Wednesday, March 26, 2025

news general topic

Monday, October 29, 2007

U.S. soldiers have feelings too...

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Crimes in progress

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

War "heroes"

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

War criminals

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Iraq war: Nightmare with no end!

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Friday, October 12, 2007

"Be All You Can Be": Opportunities for young psychos

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

عن مصنع البلاوي المسمي بالنفس

لا أخطئو لا ءأذن لأحد أن يرديني مخطئاًلا لوم علىو لا يلومني أحدلا تتعدي علىلا تقلل من شأنيو أنا لي هذه الصلاحية*افعل ما أريدكيفما أريدو لن في المقابلأتمم ما تريد *الأزمة الحقيقية هي أن كل ما سبقلا ينتهيو لن ينتهيلو كنت مسلماًبكامل فرقهمو لو كنت مسيحياًبكامل الدرجات الايمانيةو لو...

عن الكتابة قالوا

المهم أن تبحث عما يتفق مع ذاتك .. الرواية الصحيحة هي النابعة من نغمة داخلية .. لا يجب أن يكون الموضوع فقط محلياً و لكن الشكل أيضاً*نجيب محفوظ ...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

US hires mercenaries for Iraq

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: TERROR, OUTSOURCING DIPLOMACYThe international outcry over the recent Blackwater shootings forced the world to closely examine and appreciate the complex reality of the United States government’s overdependence on private military contractors operating in Iraq.Complete article HERE!You...

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Don't be silent, speak out against Iraq War

(Click on image to enlarge)High resolution version for printing purposes available here: are free to reproduce this artwork in magazines, newspapers, bulletins, zines and books. You don't need to pay me anything. I only ask you to cite the source and send me few copies by snail mail....

Friday, October 5, 2007

عن مأساة اسمها الصديق

اذا كنت تائهاو ظلام يلف بصركو وحشة تعبث في صدركبالتأكيد ستصطدم بشخصاذا حل بينكم تفاهم مبدئي أو جزئيهوووبصرتم أصدقاء*الصداقة درب يبدا بالكلامو يتعمق بالافشاءو يتبرهن بالمواقفثم يترسخ بالمودةالتي لا هي كلامو لا هي افشاءو لا هي مواقفانما هي شي يستقر في القلب و يتبدي من الوجه*المشكلة الكبري هيأن الأصدقاء...

عن الكتابة قالوا

يتخذ الكاتب من الكتابة فعلاً للتحرر ليس فقط من الآلام الجسدية المبرحة .. و لكن أيضاً من الهواجس و اليأس و الخوف*يحيي فكري...

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