Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Holocaust Remembrance Day

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail...

Friday, January 23, 2009

Article in As-Safir newspaper

Today's edition of As-Safir, leading Lebanese daily newspaper, brings an article about my Palestinian related cartoons. Read article HERE!(Click on image to enlarge)...

عن المضي

ولت 2008 .. كما ولي كل عام من قبله .. يودع بالألم ربما .. بالدهشة ربما .. بالأمل يجوز .. بالترقب ممكن .. و لكن الواقع يصرخ أن جاءت 2009 .. رئيس أمريكي مترع بالفشل يمضي .. و يأتي رئيس جديد يملأ الدنيا أمل .. أزمة عالمية جثمت على...


Sometimes I thought that the jewish extremists and the islamic extremists should be given their own state, the borders sealed, and then the rest of us could let them get on with the job of annihilating each other and we could be left in peace.*ترجمتي: أحيانا أفكر أن علينا...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

410 children killed by Israel in Gaza

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail. Contact...


Artwork I made for the Israel Apartheid Week.(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution versions for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Two more cartoons

Ban Ki-moon(Click on image to enlarge)Editorial cartoon, to be published in the bulletin of FISENGE (Federacao Interestadual de Sindicatos de Engenheiros), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.High resolution versions for printing purposes here: here: war crimes(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution versions for printing purposes here: here:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Israel Press Freedom

Artwork made specially for the Al-Jazeera's Inside Story TV show (aired yesterday). Jump to 8:40 if you can't wait.(Click on image to enlarge)As if putting 1.5 million people at risk of starvation was not enough, Israel weighed a brutal attack on Gaza today, killing more than 1000 people, including...

The Arab League

(Click on image to enlarge)As if putting 1.5 million people at risk of starvation was not enough, Israel weighed a brutal attack on Gaza today, killing more than 1000 people, including women and children, with the complicity of Arab regimes. Once again I beg you reader, my brothers and...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

More cartoons about Gaza, spread them out NOW!

As if putting 1.5 million people at risk of starvation was not enough, Israel weighed a brutal attack on Gaza today, killing more than 1000 people, including women and children, with the complicity of Arab regimes. Once again I beg you reader, my brothers and sisters-in-arts, to spread these...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Cartoon on Al Jazeera TV

During a debate aired on Al-Jazeera TV today, January 16, one of my cartoons was shown. Jump to 7:10 if you can't wait.:)I'm keeping my word with Mr, Adris, the Palestinian I met in Hebron in 1999, and with all the Palestinian people, when I said that, back to...

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The both sides of Gaza conflict

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution versions for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Shimon Perez, Nobel Peace Laureate

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution versions for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail...

Blame Hamas!

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail...

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hamas, Islamic Resistance Movement

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail. Contact...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

US Thwarts UN Gaza Ceasefire Calls

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail...

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tanks rolling over Gaza

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

No Happy New Year for Gaza

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes here: here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail...

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