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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Putin hopes US spying claims 'won't harm ties'

Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin says he hopes a alternation of arrests over an declared spy arena in the US will not abuse US-Russian relations. Mr Putin told above US President Bill Clinton in Moscow that US badge had "let themselves go" and were putting bodies in prison. Ten...

Sunday, June 27, 2010

G20 summit agrees on deficit cuts by 2013

Leaders at the G20 acme in Canada accept agreed to cut civic account deficits afterwards stunting bread-and-butter growth. Summit host Prime Abbot Stephen Harper said the group's richest associates should bisect their deficits aural three years. Correspondents agenda that every above G20 country had already committed to that ambition...


ايديا في جيوبي .. و قلبي طربسارح في غربة .. بس مش مغتربوحدي .. لكن ونسان و ماشي كدهببتعد .. معرفش او بقتربو عجبي*صلاح جاهين* غناها محمد منير...

Thursday, June 24, 2010

عن مايكل جاكسون

هل حقا مر عام على رحيل مايكل جاكسون؟ياااااه*هناك فرق غنائية مشت مع أعمارنا خطوة بخطوة .. رافقتنا في الأوقات المفرحة و باتت ذكري فرحة .. كلما تسمعها تعود بمنتهي السلاسة الي أهنأ الأوقات .. أوقات الانتصار الساذج .. أوقات الشقاوة البريئة .. أوقات الانزلاقات العاطفية .. و هناك أغاني...

Obama's Twitter hacker receives a suspended sentence

A 23-year-old Frenchman has been accustomed a abeyant bastille book for hacking into US President Obama's annual on micro-blogging armpit Twitter. Francois Cousteix, who surfed the web beneath the name Hacker-Croll, had faced a best bastille appellation of two-years. He told the attorneys he afraid the annual for the...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Barack Obama 'angry' over Mc Crystal claims

US Admiral Barack Obama was angered by a annual contour in which the top aggressive administrator in Afghanistan criticised chief administering officials, the White House says. President Obama said Accepted Stanley McChrystal had apparent "poor judgement". The accepted has been summoned to Washington over the Rolling Stone article, for...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

تهنئة واجبة

مبرووووووووووك يا أختي يا كبيييرةلقد أنشأت سميحة محمد حسينمدونتهاالآن زادت أسبابي للدخول على النتأتمني لكي دوام التوفيقو السعادة الكاملةجوه و برههنا و هناك:)...

Friday, June 11, 2010

Many dead as gunmen target Mexico cities

Nearly 40 bodies killed in the acceptance of gun attacks by gangs in two Mexican cities, says Sam.Gunmen stormed a rehabilitation center in the Arctic region from Berghäll Chihuahua, killing 19 and acid four others.The last time the dead bodies of 20 armed men launched attacks in a variety...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Videos deepen mystery over Iran nuclear scientist Amiri

The Iranian government says it has affirmation that one of its nuclear scientists was abducted and is actuality captivated in the US adjoin his will. Shahram Amiri abolished a year ago while on a crusade to Saudi Arabia. A video advertisement by Iranian TV purports to appearance Mr Amiri...

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Israel 'to reject international ship raid inquiry'

Israel will adios a proposed all-embracing bureau to investigate its baleful arrest on a Gaza aid flotilla, its agent to the US has said. Michael Oren told US anchorperson Fox Account that Israel has the adeptness and the appropriate to investigate its own military. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon...

Friday, June 4, 2010

Video Mesum Luna Ariel Free Download

Video Mesum Luna Ariel Free Download. Banyak situs yang menawarkan download Video mesum luna dan ariel, namun menurut berita dari Presenter sekaligus aktris Luna Maya merasa difitnah dengan beredarnya video porno yang disebut-sebut mirip dirinya dan Ariel. Luna pun sempat menitikkan air mata ketika ditanya soal gosip tersebut. Air...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Turkey mourns dead Gaza activists

Turkey has captivated funerals for nine activists asleep in Israel's arrest on a Gaza aid fleet amidst affecting scenes. The bodies were aureate from Israel to Istanbul, forth with added than 450 activists, to a heroes' welcome. Israel has said there is no charge for an all-embracing analysis into...

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sejarah Israel - Sejarah Peradaban Yahudi (Israel)

Diinternet lagi banyak memberitakan negara israel karena militer israel menyerang kapal misi kemanusiaan untuk palestina, bagi anda yang ingin tahu mengenai sejarah israel. Untuk mengetahui sejarah Yahudi harus membicarakan nabi Ibrahim as. Nabi Ibrahim disebut sebagai imam agama moneistik (Tauhid), yaitu Yahudi, Kristen, dan Islam. Nabi Ibrahim berasal dari...

Foto Hantu Asli

Menyingkapi dunia lain memang selalu membuat bulu kuduk kita merinding, apalagi diperkuat dengan bukti berupa foto, salah satu dunia lain tersebut adalah dengan adanya hantu, ya.. Foto Hantu Asli dibawah ini membuktikan bahwa dunia lain disekitar kita memang ada, koleksi foto hantu asli ini beritasae dapatkan dari beberapa site...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Witnesses cast doubt on Israel's convoy raid account

Eyewitness accounts from ships raided by Israeli commandos accept casting agnosticism on Israel's adaptation of contest that led to the deaths of at atomic nine people. German pro-Palestinian activist Norman Paech said he had alone apparent lath sticks actuality brandished as troops abseiled on to the accouter of the...

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