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Monday, August 31, 2009

Opposition leader Yukio Hatoyama wins Japanese election

Tokyo - Yukio Hatoyama, leader of Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Japan finally won the election held today. Hatoyama victory predictions are consistent with many groups.As reported by AFP, Minggu (30/8/2009), Hatoyama expressed his gratitude to the many supporters who took him as the new prime minister Jepan.Hatoyama, leader...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Global Warming Crisis V Global Financial Meltdown

It's offical. U.S.A. is in a RECESSION. All the official statistics have shown it. Just right behind the UK figures, basic consumer spending receded.Just out today (3rd November) are worrying stats in Australia with the "job advertising" numbers falling at record levels and gloomy forecasts of a 50% increase...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Religion and Politics Do Not Mix

You may have been taught in school that America was founded upon Christianity, but proof of such is not reflected in the writings of our founding fathers. In fact, the first six American presidents were actually opposed to the doctrine and dogma of Christianity.Would you refer to prejudice and...

Thursday, August 27, 2009

عن جامع عمرو

على سور جامع عمرومايكات قرآن بصوت جميلو ناس و هلمة رايحة جاية*على سور جامع عمروواحد بيصلي على فرشتهمدخلش و متسألش ليهو عسكري لابس اسود بيسجر قدام مكان خدمتهو رتبة بكرش و لاسلكيلابس ابيض نضيفواقف طول وقت الصلايلمع في جزمته*جوه جامع عمروراجل وشه ملهوفعلى ثواب القيامقدامه زمزميتهو في ايده مصحف...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Corruption and Transparency

I. The FactsJust days before a much-awaited donor conference, the influential International Crisis Group (ICG) recommended to place all funds pledged to Macedonia under the oversight of a "corruption advisor" appointed by the European Commission. The donors ignored this and other recommendations. To appease the critics, the affable Attorney...

Corruption: How to Stop

Corruption is a universal social phenomenon that exists in any culture and thrives in any type of society. Many countries claim to have eradicated corruption. By the same token many people believe that corruption can only flourish in bureaucratic societies or post-communist countries where every single matter is controlled...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Science and Religion Interact More than They Clash

Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking: The Interplay of Science, Reason, and ReligionPhil DoweGrand Rapids, Mich. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005.205 pages. $21 paperback.Sixteen hundred years ago, Augustine decided that the best model for the science-and-religion interplay was one of interaction and in Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking, philosopher of science...

عن رمضان السنة دي

أستعير كلام كثير أسمعه و أكتبه هنا .. أكرره على نفسي لكي أتذكر*جاء رمضان هذا العام 2009 .. كما يجيئ كل عام .. و أسأل نفسي لماذا رمضان .. لماذا تزدحم المساجد و يسود الأجواء مناخ روحاني حتي اني أكاد ألمسه في الهواء من حولي .. لماذا الاقبال الشديد...


لو مالكش عازة .. ما كنتش اتخلقت ولا اتحسبت من الناسو لا اترزقت*أحمد مكيأغنية فيلم : طير انت...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Thanksgiving - A Time To Understand Religion In America

It is fashionable these days to forget the truth and even downright ignore it when it cannot be forgotten. And what about when the truth cannot be ignored? Well, in that case we are far too accepting of any attempt to distort it.These days in America we have a...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Rule of Law

One of the most fundamental requirements of a civil society is the rule of law which means that the people must follow the law of the land irrespective of his or her status or position in the society. In the modern world, the developed countries feel proud that their...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Islam is the Solution to Save the World

As the coordinator for an online think tank, I am often amazed by what is going on in the geopolitical world. For instance, there was a special TV program on Islam on CNN. It talked about God's Warriors and "The Brotherhood" in Egypt, which believes that Islam is the...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unemployment: a Political Mechanism

Abortion, right-to-life issues, Terri Schiavo, and same sex marriage: these are all political mechanisms that bloggers, pundits, and poorly informed law makers have used to further their own agendas and biases. Now we turn to the recessionary economy, and more importantly the unemployed. Scanning the blogosphere, there is a...

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

Located on the delta of the Ota River on Hiroshima Bay, and divided into six islands by the seven channels of the river, Hiroshima is the largest city in the Chugoku region of western Honshu, Japan, and capital of the the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture, As of 2007, Hiroshima...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Peace in South Asia

Recently, the J & K Forum for Peace and Reconciliation arranged a lecture in Jammu by the former Vice-Chancellor of Jammu University, Dr.Amitabh Mattoo. The topic of the lecture was, Is peace possible in South Asia? The forum had earlier arranged a similar lecture by Dr.Mattoo in Srinagar last...

The Democratic Presidential Debate

Welcome to Myrtle Beach Hillary, Barack and John.Well I'm happy to say that I did get a chance to see the Democratic Presidential Debate on CNN today. I didn't want to miss it, especially since it was held right here yesterday evening at the Palace Theatre. And on Martin...

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wilson and Bush Foreign Policy - A Comparative view

((… To see the promotion of American democracy throughout the world has been always the greatest matter for American foreign policy…)) Nil LevisJournalist (New York Times)Although history of U.S throughout twenty century, president have resembled each other but hardly you may see both of them, though with highly time...

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