believed to have been relatively stable over the one or two thousand years before 1850, with regionally-varying fluctuations such as the Medieval Warm Period or the Little Ice Age.

Based on estimates by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, 2005 was the warmest year since reliable, widespread instrumental measurements became available in the late 1800s, exceeding the previous record set in 1998 by a few hundredths of a degree.[9] Estimates prepared by the World Meteorological Organization and the Climatic Research Unit concluded that 2005 was the second warmest year, behind 1998.[10][11] Temperatures in 1998 were unusually warm because the strongest El Niño in the past century occurred during that year.[12] Global temperature is subject to short-term fluctuations that overlay long term trends and can temporarily mask them. The relative stability in temperature from 1999 to 2009 is consistent with such an episode.[13][14]

Temperature changes vary over the globe. Since 1979, land temperatures have increased about twice as fast as ocean temperatures (0.25 °C per decade against 0.13 °C per decade).[15] Ocean temperatures increase more slowly than land temperatures because of the larger effective heat capacity of the oceans and because the ocean loses more heat by evaporation.[16] The Northern Hemisphere warms faster than the Southern Hemisphere because it has more land and because it has extensive areas of seasonal snow and sea-ice cover subject to ice-albedo feedback. Although more greenhouse gases are emitted in the Northern than Southern Hemisphere this does not contribute to the difference in warming because the major greenhouse gases persist long enough to mix between hemispheres.[17]

The thermal inertia of the oceans and slow responses of other indirect effects mean that climate can take centuries or longer to adjust to changes in forcing. Climate commitment studies indicate that even if greenhouse gases were stabilized at 2000 levels, a further warming of about 0.5 °C (0.9 °F) would still occur.[18]
Radiative forcing
Main article: Radiative forcing

External forcing is a term used in climate science for processes external to the climate system (though not necessarily external to Earth). Climate responds to several types of external forcing, such as changes in greenhouse gas concentrations, changes in solar luminosity, volcanic eruptions, and variations in Earth's orbit around the Sun.[2] Attribution of recent climate change focuses on the first three types of forcing. Orbital cycles vary slowly over tens of thousands of years and thus are too gradual to have caused the temperature changes observed in the past century.
Greenhouse gases
Main articles: Greenhouse gas and Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect schematic showing energy flows between space, the atmosphere, and earth's surface. Energy exchanges are expressed in watts per square meter (W/m2).

Recent atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) increases. Monthly CO2 measurements display seasonal oscillations in overall yearly uptrend; each year's maximum occurs during the Northern Hemisphere's late spring, and declines during its growing season as plants remove some atmospheric CO2.

The greenhouse effect is the process by which absorption and emission of infrared radiation by gases in the atmosphere warm a planet's lower atmosphere and surface. It was discovered by Joseph Fourier in 1824 and was first investigated quantitatively by Svante Arrhenius in 1896.[19] Existence of the greenhouse effect as such is not disputed, even by those who do not agree that the recent temperature increase is attributable to human activity. The question is instead how the strength of the greenhouse effect changes when human activity increases the concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Naturally occurring greenhouse gases have a mean warming effect of about 33 °C (59 °F).[20][C] The major greenhouse gases are water vapor, which causes about 36–70 percent of the greenhouse effect; carbon dioxide (CO2), which causes 9–26 percent; methane (CH4), which causes 4–9 percent[not in citation given]; and ozone (O3), which causes 3–7 percent.[21][22] Clouds also affect the radiation balance, but they are composed of liquid water or ice and so are considered separately from water vapor and other gases.

Human activity since the Industrial Revolution has increased the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, leading to increased radiative forcing from CO2, methane, tropospheric ozone, CFCs and nitrous oxide. The concentrations of CO2 and methane have increased by 36% and 148% respectively since the mid-1700s.[23] These levels are much higher than at any time during the last 650,000 years, the period for which reliable data has been extracted from ice cores.[24] Less direct geological evidence indicates that CO2 values this high were last seen about 20 million years ago.[25] Fossil fuel burning has produced about three-quarters of the increase in CO2 from human activity over the past 20 years. Most of the rest is due to land-use change, particularly deforestation.[26]

CO2 concentrations are continuing to rise due to burning of fossil fuels and land-use change. The future rate of rise will depend on uncertain economic, sociological, technological, and natural developments. Accordingly, the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios gives a wide range of future CO2 scenarios, ranging from 541 to 970 ppm by the year 2100.[27] Fossil fuel reserves are sufficient to reach these levels and continue emissions past 2100 if coal, tar sands or methane clathrates are extensively exploited.[28]

The destruction of stratospheric ozone by chlorofluorocarbons is sometimes mentioned in relation to global warming. Although there are a few areas of linkage, the relationship between the two is not strong. Reduction of stratospheric ozone has a cooling influence, but substantial ozone depletion did not occur until the late 1970s.[29] Tropospheric ozone contributes to surface warming.[30]
Aerosols and soot
Ship tracks over the Atlantic Ocean on the east coast of the United States. The climatic impacts from aerosol forcing could have a large effect on climate through the indirect effect.

Global dimming, a gradual reduction in the amount of global direct irradiance at the Earth's surface, has partially counteracted global warming from 1960 to the present.[31] The main cause of this dimming is aerosols produced by volcanoes and pollutants. These aerosols exert a cooling effect by increasing the reflection of incoming sunlight. James Hansen and colleagues have proposed that the effects of the products of fossil fuel combustion—CO2 and aerosols—have largely offset one another in recent decades, so that net warming has been driven mainly by non-CO2 greenhouse gases.[32]

In addition to their direct effect by scattering and absorbing solar radiation, aerosols have indirect effects on the radiation budget.[33] Sulfate aerosols act as cloud condensation nuclei and thus lead to clouds that have more and smaller cloud droplets. These clouds reflect solar radiation more efficiently than clouds with fewer and larger droplets.[34] This effect also causes droplets to be of more uniform size, which reduces growth of raindrops and makes the cloud more reflective to incoming sunlight.[35]

Soot may cool or warm, depending on whether it is airborne or deposited. Atmospheric soot aerosols directly absorb solar radiation, which heats the atmosphere and cools the surface. Regionally (but not globally), as much as 50% of surface warming due to greenhouse gases may be masked by atmospheric brown clouds.[36] When deposited, especially on glaciers or on ice in arctic regions, the lower surface albedo can also directly heat the surface.[37] The influences of aerosols, including black carbon, are most pronounced in the tropics and sub-tropics, particularly in Asia, while the effects of greenhouse gases are dominant in the extratropics and southern hemisphere.[38]
Solar variation
Main article: Solar variation
Solar variation over the last thirty years.

Variations in solar output have been the cause of past climate changes,[39] but solar forcing is generally thought to be too small to account for a significant part of global warming in recent decades.[40][41] However, a recent phenomenological analysis indicates that the contribution of solar forcing may be underestimated.[42]

Greenhouse gases and solar forcing affect temperatures in different ways. While both increased solar activity and increased greenhouse gases are expected to warm the troposphere, an increase in solar activity should warm the stratosphere while an increase in greenhouse gases should cool the stratosphere.[2] Observations show that temperatures in the stratosphere have been steady or cooling since 1979, when satellite measurements became available. Radiosonde (weather balloon) data from the pre-satellite era show cooling since 1958, though there is greater uncertainty in the early radiosonde record.[43]

A related hypothesis, proposed by Henrik Svensmark, is that magnetic activity of the sun deflects cosmic rays that may influence the generation of cloud condensation nuclei and thereby affect the climate.[44] Other research has found no relation between warming in recent decades and cosmic rays.[45][46] A recent study concluded that the influence of cosmic rays on cloud cover is about a factor of 100 lower than needed to explain the observed changes in clouds or to be a significant contributor to present-day climate change.[47]
Main article: Effects of global warming

A positive feedback is a process that amplifies some change. Thus, when a warming trend results in effects that induce further warming, the result is a positive feedback; when the warming results in effects that reduce the original warming, the result is a negative feedback. The main positive feedback in global warming involves the tendency of warming to increase the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere. The main negative feedback in global warming is the effect of temperature on emission of infrared radiation: as the temperature of a body increases, the emitted radiation increases with the fourth power of its absolute temperature.

Water vapor feedback
If the atmosphere is warmed, the saturation vapor pressure increases, and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere will tend to increase. Since water vapor is a greenhouse gas, the increase in water vapor content makes the atmosphere warm further; this warming causes the atmosphere to hold still more water vapor (a positive feedback), and so on until other processes stop the feedback loop. The result is a much larger greenhouse effect than that due to CO2 alone. Although this feedback process causes an increase in the absolute moisture content of the air, the relative humidity stays nearly constant or even decreases slightly because the air is warmer.[48]
Cloud feedback
Warming is expected to change the distribution and type of clouds. Seen from below, clouds emit infrared radiation back to the surface, and so exert a warming effect; seen from above, clouds reflect sunlight and emit infrared radiation to space, and so exert a cooling effect. Whether the net effect is warming or cooling depends on details such as the type and altitude of the cloud. These details were poorly observed before the advent of satellite data and are difficult to represent in climate models.[48]
Lapse rate
The atmosphere's temperature decreases with height in the troposphere. Since emission of infrared radiation varies with temperature, longwave radiation escaping to space from the relatively cold upper atmosphere is less than that emitted toward the ground from the lower atmosphere. Thus, the strength of the greenhouse effect depends on the atmosphere's rate of temperature decrease with height. Both theory and climate models indicate that global warming will reduce the rate of temperature decrease with height, producing a negative lapse rate feedback that weakens the greenhouse effect. Measurements of the rate of temperature change with height are very sensitive to small errors in observations, making it difficult to establish whether the models agree with observations.[49]
Ice-albedo feedback
Aerial photograph showing a section of sea ice. The lighter blue areas are melt ponds and the darkest areas are open water, both have a lower albedo than the white sea ice. The melting ice contributes to ice-albedo feedback.
When ice melts, land or open water takes its place. Both land and open water are on average less reflective than ice and thus absorb more solar radiation. This causes more warming, which in turn causes more melting, and this cycle continues.[50]
Arctic methane release
Warming is also the triggering variable for the release of methane in the arctic.[51] Methane released from thawing permafrost such as the frozen peat bogs in Siberia, and from methane clathrate on the sea floor, creates a positive feedback.[52]
Reduced absorption of CO2 by the oceanic ecosystems
Ocean ecosystems' ability to sequester carbon is expected to decline as the oceans warm. This is because warming reduces the nutrient levels of the mesopelagic zone (about 200 to 1000 m deep), which limits the growth of diatoms in favor of smaller phytoplankton that are poorer biological pumps of carbon.[53]
CO2 release from oceans
Cooler water can absorb more CO2. As ocean temperatures rise some of this CO2 will be released. This is one of the main reasons why atmospheric CO2 is lower during an ice age. There is a greater mass of CO2 contained in the oceans than there is in the atmosphere.
Gas release
Release of gases of biological origin may be affected by global warming, but research into such effects is at an early stage. Some of these gases, such as nitrous oxide released from peat, directly affect climate.[54] Others, such as dimethyl sulfide released from oceans, have indirect effects.[55]

Climate models
Main article: Global climate model
Calculations of global warming prepared in or before 2001 from a range of climate models under the SRES A2 emissions scenario, which assumes no action is taken to reduce emissions and regionally divided economic development.

The geographic distribution of surface warming during the 21st century calculated by the HadCM3 climate model if a business as usual scenario is assumed for economic growth and greenhouse gas emissions. In this figure, the globally averaged warming corresponds to 3.0 °C (5.4 °F).

The main tools for projecting future climate changes are mathematical models based on physical principles including fluid dynamics, thermodynamics and radiative transfer. Although they attempt to include as many processes as possible, simplifications of the actual climate system are inevitable because of the constraints of available computer power and limitations in knowledge of the climate system. All modern climate models are in fact combinations of models for different parts of the Earth. These include an atmospheric model for air movement, temperature, clouds, and other atmospheric properties; an ocean model that predicts temperature, salt content, and circulation of ocean waters; models for ice cover on land and sea; and a model of heat and moisture transfer from soil and vegetation to the atmosphere. Some models also include treatments of chemical and biological processes.[56] Warming due to increasing levels of greenhouse gases is not an assumption of the models; rather, it is an end result from the interaction of greenhouse gases with radiative transfer and other physical processes in the models.[57] Although much of the variation in model outcomes depends on the greenhouse gas emissions used as inputs, the temperature effect of a specific greenhouse gas concentration (climate sensitivity) varies depending on the model used. The representation of clouds is one of the main sources of uncertainty in present-generation models.[58]

Global climate model projections of future climate most often have used estimates of greenhouse gas emissions from the IPCC Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (SRES). In addition to human-caused emissions, some models also include a simulation of the carbon cycle; this generally shows a positive feedback, though this response is uncertain. Some observational studies also show a positive feedback.[59][60][61] Including uncertainties in future greenhouse gas concentrations and climate sensitivity, the IPCC anticipates a warming of 1.1 °C to 6.4 °C (2.0 °F to 11.5 °F) by the end of the 21st century, relative to 1980–1999.[1]

Models are also used to help investigate the causes of recent climate change by comparing the observed changes to those that the models project from various natural and human-derived causes. Although these models do not unambiguously attribute the warming that occurred from approximately 1910 to 1945 to either natural variation or human effects, they do indicate that the warming since 1970 is dominated by man-made greenhouse gas emissions.[62]

The physical realism of models is tested by examining their ability to simulate current or past climates.[63] Current climate models produce a good match to observations of global temperature changes over the last century, but do not simulate all aspects of climate.[26] Not all effects of global warming are accurately predicted by the climate models used by the IPCC. For example, observed Arctic shrinkage has been faster than that predicted.[64]
Attributed and expected effects
Main articles: Effects of global warming and Regional effects of global warming
Sparse records indicate that glaciers have been retreating since the early 1800s. In the 1950s measurements began that allow the monitoring of glacial mass balance, reported to the WGMS and the NSIDC.

It is usually impossible to connect specific weather events to global warming. Instead, global warming is expected to cause changes in the overall distribution and intensity of events, such as changes to the frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation. Broader effects are expected to include glacial retreat, Arctic shrinkage, and worldwide sea level rise. Some effects on both the natural environment and human life are, at least in part, already being attributed to global warming. A 2001 report by the IPCC suggests that glacier retreat, ice shelf disruption such as that of the Larsen Ice Shelf, sea level rise, changes in rainfall patterns, and increased intensity and frequency of extreme weather events are attributable in part to global warming.[65] Other expected effects include water scarcity in some regions and increased precipitation in others, changes in mountain snowpack, and some adverse health effects from warmer temperatures.[66]

Social and economic effects of global warming may be exacerbated by growing population densities in affected areas. Temperate regions are projected to experience some benefits, such as fewer cold-related deaths.[67] A summary of probable effects and recent understanding can be found in the report made for the IPCC Third Assessment Report by Working Group II.[65] The newer IPCC Fourth Assessment Report summary reports that there is observational evidence for an increase in intense tropical cyclone activity in the North Atlantic Ocean since about 1970, in correlation with the increase in sea surface temperature (see Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation), but that the detection of long-term trends is complicated by the quality of records prior to routine satellite observations. The summary also states that there is no clear trend in the annual worldwide number of tropical cyclones.[1]

Additional anticipated effects include sea level rise of 0.18 to 0.59 meters (0.59 to 1.9 ft) in 2090–2100 relative to 1980–1999,[1] new trade routes resulting from arctic shrinkage,[68] possible thermohaline circulation slowing, increasingly intense (but less frequent) hurricanes and extreme weather events,[69] reductions in the ozone layer, changes in agriculture yields, changes in the range of climate-dependent disease vectors,[70] which have been linked to increases in the prevalence of malaria and dengue fever,[71] and ocean oxygen depletion.[72] Increased atmospheric CO2 increases the amount of CO2 dissolved in the oceans.[73] CO2 dissolved in the ocean reacts with water to form carbonic acid, resulting in ocean acidification. Ocean surface pH is estimated to have decreased from 8.25 near the beginning of the industrial era to 8.14 by 2004,[74] and is projected to decrease by a further 0.14 to 0.5 units by 2100 as the ocean absorbs more CO2.[1][75] Heat and carbon dioxide trapped in the oceans may still take hundreds of years to be re-emitted, even after greenhouse gas emissions are eventually reduced.[6] Since organisms and ecosystems are adapted to a narrow range of pH, this raises extinction concerns and disruptions in food webs.[76] One study predicts 18% to 35% of a sample of 1,103 animal and plant species would be extinct by 2050, based on future climate projections.[77] However, few mechanistic studies have documented extinctions due to recent climate change,[78] and one study suggests that projected rates of extinction are uncertain.[79]
Main articles: Economics of global warming and Low-carbon economy
Projected temperature increase for a range of stabilization scenarios (the colored bands). The black line in middle of the shaded area indicates 'best estimates'; the red and the blue lines the likely limits. From IPCC AR4.

The IPCC reports the aggregate net economic costs of damages from climate change globally (discounted to the specified year). In 2005, the average social cost of carbon from 100 peer-reviewed estimates is US$12 per tonne of CO2, but range -$3 to $95/tCO2. The IPCC's gives these cost estimates with the caveats, "Aggregate estimates of costs mask significant differences in impacts across sectors, regions and populations and very likely underestimate damage costs because they cannot include many non-quantifiable impacts."[80]

One widely publicized report on potential economic impact is the Stern Review, written by Sir Nicholas Stern. It suggests that extreme weather might reduce global gross domestic product by up to one percent, and that in a worst-case scenario global per capita consumption could fall by the equivalent of 20 percent.[81] The response to the Stern Review was mixed. The Review's methodology, advocacy and conclusions were criticized by several economists, including Richard Tol, Gary Yohe,[82] Robert Mendelsohn[83] and William Nordhaus.[84] Economists that have generally supported the Review include Terry Barker,[85] William Cline,[86] and Frank Ackerman.[87] According to Barker, the costs of mitigating climate change are 'insignificant' relative to the risks of unmitigated climate change.[88]

According to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), economic sectors likely to face difficulties related to climate change include banks, agriculture, transport and others.[89] Developing countries dependent upon agriculture will be particularly harmed by global warming.[90]
Responses to global warming

The broad agreement among climate scientists that global temperatures will continue to increase has led some nations, states, corporations and individuals to implement responses. These responses to global warming can be divided into mitigation of the causes and effects of global warming, adaptation to the changing global environment, and geoengineering to reverse global warming.
Main article: Mitigation of global warming
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is an approach to mitigation. Emissions may be sequestered from fossil fuel power plants, or removed during processing in hydrogen production. When used on plants, it is known as bio-energy with carbon capture and storage.

Mitigation of global warming is accomplished through reductions in the rate of anthropogenic greenhouse gas release. Models suggest that mitigation can quickly begin to slow global warming, but that temperatures will appreciably decrease only after several centuries.[91] The world's primary international agreement on reducing greenhouse gas emissions is the Kyoto Protocol, an amendment to the UNFCCC negotiated in 1997. The Protocol now covers more than 160 countries and over 55 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.[92] As of June 2009, only the United States, historically the world's largest emitter of greenhouse gases, has refused to ratify the treaty. The treaty expires in 2012. International talks began in May 2007 on a future treaty to succeed the current one.[93] UN negotiations are now gathering pace in advance of a meeting in Copenhagen in December 2009.[94]

Many environmental groups encourage individual action against global warming, as well as community and regional actions. Others have suggested a quota on worldwide fossil fuel production, citing a direct link between fossil fuel production and CO2 emissions.[95][96]

There has also been business action on climate change, including efforts to improve energy efficiency and limited moves towards use of alternative fuels. In January 2005 the European Union introduced its European Union Emission Trading Scheme, through which companies in conjunction with government agree to cap their emissions or to purchase credits from those below their allowances. Australia announced its Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme in 2008. United States President Barack Obama has announced plans to introduce an economy-wide cap and trade scheme.[97]

The IPCC's Working Group III is responsible for crafting reports on mitigation of global warming and the costs and benefits of different approaches. The 2007 IPCC Fourth Assessment Report concludes that no one technology or sector can be completely responsible for mitigating future warming. They find there are key practices and technologies in various sectors, such as energy supply, transportation, industry, and agriculture, that should be implemented to reduced global emissions. They estimate that stabilization of carbon dioxide equivalent between 445 and 710 ppm by 2030 will result in between a 0.6 percent increase and three percent decrease in global gross domestic product.[98]
Main article: Adaptation to global warming

A wide variety of measures have been suggested for adaptation to global warming. These measures range from the trivial, such as the installation of air-conditioning equipment, to major infrastructure projects, such as abandoning settlements threatened by sea level rise.

Measures including water conservation,[99] water rationing, adaptive agricultural practices,[100] construction of flood defences,[101] Martian colonization,[102] changes to medical care,[103] and interventions to protect threatened species[104] have all been suggested. A wide-ranging study of the possible opportunities for adaptation of infrastructure has been published by the Institute of Mechanical Engineers.[105]
Main article: Geoengineering

Geoengineering is the deliberate modification of Earth's natural environment on a large scale to suit human needs.[106] An example is greenhouse gas remediation, which removes greenhouse gases from the atmosphere, usually through carbon sequestration techniques such as carbon dioxide air capture.[107] Solar radiation management reduces absorbed solar radiation, such as by the addition of stratospheric sulfur aerosols[108] or cool roof techniques.[109] No large-scale geoengineering projects have yet been undertaken.
Debate and skepticism
Main articles: Global warming controversy and Politics of global warming
See also: Scientific opinion on climate change and Climate change denial
Per capita greenhouse gas emissions in 2000, including land-use change.

Per country greenhouse gas emissions in 2000, including land-use change.

Increased publicity of the scientific findings surrounding global warming has resulted in political and economic debate.[110] Poor regions, particularly Africa, appear at greatest risk from the projected effects of global warming, while their emissions have been small compared to the developed world.[111] The exemption of developing countries from Kyoto Protocol restrictions has been used to justify non-ratification by the U.S. and a previous Australian Government.[112] (Australia has since ratified the Kyoto protocol.)[113] Another point of contention is the degree to which emerging economies such as India and China should be expected to constrain their emissions.[114] The U.S. contends that if it must bear the cost of reducing emissions, then China should do the same[115][116] since China's gross national CO2 emissions now exceed those of the U.S.[117][118][119] China has contended that it is less obligated to reduce emissions since its per capita responsibility and per capita emissions are less that of the U.S.[120] India, also exempt, has made similar contentions.[121]

In 2007–2008 Gallup Polls surveyed 127 countries. Over a third of the world's population were unaware of global warming, with developing countries less aware than developed, and Africa the least aware. Of those aware, Latin America leads in belief that temperature changes are a result of human activities while Africa, parts of Asia and the Middle East, and a few countries from the Former Soviet Union lead in the opposite belief.[122] In the western world, the concept and the appropriate responses are contested. Nick Pidgeon of Cardiff University finds that "results show the different stages of engagement about global warming on each side of the Atlantic"; where Europe debates the appropriate responses while the United States debates whether climate change is happening.[123]

Debates weigh the benefits of limiting industrial emissions of greenhouse gases against the costs that such changes would entail.[98] Using economic incentives, alternative and renewable energy have been promoted to reduce emissions while building infrastructure.[124][125] Business-centered organizations such as the Competitive Enterprise Institute, conservative commentators, and companies such as ExxonMobil have downplayed IPCC climate change scenarios, funded scientists who disagree with the scientific consensus, and provided their own projections of the economic cost of stricter controls.[126][127][128][129] Environmental organizations and public figures have emphasized changes in the current climate and the risks they entail, while promoting adaptation to changes in infrastructural needs and emissions reductions.[130] Some fossil fuel companies have scaled back their efforts in recent years,[131] or called for policies to reduce global warming.[132]

Some global warming skeptics in the science or political communities dispute all or some of the global warming scientific consensus, questioning whether global warming is actually occurring, whether human activity has contributed significantly to the warming, and the magnitude of the threat posed by global warming. Prominent global warming skeptics include Richard Lindzen, Fred Singer, Patrick Michaels, John Christy, Stephen McIntyre and Robert Balling.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Hadi Utomo: Removal Marzuki Alie Match Rules

Jakarta: Democratic Party (PD) argue Marzuki Alie was removed from his position as general secretary of the party chairman often bypassing the government party. Speaker of the House was replaced by the rules because the party cadres who held public office should be removed at the party office. Marzuki's position will be filled later Amir Syamsudin. As stated by Chairman Hadi Utomo PD on the sidelines of the National Meeting of World War III in Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Senayan, Central Jakarta, Saturday (5 / 12).

As reported by the official site of PD, Hadi said, not just the Secretary General of the substituted PD. Chairman of the Regional Leadership Council and Chairman of PD Branch Executive Board elected as members of the Board also replaced. Substitution is a national policy to prevent PD positions, to better focus public office undergo

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why The General Of Third World Fail In Politics


The third world is a part of our earth that is always in the clutches of the military generals. Almost every general in this part of the earth is ambitious to grab the highest post of the president or chief martial law administrator. But wishes do not always come true. The golden bird does not sit on the shoulders of all the generals. Only few get the chance to rule and make the public of their states fool. There are a lot of such generals who do not succeed in usurping the powers.
and are not able to reach their "unnatural" political boundaries.

Why these generals fail in politics, let us make a survey of the causes and effects of their failure.


The first and foremost reason of the defeat in the battlefield of politics is the unreasonable attitude of the generals. Many generals attempt seriously to make good. They have native ability to do so. The native ability in this connection is the military background of the general. This general finds it almost impossible to sit at a desk and concentrate on his evil designs.

He cannot sit down for a long time due to some addiction or illness to ponder over the constitution. Sometimes he tries to do so, opens the book of constitution, but he is unable to decide about his abilities. He always procrastinates and the other rank fellows win the fields. He wastes his time in preparing himself to make a coup. In this way his time passes and nothing comes out in his favour.

Such habits are not easy to uproot. If the general wants to succeed he should have to eradicate such obnoxious habits otherwise he should shun all his noble designs of revolution.
Although he thinks that he is trying yet he does not try. He spends a lot of time in the presence of the books of constitution but is unable to amend it in his favour.


A common cause of failure of the generals of the third world is mistaken ambition on the part of his advisors. The toadies and humbugs are always instigate the military chief to achieve the highest post but are not the best judge of the abilities of the general.
Many generals do not show any interest in political involvement. They are absolutely not fit for this job even for their own job but are advised by his advisor to get involved in the politics. Such a general cannot overthrow the elected government.

The reason behind this defeat is that he has to follow a direction mapped out by his advisor. That direction always runs counter to his interests and abilities.

Such generals always earn a number of warm enemies among the advisors and politicians. Their wish of making him a stooge does not come true and they become his enemies until they succeed in overthrowing him.
Such a general prefers to become ambassador or head of a lucrative department after retirement.


Another type of a General who does not try is the very intelligent and diligent person .He has always done his duties efficiently and considers politics a child, s play. He supposes that he can float through the politics with as little effort as he did through military career. Such a general is the most pitiable person on the earth when he is pitted in the field of politics. It is almost a tragedy to see such a receptive mind wasting the entire opportunity the politics has offered to him.


The question of health both physical and mental is always one of the reasons for failure. If a proper free medical service is available in the USA or ENGLAND, the general can hold up the bridles of the administration. Moreover if proper cooperation exists between the establishment and the general he can easily make a coup.


Most of the generals want to join politics but the financial pressure is a very serious reason behind their failure. A lot of them could not find or avail opportunity to heap unlawful wealth during service. Such generals cannot succeed in their ambitions, as they can not gather timeservers around them. Such officers are unable to win sympathies of the establishment and politicians.

These generals are absolutely ignored by the patrons.

Moreover the generals who are cast entirely on their own resources cannot succeed because their entire income is not enough to grease the palms of the establishment. Politicians having vested interests should help them in this regard if they want to fulfil their interests.


There are a goodly number of generals whose judgment is perverted by the attraction of the motorcades and escorts of the prime ministers and presidents. So they want to overthrow them and fill up their gap. Such generals who aim at these things should shun their ideas of getting the status of a president or a prime minister .It is better for them to become chairman of a semi- governmental organization and lead their life in comfort and luxury.


A large number of generals drift into politics and drift out again without serving any interests. They think that politics are just like cricket. Most of them have not found any serious interest in politics. It is usually wise to let them retire in the cold world of general public so that they might know the real and miserable condition of the public.


In so far as the failure is concerned it can be avoided by acting upon the guidelines provided by the former military rulers. If this is not kept in mind the failure is the fate of such generals.
The advisors are advised to select the right general who follows the footsteps of his forerunners who had ruled the nation for a decade or more. It would be great service to the failing generals as well to the ignorant people who always welcome the person in the uniform.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Commission Schedule Check Back Ary Muladi

VIVAnews - Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to re-examine Ary Muladi. Ary is one of the key witnesses in the case alleged against the criminalization of the KPK leadership Rianto Samad Seeds and Chandra M Hamzah.

The plan, Ary Muladi examination will take place at the Commission Building, Jalan HR Rasuna Said, South Jakarta, Tuesday, December 1, 2009. Examinations scheduled to begin approximately at 09.00.

This examination is still a series of further investigation that took place Monday, November 30 yesterday. When the examination yesterday, Ary Muladi dicecar 29 questions.

Ary admitted that he had answered openly. "My story is," said Ary Muladi after questioning as a witness for the alleged cases to Anggodo Widjojo, at the Commission office, Jakarta, Monday, November 30, 2009.

Ary lawyer Muladi, Sugeng Santoso said that his client answered about 29 questions from the Commission team. The question among others, about how the introduction of the Anggodo Widjojo Ary.

In addition, continued Sugeng, Ary also asked about the direction Anggodo to himself. The goal, to adjust the investigator with information on the chronology.

Then also about communication Anggodo to an investigator in the Criminal Investigation Body is heard by Ary. "Just until it was," said Sugeng, who accompanied his client.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

عن مصر و الجزائر

عزيزي القارئ .. اذا كنت من الذين انجرفوا في تيار الكراهية تجاه كل ما هو جزائري و سلمت رأسك و أذنك و مشاعرك لكل من يجاهر بالمقت للجزائر .. فأنصحك ألا تضع وقتك في قراءة السطور التالية .. هناك كلمات تستطيع قراءتها في اماكن اخري ستساعدك على تأجيج غضبك و شحن كيانك بمزيد من المبررات ليتعاظم كرهك للجزائر .. اما ان كان لديك متسع بالغ الصغر في تجاويف صدرك للانصات الي كلمات محايدة او ان كان مازال في قلبك ذرة لم تتلون بالسواد بعد .. فاقرأ السطور التالية و اقرأ كل كلمة تكتب فيها حياد في اي مكان


لقد كنت على وشك البكاء عندما اضاع المنتخب المصري الفرصة في الدخول الي كأس العالم .. كان أداء غير مرضي بالمرة .. خاصة الشوط الثاني .. انا الذي غير ضليع بتاتا بكل ما يمت لكرة القدم بصلة تأففت و مللت و كدت أبصق على جهاز التلفزيون المسكين في الشوط الثاني .. المباراة الاولي التي انعقدت في مصر و حقق فيها المنتخب فوز بشق الانفس اعقبته احتفالات مبهجة و غاية في المرح .. لن أنسي تجمهر الناس في ميادين المعادي كلها .. نيران البيروسول و صياح الشباب و بواب عمارتنا الذي حاول خطف علم مصر من احدهم ليرقص باخلاص .. و لقد شاهدت مساء يوم المباراة التي انعقدت في مصر التلفزيون و هو ينقل بث مباشر من السودان .. و السودانيين بسم الله ما شاء الله رافعين اعلام مصر و هتافات في الافق بتحيا مصر تحيا مصر .. اندهشت بشدة .. انا شخصيا لا استطيع ان امسك علم بلد أخري و اهتف باسمها .. تفاءلت .. و وقت المباراة انقطعت للمشاهدة .. و كنت على يقين ان الفوز سهل و راودني احساس غامض اننا سنفوز بتاع تلاتة صفر كده و نكبس الجزائر و نطلعها و نطلع لكاس العالم .. و تفاءل الناس كافة فاندفعوا يسافرون للسودان ليشاهدوا النصر المظفر و عضض الاعلام من حماسة الناس و اذاعت كل الوسائل الاعلامية الاغاني التي نسمعها في ستة اكتوبر و كادت تذيع افلام من طراز الطريق الي ايلات .. و بات الكلام و الحديث في المواصلات و الاشغال و النت و كل فم عن الماتش المرتقب و الفوز الموعود .. و نحن شعب نعرف كيف نتمني و نمني انفسنا بتحقيق الحلم قبل حدوثه .. و تفاءلنا بجمال مبارك الذي تسلط عليه الكاميرا في لحظات الفوز فقط .. و رحنا نردد شعارات الاستاد و هتافاتها .. و انتشر علم مصر في البلاكونات و فوق السيارات و على الارصفة .. تجهزت المقاهي و تفرغ الناس و تطوع التلفزيون المصري بقنواته الارضية كافة بنقل الماتش على الهواء .. و زار الرئيس المنتخب و ضحك معاهم .. و بدأت تنسج اساطير شعبية حول حسن شحاتة و فرقته .. ثم جاءت المباراة .. و خسرنا .. و انطفأ كل ما سبق .. و لكن امر جديد اشتعل .. و بدأ الاعلام ينقل الصورة الواقعية .. المصريين في السودان يتم ترويعهم نفسيا و جسديا .. السودانيين غمروا انفسهم بأعلام الجزائر .. الاوتوبيسات التي تحمل مصريين محطمة الزجاج .. المكالمات تنهال على البرامج استغاثة .. الاسلحة البيضاء شهرت .. الخطر يحدق بكل لون احمر في السودان و في الجزائر .. صرخات ممثلين و شهادة ناس رأوا التهديد رأي العين و جلود ممزقة و دامية


التاريخ الذي يسكن الكتب فوق الرفوف المنسية يدخر لنا مفاجآت .. ماذا يقول التاريخ .. يحكي عن حرب قامت على مصر سنة 1956 .. اعتقد انك سمعت عن حرب 56 من قبل .. اشتهرت باسم العدوان الثلاثي .. يعلم اغلب الناس (خاصة بعد دور احمد زكي في فيلم ناصر 56) انها قامت بسبب تأميم القنال .. فعندما اعلن الرئيس جمال عبدالناصر انه أمم قناة السويس هرعت بريطانيا بشن الحرب علينا .. هذا ما يشاع .. سألت العلامة جوجل عن العدوان الثلاثي و من هم الثلاثي ان كانت بريطانيا هي التي شنت الحرب .. اجاب جوجل بسخاءه المعهود .. و الحق اني صعقت .. العدوان الثلاثي كان من ثلاثة دول .. بريطانيا و ذلك لمصالحها في قناة السويس .. اسرائيل لأننا كنا بدأنا نجلب أسلحة من الاتحاد السوفييتي مما يمس امن اسرائيل .. و الطرف الثالث هو فرنسا .. اما سبب دخولها في الحرب ... هو مساندة مصر لتحرير الجزائر من الاحتلال الفرنسي .. الأدهي ان الحرب قامت في نفس هذه الايام .. يعني في نوفمبر 56 كنا نحارب من اجل الجزائر و في نوفمبر 2009 كنا نحارب بعض .. ماذا يقول التاريخ ايضا .. يحكي التاريخ عن نكسة 1967 التي غيرت الفكر المصري و العربي كله .. يسرد التاريخ ان رئيس الجزائر آنذاك بعد الحرب توجه للاتحاد السوفيتي و كتب شيك على بياض من اجل ثمن الاسلحة التي استخدمتها مصر و هزأهم و رمي الشيك في وشهم .. اذا التاريخ يقول ان مصر و الجزائر كانوا شركاء كفاح بحق و حقيق .. ده غير ان مركز التخطيط و هيئة تحرير الجزائر وقتها كانت في مصر .. لذا فان ما يحدث هو نقض تام لكل ما يختزنه التاريخ من قصص مؤثرة و بطولات مشرفة


جاء النبي محمد صلي الله عليه و سلم من اشرف بيت في الحجاز كافة و من قريش خاصة .. جاء النبي من الاسرة الاعلي مكانا بين العرب .. حتي ان المؤرخين اثبتوا ان اجداد النبي العرب الاول هم من سموا الشهور العربية بالاسماء التي نعرفها الآن (رجب و شعبان و رمضان الخ الخ) .. ومع ذلك فقد انقلب العرب عليه بعد نبوته .. و لا احتاج ان اسرد عليك ما عاناه النبي محمد صلي الله عليه و سلم في بعثته .. فمن سب الي سخرية الي اتهام الي هجرة الي اصابات الي آخره مما تزخر به كتب السيرة .. فلماذا كان يعاني النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم .. لقد صبر و تحمل و بلغ رسالته من أجل ان تكون انت عزيزي القارئ مسلم بسهولة و يسر .. و قد كان .. طيب جميل .. هذا النبي الذي كان همه ان يدخل الناس كافة في رحمة الله عندما كان يحتضر و يموت و روحه تطلع بين اصحابه و بناته بماذا اوصي .. آخر فرصة للكلام تتاح للنبي المسئول عن هداية البشر جميعا الي يوم القيامة .. ماذا قال .. أوصي فيما أوصي بحرمانية دم المسلم و ماله و عرضه .. و لك ان تفتح اي كتاب عن السيرة و تقرأ خطبة الوداع


من الجميل و الممتع ان تكرس جميع اجهزة الاعلام من اجل هدف واحد .. و ان يتحد فنانو مصر تحت سفح الهرم للتنديد بقضية واحدة .. و من الجميل و الممتع ان نسمع صوت علاء مبارك و هو يشارك الجمهور المصري معاناته .. من الجميل و الممتع ان نري الرئيس يجتمع بالمنتخب في مصر ليشد من أزره ثم بحكومته من أجل اتخاذ القرار المناسب تجاه أزمتنا مع الجزائر .. كل هذا جميل و ممتع .. و من اجل ماتش كورة تسبب في أزمة .. اما ان يكون هناك مصريين لا يجدون ماء نظيف و نحن في بلد النيل فهذا امر فرعي .. و اما ان يتواجد خبراء اسرائيليين في السد العالي فهذا امر فرعي .. و اما ان يموت مصريين على الحدود في سيناء من رصاص اسرائيلي فهذا امر فرعي .. اما ان يصطبح الغزاوي في عيد الاضحي يقصف من الجانب الاسرائيلي فهذا امر فرعي .. و اما ان تحاك خطط لتقسيم العراق الي دويلات فهذا امر فرعي .. و اما ان ينقسم السودان الي شمال و جنوب منفصلين فهذا امر فرعي .. و اما ان تتفاوض اسرائيل مع دول حوض النيل حول حصة مصر من الماء فهذا امر فرعي .. اما ان يقبض الموظفين المصريين مائة و ستون جنيه مرتب شهري فهذا امر فرعي .. اما ان تتكرر نفس الحوادث و تزهق ارواح جديدة لمصريين فهذا امر فرعي .. اما ان يستمر رئيس على كرسي فوق الخمسة و عشرين سنة لأنه احسن من اللي مانعرفوش فهذا امر فرعي .. اما ان يمثل جمال مبارك مصر في محافل دولية فامر فرعي .. اما ان يختفي علاء مبارك تماما ثم يعمل راجل في مكالمة عن ماتش فيحبه الناس فامر عادي .. اما ان تتراكم الزبالة اكوام في الشوارع فامر فرعي .. انما سيبك انت .. طالما بتشتم في الجزائر يبقي كله تمام


انها مسخرة .. مهزلة .. ان نصل الي هذه النقطة .. المصري مخطئ عندما تعدي على الجزائريين في استاد القاهرة و توعد بأن تكون مقبرته و رمي بحجر على حافلاته .. و لكن التاريخ سيسجل ان حتي هذه اللحظة لم نحطم اي مصالح جزائرية في مصر .. حتي المظاهرة التي خرجت عند سفارة الجزائر كانت يادوب شتائم .. اما ان يتم تكسير المصالح المصرية في الجزائر .. فهذا مخيف .. اذا داست الأزمة على المشاعر .. فهذا أمر متوقع في عصر الجماهير الغفيرة .. اما ان يدوس السياسة .. فهذا في مصلحة الحكومات لتحقق مكاسب رخيصة .. اما ان يدوس على المعتقدات التي في الصدور .. فهذا امر اعتدنا عليه من كثرة مشاهدة المذابح في التلفزيون .. اما ان يدوس التجارة .. فهذا مخيف و مرعب .. عندئذ لن يكون هناك ادني سبب للصلح .. و ستكون القطيعة مهيأة تماما بل و حل منطقي .. انا لا افهم ماذا يدور في رأس انسان نوي ان يخرج من بيته لا لشئ الا ان يحطم مكان عمل مواطنين و كل ذنب مكان العمل انه مصري الجنسية .. كيف يغيب عنه انها مصالح مشتركة و انه هناك بيوت رزقها في هذه الاماكن .. بيوت جزائرية و مصرية .. لا أفهم .. و على فكرة جمهور مصر انضرب على خوانة .. لقد أرسلنا جمهور يريد ان يسهر سهرة حلوة .. يريد ان يشاهد مباراة كرة قدم .. على سبيل المثال كم امرأة رأيتها في مدرجات الجزائر مقارنة بمدرجات مصر .. نحن ذهبنا لكي نقضي وقت حلو .. لو كنا نعلم ماذا سيصنعون .. لكانت اختلفت الحسابات .. فنحن لن نرسل اهل السجون .. كلا .. هم لا يستطيعون ان يتحملوهم .. كفاية كم واحد من شبرا على كام صعيدي على كام منوفي و خلصت القصة و من غير اسلحة كمان .. و لكن الامر ابعد من الجماهير و اعمق من ماتش .. هناك سؤال هام جدا .. ماذا لو لعبت اي دولتين عربيتين و تكرر الامر بنفس الطريقة .. هل وصلت العلاقات بين العرب الي هذه الهشاشة .. ماتش يؤدي الي سحب السفير


في النهاية .. أنا رأيي ان كل ما يحدث مسخرة و يجب ان تنتهي .. و يجب ان نطوي هذه الصفحة لأن كراهية الجزائر لن ترفعنا من موقعنا في دول العالم الثالث و لن تكون سبب دخولنا الجنة .. الجزائر اخطأت و يجب ان تعتذر على مستوي سياسي رفيع المستوي .. ولكن سواء حدث هذا او لم يحدث هناك اشياء اهم بكتييييييييييييييييييير من كره الجزائر

فما رأيكم دام فضلكم


و هذا نفس ما يحدث في امتحانات نهاية العام. فلو أن الجامعة اعتمدت الناجحين على اساس آراء الاساتذة لادعي كل واحد من الطلبة انه لو امتحن لكان الاول مع مرتبة الشرف ! لقد وضعت الجامعة نظام الامتحانات لا لأنها تجهل الاجابات التي حددتها في الاسئلة و انما ليكون الطالب شهيدا على نفسه ، حتي اذا جاء مجادلا جاءوا بأوراقه. واذا جئت انت مجادلا يوم القيامة جاءوا بكتابك


الشيخ محمد متولي الشعراوي

Friday, November 27, 2009

Organisational Politics

Is Organization politics bad?

Whenever we hear the word politics - negative thoughts come up in almost everyone's mind. Politics becomes bad when there is hidden agenda, using power and influence to further your personal interests, maligning your colleagues etc. Following are examples of bad politics

  • Regional/language bias Well, let's accept this. We have a comfort feel if we have people from your region or who speak your language. Assume there are 2 people who have more or less the same competence. The person who is from the same region as the boss gets visibility, rewards, recognitions etc. Boss does the image building for this person and ignores the other person completely. So you could imagine the emotional state of other guy. Such issues could happen between peers at all levels.
  • Perception spreading/Image tarnishing Let's assume that an influential person has some perception about somebody or some thing. This person spreads his/her perception to other people. This could be done intentionally or unintentionally. But the damage it does is profound. If it is about a person, the person's career is jeopardized or if it is about the project, the project is bound to fail or people involved in that project will get de-motivated or even resign.
  • Hiding important information This point is self explanatory. Hiding important information which is required to do your work is most negative thing I can think of. The person hiding the information wants the other person to fail desperately for whatever reason.
  • Misrepresentation of information In order to protect one's image, the facts are misrepresented so that someone else's image is tarnished. Most of the times this person will not be present to defend himself/herself and gets to know only after his/her image is tarnished. In order to change this, the person will have to work hard for quite sometime. Very often it will be difficult to re-establish the good image depending on how influential the person is.
Is Organization politics good?

What is politics? In my experience it includes gossiping, networking etc. Every organization will have grape vine for rumors, gossips, speculation etc. Following are examples of good politics

  • Networking/friends The backbone of office politics is networking. Without network of colleagues there cannot be politics. Once you start networking with your colleagues you will get to know more about your colleagues, their interests, the projects they are working on, the problems they face etc. This has multiple benefits. You know where other projects are positioned; you get information needed for doing your job in a better way, or advancing your career, getting that etc. You will get to know the pulse of your organization by getting to know what is happening within the organization. Most of the time you never get important information from your bosses but from your network and you could prepare yourself for any eventuality. This is most important source of information.
  • Speculation For any controversial topic within organization, there will be speculation. Groups of people speculate on what will be the outcome of this topic and you get various insights into the topic. If it is about who will be next CEO or General Manager, you will get to know who the competent people in the company are. These kinds of speculation open up various possibilities and also offer insight into how your colleague's thought process works and more importantly it provides invaluable insight into their emotional setup. The speculation could be started by involved parties also, so as to direct the actual outcome to be what they expect it to be. I have seen this working.
  • Career development Little bit of politics will also help you to make advancements in career. You will get important information via networking/speculation regarding opportunities and new job openings. With this information you could position yourself based on your goals and contact the right person with right set of information. As and when you grow higher in hierarchy, the person has to be part of office politics to even retain his/her position or to grow further.
Most of what is discussed above is somewhat abstract, but this is what I have seen in many organizations that I worked for. To summarize, every organization will have politics and you should become part of it even if you like or dislike if you want career growth. Also one should cultivate good friendship and trust with at least some of your colleagues.On the other hand, senior leadership team should ensure that negative politics is not encouraged. It could bring down the organization itself.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Barack Obama says American Alcohoilism is the Cause of Iraq War

According to Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama, American Alcohoilism is the root cause of the Iraq War, soon to be the Iran War. The immense, gluttonous, ridiculous over consumption of oil by the people of the United States of America is the root cause of the Iraq War said Senator Barack Obama of Illinois.

At the time that America went to war in Iraq Senator Barack Obama was a state legislator. He opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning unlike all of the other leading candidates from both parties who voted to go to war in Iraq proving that the color of your skin and long years of experience do not always translate into good foresight and wisdom. Yesterday Barack Obama addressed the DNC Winter Meeting. Here is a part of what Barack Obama said:

“We’ve got 130,000 Americans fighting halfway across the world in a war that should never have been waged, led by leaders who have no plan to end it. The decisions that we make in the next decade will determine the future of our children and the future of our grandchildren. The campaign, our mission is to figure out how we can do some good for this precious country and planet of ours. Our oil dependence is threatening not just our pocketbooks but the safety of our planet.”

Barack Obama blasted President Bush’s new war escalation and budget which asks for the American people to throw another trillion dollars after bad for the war in Iraq. This warmongering by George Bush is bankrupting health care, social security, education and creating a deficit which will lead to the bankruptcy of the country, leading to another great depression or runaway inflation.

The root cause of the Iraq War and the American dependence on other countries for oil is not a lack of domestic oil but an insane over consumption of oil by the people of the United States. This graph is worth a billion words and shows in one glance the amount of oil used every day by every country on the planet earth. Look at it, click on it NOW to understand the root cause of the Iraq War.

The people of the United States of America consume 20 million barrels of oil each and every day, far in excess of any other nation on Earth. For the past 5 million years before a hundred years ago our ancestors used zero oil. Russia and India use 2 million barrels of oil per day. Indonesia with nearly the same population as the U.S. uses 1 million barrels of oil per day. Laos and many other countries use 3 thousand barrels of oil per day.

Now look at this chart of exports and production of oil by every country on Earth. This chart shows that Saudi Arabia exports 9 million barrels of oil more per day than it imports. On the other end of the scale the United States the world’s largest polluter by far imports 12 million barrels of oil per day on top of the 5 million barrels per day we produce domestically in the United States. The Iraq desert is capable of producing 2 million barrels of oil per day at a cost of $1 per barrel and this is why the United States invaded Iraq, to steal their oil. Every one of the 1.3 billion Muslim people on Earth knows this. The Iraq War and Iran War exit strategy is for the people of the United States of America to over the next year cut back on our ridiculous over consumption of oil to 2 million barrels of oil per day.

Russia and China consider Iran to be their own backyard. They are both going to back Iran just like they backed tiny North Vietnam to defeat the United States, when the United States attacks Iran. Russia and Iran have half of the world’s oil and Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and Russian President Vladimir Putin just announced their own gas OPEC. Russia, the Soviet Union, the long time enemy of the United States is building the Iranian nuclear reactor in Busheher Iran and the Soviet Union just delivered $1 billion worth of advanced surface to air missiles to Iran to protect it.

Yesterday Senator Barack Obama said, “Our oil dependence is threatening not just our pocketbooks but the safety of the planet.” The American dependence upon foreign oil because of our ridiculous over consumption of oil every day caused the Iraq War, is leading to the Iran War and then to nuclear world war 3, the extinction of life one earth in nuclear world war 3 and its aftermath nuclear winter then ultraviolet summer aka Mad, Mutually Assured Destruction. Furthermore the burning by the United States every day of 20 million barrels of oil, the American Alcohoilism is a leading cause of the impending global warming catastrophe when Antarctica, Greenland and the Arctic ice continents melt and the earth’s one Ocean rises permanently 50 feet, permanently submerging the United States under 50 feet of water. The United States is like a codeine addict thinking that the solution to his problems is to break into a drug store and steal the pills.

The real solution to our war and global warming problems is to eliminate our consumption of oil completely. Our ancestors did fine without it for five million years. Why are SUV’s legal? Why isn’t it a law that every American must drive a Smart Car or an electric car or an ethanol car which runs on corn or a fuel cell car which runs on water and emits only water vapor or ride a bicycle? Think of the reduction in oil consumption. Think of the end of the need to colonize the Middle East. Ford Motors is now approaching bankruptcy and Japanese Toyota just reported record sales and profit because of the difference in their cars’ gas mileage. Isn’t it about time that we as American people took the fifth step at Alcohoilics Anonymous and admitted to God, to ourselves and to everyone else the exact nature of our wrongs, that we drank too much oil, and isn’t it about time that we as Americans stopped needlessly drinking so much oil? Our very existence and the continued existence of life on Earth depends upon it said Senator Barack Obama yesterday. It’s just plain common sense. We know how much war costs in dollars and lives lost. How much money will peace save the American taxpayers, who are being taxed out of their minds by the hidden George Bush War Tax, which just went up another trillion dollars yesterday?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

LSM Threatens Attack If SBY Ignore Palace Team 8

VIVAnews - A number of activists from various non-governmental organizations will hold a signature delivery action to President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono as a form of support to follow up recommendations Eight team.

They would go around the Presidential Palace at 09.00 am, Monday, November 23, 2009. "We'll leave to the SBY thousands of signatures of support," said Director Ray Rangkuti Circle Madani, when contacted VIVAnews, Sunday evening, November 22, 2009.

Action is a form of support to the president for a recommendation from Tim menindaklajuti Verification Process Facts and Case Law Samad Riyanto Seeds and Chandra M Hamzah. "The attitude of the president to implement the recommendations that are awaited by the people," he said.

The President asked to implement all the recommended points Eight team. It shows decisiveness by the president to establish the rule of law. "Although the president was assessed attitudes slow in this case, but we hope there is a decisive action to solve it thoroughly," he said.

Action will continue to watch with my persiden answers on recommendation 8 in the Office team Imparsial, road Diponogoro, Menteng, Central Jakarta. President dijadwalka submit the answers on Monday night, 23 November 2009. "If the attitude of the president to ignore the recommendations Eight team, we'll do big action to the Palace," he said.

The activists who participate will melt in Indonesian Youth flag. They include Usman Hamid, Fadli Zon, director of Circle Madani (Lima), Ray Rangkuti; Muhamdiyah Youth Chairman, M Izzul Muslims; Secretary General of the Muslim Students Association, Ahmad Nasir; and Haris Rusly of Indonesian Youth Leadership Forum (FKPI).

In recommendation 31 yard thick, the team president of Eight request to stop the seed case and Chandra, completing Kabareskrim legal cases related Duadji Inspector Susno Century Bank case, repositioning of personnel in the conduct of law enforcement institutions, and the eradication of the body broker in the case of law enforcement institutions.

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