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Friday, July 31, 2009

The American Political Extreme

When speaking in terms of the political extreme we must first define what is meant by "extreme." Most scholars will agree that political extremism can be defined as a political philosophy or ideology of a character and kind that is farthest removed from the ordinary or average. It is the farthest from the center, outermost or endmost. It is going or doing the utmost to very great lengths to the political left or right in action, habit, or opinion.

With this in mind it is fair to say that the body politic of the Untied States has largely shifted to two extremes - liberal and conservative, as defined by the plat forms of both the democratic and republican parties. The dilemma is that neither party views themselves as being "extreme." Yet, both parties categorically define each other by these extreme terms. They are fully capable of seeing the awful nature of the extremist positions of their opposition but not in themselves. That is more then troubling, it is dangerous. Let's take a good look at both extremes.

Liberalism was once philosophically favorable to progress and reform in political or religious affairs, but without defying the basic tenets and principals of the constitution or Holy Scripture. Liberalism was favorable to and in accord with concepts of maximum individual freedom in a society and government that was free from prejudice and bigotry. Liberalism advocated tolerance and generosity. Liberals were patriots and champions of freedom. Now compare this to modern day liberalism.

Modern day liberalism can best be defined as "secular progressivism" in a true Bill O'Reilly sense. No doubt about it, this is extreme. Modern day liberalism will redistribute wealth by targeting the affluent for most of the government's revenue. They fully embrace the "rob Peter to pay Paul" mentality. This form of secular progressive liberalism wholly embraces the "welfare state" and is a champion of illegality with respect to illicit drug use and illegal immigration. Hard work and ingenuity will be taxed and penalized while laziness and illegal immigration will be rewarded through income redistribution.

Modern day liberalism embraces lax school discipline on American children to promote the so-called "liberties of minors." It will even go so far as to deprive parents of their right to shape and discipline their own off spring through tried and tested (and biblically supported) cross-generational and universally accepted standards. This includes the occasional spanking (not to be confused with abusive beating). Instead secular progressive liberalism would replace this with a new social order that claims to know what is better for children then their parents. They would assume/replace responsibility for children from their parents. It is Orwellian in scope.

Modern day liberalism has a "one-world" approach to US foreign policy. It will happily abdicate American sovereignty to the Untied Nations and a new world order. Modern day liberalism wholly embraces all manner of moral perversities from pornography in literature, film, art and music to all manner of sexual promiscuity. All of this is done in the name of "self-expression" and a disturbing interpretation of the first amendments right to the "freedom of expression." It doesn't matter how much societal harm this does either. The focus on "individual rights" trumps the rights of an entire society under this new and modern secular progressive form of liberalism.

Modern day liberals call themselves "patriots" yet will do and say practically anything that will disgrace or do harm to their own country. With few exceptions, modern day liberals seldom serve their country but think nothing of attacking those who do. Modern day liberalism, unlike the liberalism of yesteryear, largely defines the meaning of "coward." Modern day liberalism has lost its generosity, sense of fairness and fair play, and its patriotism.

Most modern day liberals are lazy. They believe they are owed everything yet deserve practically nothing. Few among them earn all that they have. They are much more "takers" then they are "givers." They are perpetual spoiled brats, even in to middle age and beyond. Modern day liberals are extremely stingy with their own money but they will happily give away everyone else's. They advocate gay rights but work diligently to deny "Christian rights." Modern day liberalism bears naked hostility to religious values and their expression in public. They even flaunt obscene perversities in the face of Christians in the name of progressive free expression. They care nothing about those they offend.

Modern day liberalism embraces freedom only for its own ideals while denying the ideals, philosophies, and thoughts of any opposing view. Liberalism that was once the champion of "tolerance" has now become the most intolerant political ideology imaginable. Modern day secular progressive liberalism personifies the evil of hatred toward those who fail to share their views and these liberals would outright do harm if they could. This secular progressive liberalism is mean-spirited, scary, and very dangerous.

Conservatism was once viewed as the inclination in politics to maintain the existing traditional order. Political conservatives urged caution or moderation, as a behavior outlook. They were strict constitutional constructionists and were strong on national defense issues and staunch supporters of the military and military veterans. They were devout American patriots, almost to a spiritual level. Conservatives clearly embraced the free market ideal and the entrepreneurial spirit. They believed in fiscal responsibility in government to include limiting spending and taxation. They were strong on faith issues and supporters of religious freedom and expression. They deemed themselves to be the "champions of family." Conservatism was a political philosophy and attitude that emphasized respect for traditional institutions, and distrust of government and governmental activism. Conservatism was in strong opposition to sudden change in the established order. Conservatism had a heart. Now let's take a look at modern day conservatism.

Modern day conservatism could be better defined as "progressive fascism." Not in terms of a governmental system led by a single dictator but rather by a "powerful elite" that I call the "fascist elite." One person may appear to be in charge but he or she is responsive to the facist elite. One must go through a "rights of passage" to gain membership in this highly select "fascist elite" inner circle. The "fascist elite' is comprised of select and influential lobbyists, corporate elitists, and the conservative governmental inner circle. The trilateral commission members clearly fit in to this inner "fascist elitist" inner circle.

Modern day conservatives buck the traditional order as much as they embrace it. They abhor secular progressive Supreme Court decisions that overturn traditional values pertaining to marriage and life, which is a reasonable and defendable argument. However, they would happily out law individual freedom if it would advance their fascist conservative cause and further empower them. They are much more "pro-war" then they are "pro- military" and they wrongly think of them as being one in the same. They prefer a "military offense" to "military defense" and I'm not speaking in terms of military tactical or strategic maneuvering. I am speaking to a philosophical and ideological ideal.

They are quick to send Americas soldiers in to harms way provided they themselves, or their family members, never have to lead the charge. Modern day conservatives are quick to raise the flag but slow to serve it. Certainly there are exceptions but this is mostly a normal and usual dynamic of the modern day conservative movement. Most modern day conservatives are merely "military cheer leaders" that would fight only to stay our of a soldier's uniform. Most of them define the word "coward."

These modern day conservatives think nothing of turning their backs on America's military veterans once they have been spent and are no longer useful. They point to passed veterans' appropriations but neglect to mention that they themselves fought most of those appropriations tooth-and-nail through the legislative process. Had they had their way, our nations veterans would be penniless and without adequate healthcare.

Modern day conservatives abhor social welfare for the poor but embrace corporate welfare with frenzy. They are not just supporters of the entrepreneurial spirit and the capitalistic ideal, which is good, but they'll also surrender the nation and its people to that a gross aberration of that ideal in the interest of corporate greed, which is bad. They are not just against taxation in general, they devise laws and methods to ensure corporations and the wealthiest among them can completely avoid taxation, especially in off shore accounts and through creative accounting.

Most of our nation's wealthiest people are in these modern day conservative ranks and they have gotten greedier then the human psychic can comprehend. They have wholly forsaken the "middle class" and, believe it or not, with their secular progressive "give away everything "liberal cohorts, they are on the verge of turning America in to a two class "rich and poor" society. The American middle class is truly at risk of collapse.

Modern day conservatives speak a good line about being against "illegal immigration" but when they owned the presidency and both houses of congress they did absolutely nothing to prevent it. Instead they opened the avenues to illegal immigration and unlawful entry in to our country more then doubled. Cheap exploited labor for the modern day conservative ranks of the rich and greedy has become a mainstay for them, and America's immigration laws, and the American worker, are damned because of it.

Modern day conservatives are content in transferring once secure and good paying jobs to distant foreign shores. There desperate, exploited, and often abused workers who are willing to work for a pittance await these once lucrative American jobs. The modern day conservatives thought nothing of leaving their loyal and hard working American employees stranded, destitute, unemployed and having to fed for themselves and their families in an increasingly competitive market that offers only little more then minimum wage to even college graduates. So, they gather to the unemployment lines and the welfare system, without health and dental insurance, both of which modern day conservatives are reluctant to fund. Then they call their once proud American workers "lazy freeloaders." Modern day conservatives lost its compassion in an abyss of economic quicksand where it can't be retrieved.

Modern day conservatives have turned fiscal responsibility in to a tax-and-spend extravaganza that makes the most ardent liberals proud. They are still strong on family and faith issues as long as they get to decide the dogma and doctrine of what is acceptable. I'm not talking about defending bible scripture, which is good, but living outside the dictates of what they preach, which is bad. For example they are against premarital sex, sexual promiscuity, adultery and "lusting in the mind," but many among them are known to have done some or all above with a fever. Yet, they hypocritically attack an immoral Hollywood, which really is immoral. They rile about sodomy and gay marriage, which is their right if faith and scripture based. Yet they would imprison a gay couple, consenting adults, who engage in gay sex in the privacy of their own home. To be against sodomy is defendable religious belief but to want to discriminate and bring harm to those who don't conform to your belief system is in no manner a Christian principle. That's judgmental, playing God, and I think God would object. It's an "extreme" conservative position that falls outside traditional mainstream conservatism.

The modern day American politic has evolved in to a mean-spirited bastion of political extremes. The political center that was once the mainstream of American political society was slightly right of center. Some had liberal tendencies but nothing extreme. Some had more conservative tendencies but again nothing extreme. They were both patriots and they liked each other even when they disagreed. They worked together for the good of the nation and each other. Their was seldom any polarization. That is now a distant memory of our better days.

Both parties have been hijacked by the political extremes, the democrats on the left and republicans on the right. They offer only candidates that embrace one extreme or the other. Candidates that must "sell out" to extremist ideologies before the American people get the chance to decide. America desperately needs a third party. A party of moderation and atonement. A party of patriotism. A party that supports fee enterprise, capitalism and the entrepreneurial spirit without embracing the evil of greed. A party that cares more about the powerless then the powerful. A party of Judea-Christian values. A party of tolerance but not so tolerate as to embrace the extreme. A party that is slightly right of center and embraces traditional American values and morals but is not afraid of change. A party that will not lose its direction and sense of compassion. A party that will never stop caring about its people and one which reward hard work instead of good market guesses.

Federal Government Regulator Homosexual Attacks

Did you know that if you work at a company, which is thought to be anti-homosexual rights or of a very pro-Christian viewpoint corporation that your company could become a target of Federal Government Regulators? Did you know if you are a homosexual male in Washington DC you have 305% better chance of getting hired? Did you know that 23% of all Federal Government employees in Washington D.C are outright gay, not closet homosexuals, but out in the open flaming and flaunting it? Less than 2% of our population is gay, yet we have 23% in Washington D.C. working for our government? Why?

Did you know that they have a mandate in the Gay and Lesbian Community to use the law to attack companies and individuals who oppose their forward progress? Did you know that their strategy is to use the law or abuse the law to do this? Did you know that one of their strategies is to use negative Public Relations to disrupt companies, which oppose them or they think may oppose them?

It gets worse, in fact they have mini-networks in various agencies with inside names and phone numbers that average citizens cannot get. They call this collaboration amongst government, but it is an insider Gay club. Often this club abuses power and uses their reach to assist friends in businesses curtail the efforts of other competing companies, by starting bogus investigations and cases to go on fishing expeditions and if they cannot find something, then they make it up as they go, then file the government lawsuit anyway, while alerting 8800 media outlets in anti-PR against the company. Even if you win the bogus, BS case you lose in the media. Personally I have no hate towards homosexuals, yet our company was attacked, make no mistake, I have no problem with the gay way of life, as long as they keep it way from me, they are free to do whatever they want. I do not hate, but had previously been the target of such abuses of power.

We have a problem in our society, which attacks our fiber, as any group, which condones threatening emails to citizens and believes it is okay to lie in courts, manipulate the law and abuse power in any level of authority in our government, we lose Truth, Justice and the American Way. This fringe gay group is unfit to lead or represent their own Gay and Lesbian Community group; much less any of us citizens in Our government. We own the government and it is not to be used as a tool by one fringe group to force their will on the rest of us. I was unlawfully attacked and threatened in emails that they would use the law to attack me again in some way. This indicates to me that these fringe homosexuals have hijacked our laws and are attempting to hijack our government and violate those willing to point out this fact. Indeed they are willing to violate our free speech rights so they can shout over us in with their free speech rights. Face it. That is what is happening here.

Many Americans are not watching this trend. You see the fringe in the homosexual community want all of us to shut up if we notice this dishonest move to usurp the law to turn us into a group of “Politically Correct” weaklings, yet the politically correct way of life they are promoting is their politically correct way as they are stealing the politic.

Indeed, if you work in a Federal Agency and see these things happening and mention it then you will find yourself squeezed out. No one wants to be demoted, lose their job or pension. The problem with all this is that in effect this group is using the government to attack anyone who opposes them or anyone associated to anyone who opposes them. If you mention it then they call you names like; "anti-gay" or Homophobic or even KKK Nazi’ish, yet in fact isn’t this exactly how the NAZI party took over? They will attack any company, group or individual, which they feel hurts their movement, yet their own movement is flawed from within, yet they blame all of us in Society?

This is a very dangerous scenario, as those who feel disrespected often want revenge and such fringe behavior is a death nail to the future of their own movement, yet in the process they are damaging the whole of our civilization. If the Gay and Lesbian Community cannot take care of their own fringe, then the rest of us will have to do this for them and we can start by putting anyone who abuses the law in any government agency or regulatory body in prison, as they are traitors to our Nation, while destroying all we are and all we have built.

Is that an anti-Gay comment? No, it is the God’s honest truth, what is the problem with telling the truth anymore? Oh, I see it is not "Politically Correct" to tell the truth anymore, so we can’t say that? Well, I am saying it, are you listening.

What is the deal with our Homosexual Government workers using the government to attack us? The 2% of the Gay population is being controlled by their .01% radical fringe, which is telling the other 98% of us how to live, what to say and hijacking the law to make sure we serve their will. What do you think of this trend in America?

When this fringe within the generally benign Gay and Lesbian Community who just want their rights as we all do, single out individual companies, groups or Americans for attack then go on the TV with their petty, vindictive and winning comments in the mass media, we can see that no one is safe. Not even the Apple Pie groups like the Boy Scouts of America.

In essence this fringe is flaunting their power and demanding their rights by stealing the rights of others and you know what, it is not okay. We need to clean house in Washington D.C now, because our government is being hijacked and every insider knows it, but tolerates it due to fear of being singled out and attacked, that means all your elected representatives too. If America is to become the land of the free, home of the brave and land of the Homosexuals, then we have dishonored our heritage and our family names. Homosexuals should have their rights just like anyone else, no more or no less. But no one is to take away the freedoms we have spilled our blood to earn. This Nation is for everyone, not one group. Think on it.

Internet and Democracy

History’s great promoters of “democracy”, whether they be Ancient Greek philosophers, American or French Revolutionaries, Communists, or English Parliamentarians, have in every case meant that “everybody” in a society should be able to take part in decision-making of the body politic. But how far has this ideal been realised? And is it time that we can take it further?

In none of the cases cited above were their “democratic” methods completely or truly inclusive: “everybody” variably excluded women, people of other races or ethnicities, people below a minimum threshold age, people without property, etc. In the course of the twentieth century, the right to vote in elections for “representational democracy” was broadened, though those who fell foul of the Law, or the diagnoses of psychiatric medicine, were still usually excluded.

“Democracy”, as it is claimed in modern nation states, generally refers to what can be categorised more specifically as “representational democracy” - i.e. where instead of a political decision being made directly by the masses, it is made by a group of regionally elected representatives, who make decisions “on behalf” of the masses for the duration of a fixed term. Take note that, once these elected representatives are comfortably seated in the decision-making room, they can basically do whatever they want. Though they may try to make decisions that will win public approval in the lead-up to the next election, the fact remains that they can make whatever decision seems best (or most advantageous) to them at the time; and it is clear enough, in any case, that elections for democratic representatives are mostly decided based on haircuts (see last American presidential election) and media manipulation (see any Australian federal election).

Until recently, there existed a strong argument in favour of representational democracy: that for a society of millions, direct popular decision-making would be unworkably impractical. But does this argument still hold? Has the internet altered our political potential as a society?

Let’s say you are a nation of some twenty million inhabitants, and you want to decide how to divide up the resources budgeted for education. You could hardly gather the population in a room and ask for a show of hands. You could ask them to make marks on pieces of paper, then collect and count the tally; but this too would be impractical if required for every decision. However, the world-wide network of computers linked by telephone cables provides us with a vastly more efficient system of communication.

Obviously, if internet connections were used to enable popular participation in political decision-making, it would still be very difficult to enforce compulsory voting by the entire adult population. But perhaps voluntary, total plebiscites could be efficiently and quickly conducted, so that a genuinely popular decision could be made on whether a new governmental Bill should be passed or not. Perhaps democratic representatives could still sit in parliament, but only to argue points of view, and without any exclusive voting rights. If this were the case, they might even begin to argue issues intelligently - which they clearly don’t feel the need to do at the moment. The Australian parliamentary television program Question Time shows very bored-looking, mostly oldish, mostly men, sitting half-asleep and jeering at each other. Is this really still the best method we have, as a society, of deciding our collective future?

Of course, if the internet were to be used for popular voting on political decisions, access to internet connections would need to be available to all. And data security would need to be both solid and agile; hackers would potentially mount “hacking wars” on the electoral system. If nothing else, this could make a good premise for a science-fiction film. But perhaps internet democracy still is nothing more than “speculative fiction” - for I am sceptical that our current elected representatives would lend much support to this idea. After all, history has rarely seen political power and exclusivity being relinquished willingly.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Noordin M Top, Back In the brain Bom Mega Kuningan

Head of Desk Antiteror Ministry Coordinator Political, Legal and Security Ansyaad Mbai said, Noordin M Top bombardment associated with the JW Marriott Hotel and the Hotel Ritz Carlton in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Friday (18 / 7) morning.

"From the mode of been, this is clearly associated with Noordin M Top," he said, when confirmed in Jakarta, Saturday (18/07).

Inspector General Police Ansyaad Mbai added, even though the mode still use the conventional suicide bomb, the action is done with a more sophisticated way of directly penetrate into the target.

"Previously, a suicide bombing carried out only outside, in the hotel or what. But this is, in the middle of a security system is so strict that they can penetrate to target the main target," said Ansyaad.

He revealed, although in the last four years of action does not occur terrorism in Indonesia but Noordin M Top, its cellular network continues to actively perform "consolidation" even though in this period officers are also often comb the feet and hands to catch Noordin M Top.

"Genesis is the evidence, if they were still strong and that this must be a priority that is capturing the actors that Noordin M Top. During aktornya not arrested, so all efforts to anticipate what will be futile." he said

In some time, the apparatus has been making penyisiran arrest and in some areas suspected of hiding as the activities and Noordin M Top hands and feet, as Cilacap (Central Java), Surabaya and Malang (East Java).

The one that caught Syaefudin Zuhri who is arrested in Cilacap in June 2009. Based alumnus expression in a training camp in Afghanistan in 1990, Noordin M Top, and still has a strong network in Indonesia.

Not only that. According to one friend that the Ali Imran, Noordin M Top is still protected by a fellow member of Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) so that the apparatus is still difficult to find jejaknya exactly the number one fugitive.

By : Warrock

Children Usamah Bin Ladin died in tell

New York - Children of Usamah bin Ladin, Saad bin Ladin, dikabarkan killed in U.S. air attacks in Pakistan. According to news site New York Post quoted the, Thursday (23 / 7), Saad allegedly killed in the air attack plane, the United States been this year.

Saad dikabarkan follow in his father's steps in the Al Qaidah. He also allegedly involved in a blitz in the synagogues in Tunisia in 2002.

According to quoted a former Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnel United States, Saad was the house arrest in Iran before going to Pakistan years ago.

An official senior counter-terrorism to the United States says difficult to ensure the death of Saad bin Ladin without doing DNA tests. However, officials believe is "80 to 85 percent" Saad bin Ladin killed.

Counter-terrorism officials have said Saad is not their target. Saad is the only time that is not appropriate in a place that is also not appropriate.

Saad dikabarkan the age of 30. "We assume he is important because the final," said the official.

However, it is not known whether Saad bin Ladin killed near his father, Usamah. Usamah as suspected terrorist attacks in the brain Twin Tower World Trade Center on 11 September 2001

By : Warrock

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This is the damage effects explosion Bom Mega Kuningan

Jakarta-Tremendous damage to the restaurant in the Ritz-Carlton Hotel. In the disordered, and power bomb ledak win high strength. As for the JW Marriott Hotel, the damage is also seen worse.

Bomb explosion that occurred at two hotels, the Hotel JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton Hotel, causing at least 6 people died and 16 people injured.

Victim Name Bom explosion Mega Kuningan
The nine victims in the explosion area Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, Jumat (17 / 7), RS was to Jakarta.

Here the names of the victims as listed on the notice board in the hospital.

1. Maulana Sidik (21), Ritz Carlton Hotel employees, citizens Prapatan Tegal Parang, Jakarta, is still in state care.

2. Aryo (31), Ritz Carlton Hotel employees, citizens Bintaro Sector 9, is still in state care.

3. Edward Thielsen, employees Erlangga Kitchen JW Marriot Hotel, still in state care.

4. David Petter, still in the status of care in the operating room.

5. Beni Purwanto, officer JW Marriott Hotel, still in state care.

6. Adri (23), status is still in care.

7. Dikdik Ahmad Taufik (39), citizen Srengseng Bambu I, still in state care.

8. Dewi Lestari (22), Panin Bank employees, citizens Jl Tantular MPU, already home.

9. Ririn (25) - pegawati Panin Bank, already pulang.Saat this atmosphere in Jakarta mencekam Hospital. There are some that will be moved, but so far have not known where.

By : Warrock

This is the blasting Sketsa Bom in Mega Kuningan

JAKARTA, - Head of Public Relations Division of Police Headquarters Irjen Pol Nanan Soekarna, Wednesday (22 / 7) afternoon, officially announced the sketches the face of the person suspected of a suicide bombing at Hotel JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton, Friday.

Mabes police officially said that the perpetrator is a snippet of the head were found separately in the hotel JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton. "In fact, in addition to the discount, we find serpihan-serpihan body around TKP," Nanan said to journalists in Jakarta.

Nanan also add, that the bomb blast at the JW Lounge is the people who stay at the hotel. This sketch plan will be assigned to all of Indonesia. Nanan mengimbau to the people who know the identity of the Media to report to the Jakarta Crisis Center Apartments in Bellagio, Kuningan, or to contact the numbers 021-30066571, 021-30066575, 021-30066576 and fax in.

There are also characteristics of blasting in the Marriott bombing was estimated age of 20-40 years, with Sawo mature, high-body 165 cm. Meanwhile, the Ritz Carlton at the age of 17-20 years, relatively more white skin, short straight black hair, 180 cm high, shoe size 42-43.

Mega Kuningan bomb anticlimax Indonesia Economy

Jakarta (ANTARA News) - Chairman of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI) Erwin Aksa said bomb attack in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, have created an economic anticlimax.

"In the last five years Government Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jusuf Kalla has been successfully maintain stability, security, political, and economic, it is be pitied when this bomb blast and then we make the economy reach the anti-climax," Erwin said in the broadcast persnya, Saturday.

HIPMI support the government to take important steps in the field of economy so that the impact of events that can be muted.

"Spirituality should keep investors and the government will be working hard so that similar incidents do not recur," said Erwin.

HIPMI jmengutuk bombardment of JW Marriot Hotel & Ritz Carlton swallow the victim berbelangsungkawa and soul-deep in the korba, both Indonesian citizens and foreigners.

HIPMI rate was the bombardment of the act does not violate religious and humanitarian values.

HIPMI urged the government and the police immediately seek pengemboman of the brain and taken to court.

"This is going be pitied. The security and political stability we have been assured for this. Therefore we support the government to ensure completion by the law," he said.

Hundreds of Police Keep Mega Kuningan Area

Jakarta - bomb explosion occurred near the Marriot and Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan. As a result, access to the Mega Kuningan closed Lingkar especially around Jalan Mega Kuningan.

When all this activity appears quiet, hundreds of employees appear to stand outside the building. In addition, dozens of hotel guests from both in and outside the country appear to stand in the field, Mega Kuningan exactly in front of the hotel. Some appear to panic, shock and some silent.

Detikcom watched, hundreds of people the police, both Samapta, Brimob, and Gegana secure the location of the incident. Kapolda itself also has been in the location. Police have been spread throughout the police line in front of the Ritz Carlton.

Bomb explosion occurred near the Marriot and Ritz Carlton Mega Kuningan. As a result, access to the Mega Kuningan closed Lingkar especially around Jalan Mega Kuningan.

When all this activity appears quiet, hundreds of employees appear to stand outside the building. In addition, dozens of hotel guests from both in and outside the country appear to stand in the field, Mega Kuningan exactly in front of the hotel. Some appear to panic, shock and some silent.

Detikcom watched, hundreds of people the police, both Samapta, Brimob, and Gegana secure the location of the incident. Kapolda itself also has been in the location. Police have been spread throughout the police line in front of the Ritz Carlton

By : Warrock

The Law in South Africa

The primary sources of South Africa law were Roman-Dutch mercantile law and personal law with English Common law, as imports of Dutch settlements and British colonialism. The first European based law in South Africa was brought by the Dutch East India Company and is called Roman-Dutch law. It was imported before the codification of European law into the Napoleonic Code and is comparable in many ways to Scottish law. This was followed in the 19th Century by British law both common and statutory. Starting in 1910 with unification, South Africa had its own parliament which passed laws specific for South Africa, building on those previously passed for the individual member colonies.

Roman Dutch law is a legal system based on Roman law as applied in the Netherlands in the 17th and 18th century. As such, it is a variety of the European continental Civil law or Ius commune. While Roman Dutch law ceased to be applied in the Netherlands themselves already at the beginning of the 19th century, Roman Dutch law is still being applied today by the courts of South Africa and Sri Lanka.

While Roman law was mostly forgotten in the early middle ages, interest in the doctrines of Roman jurists returned when —around the year 1070— a copy of the digest of Emperor Justinian I was found in Italy. Scholars in the emerging university of Bologna started to study the Roman texts and to teach law based on these texts. Courts gradually started to apply Roman law —as taught in the university of Bologna (and soon elsewhere) because the judges felt that the refined legal concepts of Roman law were more apt to solve complex cases than the Germanic laws, which had been in use before Roman law was revived. This process (the reception of Roman law) took place in Italy and then in the rest of continental Europe.

In 15th century, the process reached the Netherlands. While Italian jurists were the first to contribute to the new science of law based on the Roman texts, in the 16th century, French lawyers were most influential. In the 17th and 18th century, the leading rôle was passed on to the legal science in the Netherlands. Members of the so-called school of elegant jurisprudence included Hugo Grotius, Johannes Voet, Ulrich Huber and many others. These scholars managed to merge Roman law with some legal concepts taken from the traditional Germanic customary law of the Netherlands, especially of the province of Holland. Thre resulting mixture was predominantly Roman, but it contained some features which were characteristically Dutch. This mixture is known as Roman Dutch law. The Dutch introduced the legal system of their state to their colonies. In this way, the Dutch variety of the European Ius commune came to be applied in South Africa and Sri Lanka.

In the Netherlands, the history of Roman Dutch law ended, when the kingdom of the Netherlands adopted the French Code civil in 1809. However, Roman Dutch law was not replaced by French law in the former Dutch colonies. In this way, Roman Dutch law survived to this day.

Law Studies

A basic education in law studies can be gained at either a vocational school, college or law school. As a standard requisite to becoming a lawyer, students must earn their law degree through an accredited law studies program.

Designed for a wide range of legal professions, law schools offer the vital training and skills necessary to begin a career in law and criminal justice. Diverse in curriculum, the study of law may involve legal aspects of Administration, Business and Bankruptcy, Civil and Communications Law, Constitutional Law, Contract Law, Criminal Law, Cyberspace Law, Education and Environmental Law, as well as Estates, Trusts and Wills. Other areas covered can include Family, Health and Immigration Law, Insurance Law, Intellectual Property (Copyright Issues), Employment and Labor Law, and countless other associated studies.

Though no two law schools are the same, students who desire to work in the legal field should steer their academic curriculum toward their specific area of interest. Because undergraduate law studies encompass many of the above mentioned course topics, it is important for prospective students to focus on one or two primary areas of the law so to gain the most out of their educational experience.

A challenging academic field, law studies attained through a vocational school or college can be quite beneficial to those who are seriously contemplating a career as a practicing attorney. Prior law studies are almost always required and are extremely useful when applying to any law school or trade school geared toward law. Some of these prerequisite classes may include Introduction to Insurance, Law and Legal Processes, Business Law, Elementary Latin, Financial and Managerial Accounting, Public Speaking, and Psychology, in addition to a general education.

Law studies provided at trade or vocational schools should be considered entry-level, and may lead toward professional certification or an Associate degree. Students who have successfully completed law school can go into relevant legal professions involving legal and paralegal or justice areas including corrections and law enforcement. In addition, the ambitious student can continue his or her law studies at a college or university in order to become a practicing lawyer.

If you would like to learn more about Law Studies or even Online Law Schools, you can find more in-depth information and resources on our website.

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The Lemon Law in Florida - Stating the Law as it Affects Consumers

The Florida Legislature in 1988 revised a law that makes car manufacturers responsible for replacing defective vehicles or refunding consumers' money if the vehicle applies to certain conditions set forth by the Legislature. This law is commonly known as Florida's automobile 'Lemon Law,' or popularly known as lemon law Florida.

Most of the states in United States protect consumers from vehicles with manufacturing or other defects. The law stated to prevent consumers from defective vehicles is known as Lemon Law. Lemon law Florida applied to new or demonstrator vehicles sold or long term leased in Florida. Lemon law Florida enables consumer to get repaid within a certain period of time if the vehicle turns out to be a lemon. According to lemon law Florida a vehicles is termed to be a lemon if it calls for multiple repairs in a short span of time. Usually a lemon car works cheaply or breaks down several times immediately after the purchase.

Lemon law Florida applies to only new or demonstrator vehicles sold in state of Florida. Lemon law Florida also applies to vehicles leased in Florida, if such vehicles are lease-purchased. Lemon law Florida is also applicable to vehicles in cases where lessee is responsible for the repair of the vehicle. Lemon law Florida does not cover trucks weighing more than ten thousand pounds gross vehicle weight, off-road vehicles, vehicles which are purchased for purposes of resale, motorcycles and mopeds, or the living facilities of recreational vehicles.

Information on lemon law Florida can be obtained from various websites that provide information about automobiles in Florida or United States. Consumer guide for lemon law Florida can be obtained from hotline number 1-800-321-5366, or 1-850-488-2221 for consumers outside Florida. This phone line should be answered between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Eastern Time. To file a suit for lemon law Florida one should consult lemon law attorneys who specialize in lemon law for Florida. Consumer guide to the Florida Lemon law explains consumer rights, gives steps to follow to resolve problems and contains a toll-free number for the Lemon Law Hotline and a form the consumer can use to notify the manufacturer of chronic defects and time out of service for repair.

Lemon law Florida covers defects or conditions that impair the use of the automobile. The automobile can also be proved to be hazardous or unsafe for use. According to lemon law Florida any defects pertaining to the automobile should be duly reported to the manufacturer or any authorized servicing agency. Lemon law Florida states the first 24 months after the purchase of any automobile as Lemon Law Period for that automobile. If the manufacturer fails to conform the vehicle to the warranty after a reasonable number of attempts to repair these defects, the law requires the manufacturer to buy back the defective vehicle and give the consumer a purchase price refund or a replacement vehicle. The law does not cover defects that result from accident, neglect, abuse, modification or alteration by persons other than the manufacturer or its authorized service agent.

Universal Law

Have you ever had “one of those days” when absolutely everything goes wrong? Have you ever wondered why some people are successful, while others spend their entire lives struggling? Do you ever get the feeling that someone is out to get you because everything you touch goes wrong?

If you’re like most people, these thoughts do occur to you from time to time. But what is the answer to these questions? Is it a question of luck, could it be fate or is there something else going on here of which most people are unaware?

The answer is both all around us and within us, and is called Universal Law. Just like there are Natural Laws that govern nature (such as gravity), there are other Laws which govern all that happens in the universe. From the spiritual to the physical to the mental, everything that happens does so according to Law.

You see, the Universe around us is a very orderly place in which nothing occurs by chance. Even though one cannot see the Laws, or hear them, smell them or taste them, they are there. They apply to everything and everyone – nothing is exempt. Whether one is aware of these Laws or not, they still apply - just like the Law of Gravity. Even though one may not be aware of or understand Gravity, it always works. No matter who you are, if you decide to step off the top of a tall building, you will fall at an increasing rate of speed until you reach terminal velocity or until you impact the ground.

So what are these Laws and how do they work? There are literally dozens of Universal Laws that exist, but for ease of understanding, they can be distilled down to a main seven:

1. Law of Control

2. Law of Accident

3. Law of Cause & Effect

4. Law of Belief

5. Law of Expectation

6. Law of Attraction

7. Law of Correspondence

From these seven, everything else flows. The beauty of the Laws is that once one understands and lives in accordance with them, life becomes extremely simple.

Law of Control

The Law of Control simply states that we have high self-esteem and feel good about ourselves to the exact degree that we feel we are in control of our lives. Unfortunately, the majority of the population does not live according to the Law of Control, but rather by its inverse, the Law of Accident. The truth of the matter is that every one of us is in total control of our life, but until one takes the step to determine that they are personally responsible for what happens to them, then they cannot help but live by Accident.

Law of Accident

This Law states that we feel badly about ourselves and have low self-esteem to the degree that we feel events and circumstances control our lives. In other words, we are the victims of whatever else happens around us. If good things happen, then we benefit, but if bad things happen, we play the victim.

Law of Cause & Effect

This Law is also known as the Iron Law of Human Destiny because it is so profound and powerful. Simply stated, the Law of Cause & Effect says that everything happens for a reason. All actions have consequences, as do all inactions. Distilled down to the simplest possible terms, this law states that for every effect in one’s life, there is a specific cause. The law can also be applied in the physical sense through examination of Sir Isaac Newton’s third Law of Motion, which states that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” If, for example, you were to hold your hand over a candle’s flame (the cause) the effect would be that your hand would burn and it would hurt!

The truly wonderful thing about this law is that by definition then, we should be able to manifest that which we truly want (the effect), simply by exerting the same causes that others before us have exerted and been successful.

Law of Belief

The Law of Belief states that whatever you believe with feeling and conviction becomes your reality. It is not until you change your beliefs that you can begin to change your reality and your performance.

You have heard the doubters and the naysayers out there who always proclaim “I’ll believe it when I see it!” In reality, it is the other way around; it is not until you believe it, that you will see it (no matter what “it” is)!
Self-limiting beliefs are perhaps the most detrimental of all thoughts, since they absolutely will keep you from the success that you may want, but don’t believe you can attain. There is an old saying that goes ”whether you think you can or you can’t, your right!” This saying is completely congruent with the Law of Belief.

Law of Expectation

Simply stated, the Law of Expectations tells us that whatever one expects, with confidence, becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. When one expects with confidence that good things will happen, they usually will. If, on the other hand, one expects a negative outcome to a situation, then the outcome will usually be negative.

Our expectations play a key role in our own outcomes and they also have a remarkable effect on the people around us. What we expect from those around us determines our attitude toward them more than any other factor. In turn, the people around us tend to reflect our attitudes right back at us - whether the expectations and attitudes are positive or negative, good or bad.

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives, that which we focus our thoughts upon. If your thoughts are constantly on positive outcomes and good results, then that is what we will manifest. If, on the other hand, your predominant thoughts are on negative outcomes and poor results, then that is what you will attract. This is based on the fact that the Universe is simply vibrational energy in motion. Emotions, thoughts, feelings and objects – absolutely everything has a vibrational frequency. Since like attracts like, it is only logical that the vibrational frequency of your predominant thoughts will attract results that have a similar vibrational frequency. We know that emotions that are love-based (love, desire, happiness, wonder, joy etc.) have a very high vibrational frequency, whereas emotions that are fear-based (anger, hatred, intolerance, fear, sadness etc.) vibrate at a very low frequency.

Law of Correspondence

“As within, so without” is an old saying that perfectly describes the Law of Correspondence. This simply means that what happens on the outside is merely a reflection of what is happening on the inside. Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world. An individual that is unhappy and living in conflict with themselves, will always exhibit negative behaviors on the outside. Sometimes, one can mask these negative behaviors and thoughts, but the true feelings will eventually reveal themselves. Everything in our lives is a mirror of what is happening within us. If you want to make your outside life better, the only way to accomplish this is to change what is happening on the inside.

In order to live the successful, happy life we all deserve, it is necessary to understand and live by Universal Law. The best way to do this is to first and foremost, take control over your thoughts and to stay in the present moment. Ask yourself constantly; "What am I thinking about right now?" If the answer is something negative, then take the opportunity to change your thoughts. This will start to put you back in control of your life which is the first step to lasting happiness and peace of mind!

Tony Davies is an expert in the areas of Personal Development and Leadership and in integrating these two, seemingly different disciplines. He is successful at this as the result of personal experience - a solid business background combined with a passion, and gift, for personal development and helping others. Tony is an adept public speaker, mentor and an accomplished writer. Having authored several articles, including pieces on Servant Leadership and Universal Law, he is currently writing his first book. To find out how Tony can assist you or your business, please visit his website or call or e-mail him directly.

What's Right About Nebraska: How the Democrats Lost the Heart of American Populism

(Note: This article was written slightly before the 2004 election; however, its thesis on how the Dems. lost the heartland--and why they continue to fumble the ball--bespeaks of a sea change that continues to sweep the American political landscape. Yet, Dean, et al, run down to the beach and think that last tsunami was it--not knowing they come in successive intervals, are stronger than the last one, and are not designed for your viewing pleasure!)

Liberal Democrats don’t get it. America’s “book ends” don’t get it. Kerry’s on a boat somewhere and will wait until next week and film it. Barbara Streisand has never even seen it and wouldn’t know it if it were starring her right in the face. George Soros is scared to death of it; while, knows it’s coming right at them—but, alas, Thomas Frank, allegedly, a recent convert from it, really can’t figure it out either—though try he may. Thomas sees and attempts to analyze it in “What’s the Matter with Kansas: How Conservatives Won the Heart of America,” but discovers “a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma.”

Now, I’m not saying that I really see it all either—however, since East Coast transplant Frank, from affluent Johnson County near Kansas City, KS tried to figure it out—why can’t I give it a shot, since my ancestors who hail from the heartland are the victims of his analysis; and, besides, I’ve been transplanted to the Left Coast? Furthermore, I bear strong Populist Democratic roots `a la William Jennings Bryan, the Olympic-size looser of Democrat Presidential aspirations and Christian fundamentalist, all wrapped inside an enigma.

Truthfully, however, I’m a bit ambivalent in addressing the obvious—but for the sake of the effete left-wing of Americana who can’t see the forest for hugging the trees, nor distinguish adult stem-cell research from embryonic-stem cell research, I am pressed to do so and sidestep the remarks made by author Bill Watterson: The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is that it has never tried to contact us.


It was just about overdue for me to head to Hastings, Nebraska and visit the land of my forebears. So, in the summer of 2003—traveling east on I-80—we plunged fifteen miles or so south and discovered where three generations of German-Russians landed to work for the Burlington Northern Railroad and carve out their homesteads about twenty miles east of Hastings College in a quaint little berg called Sutton. Johannes (changed to John), Karl (changed to Carl) and Georg (changed to George) knew full-well that the old patriarchal system which ruled their households, from Catherine the Great’s invitation in 1763 to homestead the Volga region (and keep out the marauding Moslems) until 1890 (when they landed on Ellis Island), was gone for good—this was AmeriKa!

Man, why did Dad leave this beautiful place (it was summer, wet, and not winter)—just because an old Dustbowl or something? Maybe Tom Daschle (also Volga Deutsch) knows why they left? Couldn’t believe it—there to my left was Spady Motors (huge—probably the biggest dealership in town) and related to me. Why, Grandmother Spady-Krieger would have been proud of me to own a car dealership. Then there was Krieger Electric—he looked pretty prosperous too. All hard working, no doubt. There was the little Emmanuel German Congregational Church—of course, on the south side of the tracks that run through Hastings (incidentally, the wrong side)—it’s now a little Church of Christ but still looks the same, and you could still see the old frozen-in-time warehouses near the tracks where scores of relatives worked.

Then off to see Hastings College—overwhelming for the size of Hastings—really kind of a neat place. Lots of cool old looking buildings scattered amongst huge elms and one-third the price of California federalist-style mansions nestled throughout the campus area. You’d never know that in the 1950s and ‘60s this was the fulcrum, the bastion for Billy James Hargis’ Christian Anti-Communism Crusade. This private Christian College would have been the delight of the anti-evolutionist Bryan—and a great place to release a more modern version of his “Cross of Gold” speech.


Mom was having a hard time choosing between Adlai Stevenson and Dwight D. Eisenhower. We were listening to these things called “conventions” on our super-doper Zenith Radio (could get short wave too)—didn’t have T.V. I think she finally voted for Ike—but I wouldn’t know that for sure, never asked—I mean, when you’re eight-years old, and being into dirt clod fights and all—didn’t care.

We moved to Sacramento and I started the third grade. Mom, now a single parent, did her best to raise us kids and wanted us to be near dad—that’s why we moved. She later got a job at the Almond Growers/Blue Diamond—got up everyone morning, made us breakfast, and took off to work in her neat little brown outfit, super early. One day she came home and told us kids—“Well, I’ve been fired! I tried to organize a labor union with the other girls and the bosses kicked us out . . . but the Teamsters are going to take care of me and you kids, so don’t worry.” I’ll never forget that day. “The Teamsters? Maybe they’re a baseball team that helps people like us?”

Over at dad’s house the Presidential elections were taking place—some time in the mid-fifties. Dad and Margie (my step-mother who once picked fruit in the Santa Clara Valley before it was a highway—also a rabid Democrat) were voting Democrat—something about Harry Truman convinced them that the Democrats were for the little guy—“and that guy Hoover nearly destroyed us in the Mid-West. If it wasn’t for Roosevelt, we’d all have starved . . . the Democrats care for people like us and we’d probably vote for a jackass if they ran one.” (Note: Dad had no idea that they actually did this on several occasions.)

At the time I thought that was kind of funny—but all these stories about my roots tell a tale that Thomas Frank really doesn’t understand too well.

Then, along came Cuba, the bomb, and the commies. Dad even built a family bomb shelter in his new home in Carmichael—it too was kind of neat—I just had to figure out how to get across town fast enough to get down there and survive a couple of weeks while the radiation clamed down and somehow allowed us to come out of hiding to scavenge for food, and meet the other bomb shelter survivors, and continue the fight.

“The Democrats used to be hard on communism—I can’t figure out why they’re not any more . . . I’m not planning to vote this time around” (quoting Dad). “Anyway, every time I vote for a Democrat, I get audited on my taxes. Another thing, if we let the reds take over, we’ll be isolated and their atheism will take over too.” Humm . . ., “their atheism—what’s that got to do with voting for Republicans?” “Nothing son, I just feel that way.”


Frank, being from Kansas, doesn’t really understand why these populist, died-in-the-wool Roosevelt Democrats, keep voting against their economic well being. I mean, why on earth you would vote for a party that is anti-union, pro-tax cuts for the rich and famous, outsource-NAFTA specialists, pro-monster-plantation-ADM-to-the-world-against-small farmers, and in general, the Party of Big Business, Country Clubbers, Oil moguls and everything that bespeaks of “the rich get richer?” These people must be self-haters or just plain ignorant rednecks—in sum, hicks that just can’t figure out the obvious.

I’m trying to make the obvious, the obvious. It’s like voting, while holding your nose—someone’s got to do it! Now, populist Bryan—later of Scopes-Darrow Monkey Trial fame—celebrated his farmer-labor populist roots WITHIN THE FRAMWORK of Christian evangelical fundamentalism—an experience, most likely, observed only from the outside, by Frank (no offense to his intellectual genius-void-of-sacredness-style piece of social science pandering to the Left).


Frankly (no offense here), along with Clark Gable’s remark to Scarlet, they (i.e., these former Roosevelt-Truman Democrats) don’t really “Give a da…” (Better to leave out the “mn” because I know Frank can figure it out better).

Life was hectic in Sacramento in the late 1950s. We’d go back to the Mid-West for visits now and again—but it was obvious, Dad and Mom we’re desperately trying to live the American Dream—although they had no idea it was called that and, if they did, it didn’t mean all that much to them, they we’re trying to survive. But, what was happening in the Mid-West, the South, the West in general, and especially in the Great Central Valley of California, among these Democrat-style Populists, was a sea-change in the way they viewed their Party.

In this aspect, Frank’s right—as far as they were concerned; the RLs (Radical Left) took over. The white Northerners among them tolerated the Civil Rights movement—some even heartily supported it because it was fair and right for all Americans to have a piece of the pie—but, of course, the Southern Strategy was in full force by the late ‘60s and, along with the embrace of the social agenda of the RLs—well, it was only a matter of time before the Southern Strategy would join the Northern social malcontents. Thence, Reagan’s one-two punch blew these populists clean off the Democrat radar screens and into the arms of a “kinder and gentler” America—notwithstanding the fat-cat country clubbers (who are hypocrites anyway—and we fully intend to take over the Republican Party in any event).


My buddy, Dene McGriff, took off to a Christian camp near Sacramento and met with some young families who tried to get his goat—i.e., “Hey, Dene, Bush is the best thing that ever happened to America—Right? And, he’s a Christian, right? So---aren’t you voting for Bush?”

Dene (whose relatives come from Oklahoma, just south of Kansas in case certain social scientists don’t know where that’s at) wouldn’t take sides and said his “citizenship is in heaven – no thanks, I won’t take your bait.” He also warned them about getting involved in one-issue politics.

Then, Mike M., getting a little more serious, spoke up: “McGriff, abortion trumps everything . . . and as far as I am concerned, that’s the only issue that matters.” Yes—he really did say this and he really meant it (Mike’s folks were conservative Catholics, but he now attends a little evangelical Jesus People-type gathering with like-minded anti-abortionists). See, we’re talking real world here—you don’t need another social scientist blathering about why people vote Republican and against their pocket books.

Sue me—it’s the truth! You get right down to it and you’re left with this overriding sense that these people, my people, feel totally disenfranchised by the Democrat Party—the same compromising, effete, hypocritical, commercial grubbers, like Clinton, who pushed through their vision for the “working man and woman” of America, along with the help of Congressman Bob Matsui (for whom I voted for high school president at C. K. McClatchy Sr. High School in Sacramento—he won too—remember Bob: he was the front man for Clinton’s NAFTA crusade (talk about holding your nose)).

Stinks, doesn’t it? You’re sittin’ in this Republican Big Tent, and you know that McCain, Schwarzenegger, Guliani, don’t even come close to how the Republican trench warfare types, the foot soldiers of American “conservatism,” really feel about these “social issues.” This little co-existence is the best we can find for now. Going back to the Dems, with their gay-marriage agenda (the final straw for Hispanics and any waffling Catholic whose family “prays together, stays together”); along with their Whoppi Goldberg-Hollywood blasphemies (Kerry’s “heart and soul” of America types—give me a break); their pro-choice-at-any-cost-free-our-women-from-the-oppressive Religious Right; their hug-a-tree and protect the spotted owl no matter how many jobs it costs; and on and on and on.

You see, Frank, these people BELIEVE. True believers, especially “under attack” from the protesters and anarchists in New York, really believe “their way of life” is under assault and that economic issues, war issues, ad nausea, ad infinitum, don’t matter, no how. Furthermore, the best thing that ever happened since 9/11 is the ACLU loosing a few of their precious, little civil liberties—if they only understood the “common good.”


Now, what I’ve said—and the populist manner of my address (purposefully orchestrated for effect)—doesn’t mean that my conclusions differ from those of Frank. No, what I’m saying is simply this: Frank sees what’s happening but I really don’t think he can grasp the inner intensity of why it’s happening—nor the true historicity of its inexorable march toward total political polarization in this nation. He sees it happening, but like the Left who relishes his clever analyses—thinking that they too understand why its happening—simply is fooling around with symptoms and hasn’t any clue as to the real cause.

Like the present European mindset that is aghast at Bush’s appeal to “morality’s involvement in political affairs” – dare he defile the secular debate! Yeah, who are these leaders supporting Kerry? Hasn’t Kerry ever heard of the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny? Frank better tell the lefties why the Reps. are just thrilled to welcome this massive incursion of troops into their tent—as long as we can toss them a conservative judge now and again, we’ll just keep picking their pockets (here’s where Frank and I see eye to eye), and who knows, some day Roe v. Wade will be tossed out! By that time they’ll be flat broke—but it’ll be worth it to ‘um, right?


There’s a group of evangelical lefties (whoops, “neutral centrists”) who are running newspaper articles entitled: GOD IS NEITHER REPUBLICAN NOR DEMOCRAT (something like that). Really, I wish Sojourners well. The only thing is this—after you read through the multitude of their considerations on why believers (or for that matter anyone else out there who is of voting age) can’t be single-issue oriented in voting for political candidates, especially for President—you realize that no one fits the bill and that your only choice is: Throw all the bums out!

Seriously, go to their web site and then go figure—no one measures up to their litmus tests—unless I’m missing somebody. You get the feeling—better vote for Jesus—the ultimate absentee ballot vote-getter in all this exchange!

This is not a trite conclusion—nor is the defection of classical Democratic populism and its headlong rush to the Republicans a superficial phenomenon. It has taken time to entrench itself—and the effete Left in America is grossly underestimating its impact on the American body politic. These populist masses are fleeing to the Republican Party because they understand they have to choose the lesser of two evils or perish in the process. “I can’t hear what you’re saying, because what you’re doing is speaking so loud that I’m going deaf.” You look at your “pink slip” and then you glance at a massive gay rights parade, and before you realize what’s happening—you vote Republican!


Hunkering down in the South, the Mid-West, the West, in Middle America somewhere—well, you got any better ideas? It reminds me of the train taking Kerry and Edwards to Colorado through Kansas this summer. Someone blew the schedule and the express went sailing through that little pit stop—while the forlorn and long-awaiting throng of hopeful Kansans, dumbfounded, cheered and waved goodbye, blessed that they could at least view the train that carried the man of their dreams. Yep, that little incident spoke volumes—but Kerry sent Edwards back and never went himself—goodbye Dorothy, goodbye Kerry (whoops), and goodbye Toto (my PETA friends would appreciate that).

Indonesian Leader Communication Style at Idul Fitri

Both President and Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia had try to communicate with their constituent through different communication style commemorating Idul Fitri, one of the most significant holy day for Muslim. At the first day of Idul Fitri 1428 H. (13/10), President General (ret.) Dr. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono organized open house in Presidential Palace for his family, bureaucrats, diplomats, and public. Several day after, on Wednesday (17/10) he visited Kampung Rambutan bus terminal on incidental inspection. Afterwards, he went to Indonesian State Police headquarters to hear reports from police about traffic control. FYI Indonesian peoples have unique tradition called "mudik" (back to homeland) because many Indonesian are local migrants (from village to city). When this holiday came, at least once in a year they back to homeland and this activity cause full traffic in every mode of transportation.

In the other side, Vice President Drs. Jusuf Kalla looked more attractive with his actions. He gave exclusive interview for Metro TV as the only one news television in Indonesia. This exclusive interview broadcasted he and his family gathered at that Islamic holiday at his house. Beside that, at the first day of Idul Fitri after Id praying (13/10), he also organized open house at his official residence for public and bureaucrats. But Indonesian watching his move in the when he went to several Indonesian former leaders. At the first day of Idul Fitri, he visited ex-President Megawati Soekarnoputri, ex-President K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid, and ex-President Prof. Dr. Ing. B.J. Habibie. He continued this rally at the second day of Idul Fitri (14/10),whenever he visited ex Vice President General (ret.) Try Sutrisno, ex-longest President Great General (ret.) H.M. Suharto, ex-Indonesian House of Representative Chairman Ir. Akbar Tandjung, Indonesian Supreme Court Chairman Prof. Bagir Manan, and Constitution Court Chairman Prof. Jimly Ashiddique. What I questioned about this rally is Kalla's decision to visit new Governor of DKI Jakarta (Greater Jakarta Special Capital Province) Dr.Ing. H. Fauzi Bowo whose notabene his undirect staff. This action is unusual for Indonesian culture.

Rumours spread amongst politician that Kalla's move done as the preparation for next Presidential election at 2009. But Kalla himself refused that opinion and said that only usual visiting to honor former leader of the nation.

However, they have choose their own way to communicate their care and participation in this most significant holy day for Indonesian peoples, considerate most of Indonesian people are Muslim (Indonesia is the biggest Muslim country in the world. It has approximately 190 million Muslim.) They try to put each of them as good leader who had big respect to religion, as Indonesia is religious -although have secular national principle- country. This communication action hopefully will boost support for each of them from Indonesian peoples, especially from their constituent at general election.

The Killer For Our Country

Several years ago Gillette relocated their manufacturing to China because the cost of labor over there is so much less. They are also the makers of Duracell. Because of this thousands of US workers lost their source of income. Wal-Mart has been buying factories in china because they are figuring that their cost will go down and yet their profits will rise. When their suppliers get wind of this it will be like when Vidal Sassoon started letting sachem sell their product, no body else wanted to carry it after that. Outsourcing is going to be the number one killer of the economy in the US.

There has been a lot of talk about the immigration problems over hear and how we need to strengthen our Border security but if the cost for labor over hear were the same as everywhere else then we would not have the problems of immigrants. The reason everybody wants to come to America is because of the higher wages. I once lived in Jaurez Mexico in a great apartment that only cost me $12 per month. Now I am paying almost $900 per month for my current residence.

One of the great things I have found out about a lot of the other countries is when you retire you make the same as your last job not like America where you work your whole life to retire on a small percentage in poverty. The reason immigrants do so well over here is because they take the jobs that us Americans don't want. They then a lot of times eventually create a business from these what we call garbage jobs.

Here in the US we take too much for granted. If our air conditioning goes on the fritz we cry bloody murder where as in a country like India I'm sure that air conditioning is a luxury that they usually do without. Look at the selection of food that is available to us yet we will always find something to complain about. My brother is moving back out of this country because he has lived both in the US and abroad and he has decided that things are not a great over here. Sure he had to pay more of his income in taxes but as he has always said everything was taken care of for him and his family.

Instead of imposing all these penalties on immigrant workers we should penalize the companies that decide to move their operations to these third world countries. They are still keeping their corporations over here so we need to fine them if they move their production over to countries like China and India. We need to provide for our citizens not create jobs elsewhere.

I think Gene Rodenberry was an unknown messiah because if we would follow the story of Star Trek and model our ethics, philosophies and everything else like Star Trek then we would be so much more wealthy at least spiritually. Eliminating poverty, greed, and war. How can we ever expect to meet visitors from another planet if there is so much fighting here on our planet. We have come so far over the last 100 years but we still have so much farther to go.

Economic Situation of China

Over the last 25 years China’s economy has drastically changed. They went from a centrally planned system that relied heavily upon international trade, to a system that is now more market oriented.

In 2005, China had the second largest economy in the world; being edged out only by the United States. During this time, economic development is taking place mostly in coastal areas as opposed to interior cities.

Over the past couple of years the government has struggled with a couple of issues that has held the economy down. The first problem came when there were mass lay off at state-owned enterprises. This made a lot of people unemployed, and has been holding the economy down for some time. Also, the government has had its hands full trying to stop corruption, and reduce other crimes related to business. Environmental damage has also presented a lot of problems. The rapid growth took off so quickly that the state of the environment has become compromised.

In 2005 China reevaluated its currency system, and transitioned to an exchange rate that takes into consideration a number of different currencies from across the world.

China currently has a plan in place to conserve resources and protect the environment in the upcoming years.

Monday, July 20, 2009

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Like many other Web sites, makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.

DoubleClick DART Cookie
.:: Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on
.:: Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to users based on their visit to and other sites on the Internet.
.:: Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at the following URL -

Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include ....
Google Adsense

These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see. has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.'s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.

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