Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Follow English German Exit From Well

Berlin - Germany Wednesday said the country's retreat from the Western European Union (Well) because the role of the defense organization has been replaced by the European Union, one day after the UK do the same.Well all the duties and functions in the future will be conducted by the...

Monday, March 29, 2010

Five field strengtened Indonesia and Slovakia Relations

Indonesia and Slovakia in the future will be more deeply incised each other in a mutually beneficial relationship. It also noted the Minister for Foreign Affairs visits Slovakia Miroslav Lajcak to Jakarta since Monday (29/3/2010) until Tuesday (30/3/2010) to Jakarta. "There are agreements already signed between the two countries,"...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Obama Sign of Health Act

Washington DC: The bill (Bill) health reform Congress approved, on Sunday (22 / 2) last night, finally signed by the President of the United States Barack Obama in the White House, Washington DC, United States, Tuesday (23 / 3). Thus was launched NHK, Wednesday (24 / 3).In the event...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Arrival Delay President Obama to Indonesia

President of the United States, Barrack Obama, said delaying the plan coming to Indonesia on 21 to March 23 this. It was said to the senior journalist RCTI, Panda Nababan in the White House, Thursday evening or Friday (19 / 3) morning when Indonesia Barat (WIB).Reasons for the delay...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Obama Blames U.S. Consulate Employee Murder in Mexico

Armed group shot dead an employee of the United States consulate (USA) and her husband in Mexico. The murder took place when they were in the car with their baby.The shooting occurred just minutes after the husband of a U.S. consulate other employees shot to death and two children...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Submitted Obama Nobel Prize for Haiti

Washington - President Barack Obama plans to donate $ 1.4 million or nearly about USD 13 billion gift from the Nobel Peace Prize he received for helping education, families of war veterans, victims of the earthquake survivors Haiti and organizations working to help victims.Obama gave $ 750,000 for the...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Five Civilians Killed in Afghanistan

Kabul: A homemade bomb killed five Afghan civilians, Thursday (11 / 3). Four of them are children. Meanwhile, NATO service member was also killed in a bomb attack in the south. Parties of NATO has not confirmed the citizenship of the dead.According to NATO spokesman, an explosion that occurred...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Dulmatin Tewas Di tembak Densus 88

Dul Matin suspected terrorist killed by army bullets 88/Antiteror Detachment Police Headquarters during the raid at the home store Jalam Multiplus Siliwangi, Pamulang, South Tangerang, at around 12:00 pm. Dulmatin alias Joko Pitono Petarukan origin, Pemalang, Central Java."It must be killed Dul Matin," said a Tempo source close to...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Check Criminal Records

Checking bent annal is a acute issue. Blockage bent annal is a acceptable archetype of a prescreening action that helps advance safe hiring. The abstracts independent in bent annal is acclimated for bent sanctions and to amount out the believability of a person. A analysis of bent annal is...

Thursday, March 4, 2010


و اخوض .. نعم سوف اخوض في البحر الكبير .. لا اجيد السباحة .. الا انني اعشق المخاطرة و التمرد .. لا اريد اي شئ سوي قليل من الحزن .. و كثير من الكلمات .. انني احب الكلمات جدا .. لها مذاق رائع .. ما ان تقع عيوني على...

Dozens hurt the quake Taiwan Residents

Taipei: Eleven people were injured after an earthquake of 6.4 on the Richter scale that shook southern Taiwan, Thursday (4 / 3). Strong shocks triggered the blaze which consumed a textile factory. The impact of the earthquake also resulted in the electricity and disconnected the communication network. Many buildings...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

عن الضيق

هل شعرت بضيق من قبلضيقعندما تشعر ان العالم على اتساعه لا قبل لك بهوان الليل تحول الي حضن يصلح للأسيو ان القمر في علياءه يحاول مواساتكو ان النهار فيه صخب تحاول الهروب منهو ان الوحدة على مرارتها افضل مائة مرةمن التواجد مع احدو ان المشروبات المنبهة ملاذك الآمنو ان...

Spanish Police Arrest Perpetrator Bosnian war criminals

Spanish police had arrested the suspect a Serbian war criminal known as "Giant of Grbavica". The suspect has killed more than 100 people during the Bosnian war lasted.The man whose original name Veselin Vlahovic was arrested on Monday (1/3/2010) and in her neighborhood, the City Altea, Spain. He was...

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