Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Trans-sexual prison in Italy's

Empoli: A special jail has opened the transgender near Empoli, Tuscany, Italy. Special training for prison guards will be provided. Welcome was also given the alias women transsexual men, for providing for their detention. Therefore, their presence was rejected earlier, either by con men and women.As diliris Telegraph, not...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Americans Believe Global Warming Not

VIVAnews - According to the latest survey by researchers at Yale University & George Mason, United States citizens are considered less concerned with not even care about the issue of global warming.According to the survey, only about half of Americans who now say "somewhat" to "very" concerned about the...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Malaysia court-burner Sue Church

Kuala Lumpur: Malaysian prosecutors reportedly will book accuse adjoin the three Muslim men, doubtable perpetrators of the advance attacked with Molotov affair church, so Associateed Press releases, Friday (29 / 1). Accuse adjoin the suspects are allotment of a alternation of attacks places of worship. Muslims agitation adjoin the...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


اذا انتشرت دعوة من الدعوات الكبيرة في العالم ثبت من انتشارها شيئان على الاقل .. وهما ان العالم كان عند انتشارها محتاجا اليها .. و كان مستعدا لسماعها .. و هما شيئان مختلفان .. لا يذكران في معرض الترادف و التماثل .. لأن الحاجة الي الدعوة كالعلة .. و...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Law of Moses and the Believer

What is the status of Moses' law today? In short, law lives. But it can harm us no more. The original law came by Moses (John 1:17 )and because of the weakness of our flesh condemned us, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, who promised us...

Monday, January 25, 2010

Political Consulting

Political consulting is the business which has grown up around advising and assisting political campaigns, primarily in the United States. As democracy has spread around the world, American political consultants have often developed an international base of clients. Though its most important role is probably in the production of...

Friday, January 22, 2010

U.S. Supports Montenegro To Become Member of NATO

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton United States Wednesday expressed support for the U.S. in Montenegro efforts to become NATO members as the Balkan country's continued political reform.Condoleezza Rice was "promised U.S. support for Montenegro to be an integral part of the European-Atlantic community while standing near the Prime Minister...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pemenang Golden Globe 2010

Berikut daftar pemenang film, pemain, sutradara dan kateori lain dari perhelatan Golden Globe 2010, yang baru saja selesai dilaksanakan di Amerika sana:Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - DramaSandra Bullock for The Blind Side (2009) WINNERNOMINEESEmily Blunt for The Young Victoria (2009)Helen Mirren for The Last...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Ringkasan Film The Time Traveler's' Wife

Bagi mereka yang sedang jatuh cinta Film The Time Traveler's' Wife pasti akan menganggap film ini adalah contoh cinta sejati. Mereka yang sinis pada tema cinta dan tak percaya bahwa manusia mampu berbagi sebaiknya menyaksikan film lain atau mencebur ke Sungai Ciliwung saja. Ini memang sebuah film yang berupaya...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ringkasan Film Hangover

"Ringkasan Film Hangover"Dua hari menjelang pernikahan, Doug merasakah harus melakukan pesta lajang. Maka diajaklah tiga temannya. Mereka melakukan pesta dan nampaknya kebamblasan. Pada keesokanharinya, di tempat mereka pesta, Doug tak ada di tempat. Sialnya mereka tak tahu apa yang telah dikerjakan malam itu. Tak terduga, mereka menemukan seekor macan...

Ringkasan Film "Suster Keramas"

Ringkasan Film "Suster Keramas"Nampaknya rumah produksi Maxima tak patah arang. Gagal mendatangkan bintang film porno Miyabi, didatangkanlah bintang porno yang lain; Rin Sakuragi.Mengisahkan seorang wisatawan Jepang (Rin Sakuragi) yang mencari saudaranya yang berprofesi sebagai suster di Indonesia. Ironisnya, saudaranya itu ternyata sudah meninggal.Konon meninggalkan banyak menyisakan tanya.....Pemain Suster Keramas...

Ringkasan Film “Hari Untuk Amanda”

Ringkasan Film “Hari Untuk Amanda”Amanda, perempuan usia pertengahan 20-an, sebentar lagi menikah. Sepuluh hari sebelum pernikahannya, datanglah bekas pacarnya. Nampaknya kenangan suka duka masa pacaran selama 8 tahun bersama bekas pacarnya itu, tak bisa pupus begitu saja. Selama 10 hari itulah hatinya menjadi bimbang. Tidak bisa dipungkiri, bayangan bekas...

Film Indonesia Terbaru | Film Bidadari Jakarta

Ringkasan Film Sinopsis Film "Bidadari Jakarta"Gadis cantik asal Kalimantan, Ulin, punya cita-cita jadi penyanyi. Maka hijrahlah ke Jakarta yang diyakininya bisa memuluskan cita-citanya itu. Ternyata dalam proses perjalanan menggapai cita-citanya itu, ia malah jadi pelacur jalanan. Meskipun demikian, ia masih punya keberuntungan. Oleh nasib, ia dipertemukan dengan seorang eksekutif...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

U.S. Aircraft Attack Kills 10 People in Pakistan

Missile attack unmanned aircraft of the United States intended to guerrilla training camps in the tribal belt of northwestern Pakistan on Thursday, killing at least 10 people, said the security officers.The attack happened in the village Pasalkot, in North Waziristan, a Taliban stronghold and the Al Qaeda network, and...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

PM Italy Return to Work

Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi returned to work Monday, after recovering from the attack on December 13, when the protesters attacked him in the face at a political meeting in Milan, so he should be hospitalized for severe injuries.Berlusconi convey optimism and belief that 2010 will be the year...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sri Lanka Rebels Free Former Tamil 700

Sri Lanka Saturday to free more than 700 former Tamil Tiger rebels from military custody after they undergo rehabilitation program, said an official.President Mahinda Rajapakse, who was a visit to Vavuniya town in southern Sri Lanka, handed over the former fighters were in their immediate family, a military official...

عن 2009 و 1430

يمكث العام و نمكث فيه .. حتي تصل الثانية التي تنتفض فيها عقارب الساعة فترحل ارقام و تحل ارقام أخري .. و نحن في الزمان أسري .. ولكنه أسر محمود .. و غير مفاجئ .. فاننا نعلم تحديدا متي يبدأ العام و متي ينتهي .. يالدقيقة و الثانية .....

Friday, January 8, 2010

Iranian Opposition attacked the car shot

Armored car one of the Iranian opposition leader, Mehdi Karroubi, was attacked by gunfire in the city of Qazvin, northern Iran, according to a news site reported his party, Friday, but only the glass is broken.Karroubi was in town to show mourning for the dead opposition protesters organized by...

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cuban official protest U.S. Inspection Policy

Cuba, Tuesday, delivered a formal protest to the United States of new rules to tighten checks on security for airline passengers traveling from or through Cuba and 13 other countries.Cuban Foreign Minister said the company calling Jonathan Farrar, who heads the U.S. Interests Section in Swiss Embassy in Havana...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hillary Warn U.S. Yemen Update List As Terrorists

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the United States, Hillary Clinton, said Monday the rebellion in Yemen threatens global stability after Western countries closed their embassy in Sana `a and Washington to update the search list, black list of terrorists and flight restrictions."Chaos in Yemen is a threat to regional...

Politics - The Ugliest Fascination on Earth

No matter where you live, politics probably plays a part in your day to day life. You might not immediately deal with political issues, but you can be sure that politics plays a part in what you do! Whether it is office politics deciding who gets that raise...

Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Politics Of Illegal Immigration

The problem of illegal immigration exists today in large measure because the last two Presidential administrations have not enforced the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, which provided for penalties against companies that hire undocumented workers. In 1999, under the Clinton Administration, the U.S. government collected a...

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