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Monday, August 31, 2009

Opposition leader Yukio Hatoyama wins Japanese election

Tokyo - Yukio Hatoyama, leader of Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), Japan finally won the election held today. Hatoyama victory predictions are consistent with many groups.

As reported by AFP, Minggu (30/8/2009), Hatoyama expressed his gratitude to the many supporters who took him as the new prime minister Jepan.
Hatoyama, leader of left-of-center, promised overhaul Japan's domestic politics for more than half a century the conservative adopts. He mentioned can achieve a more equal relationship with Washington, an old ally of Tokyo.

"Security Agreement between Japan-United States remains will continue to be a focus of Japan's diplomatic policy. But at the same time, we should not forget our identity as an Asian nation. I believe that East Asia, which began to show significant improvement, should be the main focus of Japan," said Hatoyama. Hatoyama frequently criticized capitalism and the nature of the force the U.S. market fundamentalists who called immoral and harm the lives of many people. He even called the U.S. failure in Iraq war and financial crisis that happened was the end of the era of globalization the U.S. and the beginning of multipolar era.

More than half a century, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) in power in Japan. And during that time Japan always maintained close relations with the U.S. superpower. Jpd victory is expected to bring major changes in Japan, especially foreign policy, it is clearly going to change.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Global Warming Crisis V Global Financial Meltdown

It's offical. U.S.A. is in a RECESSION. All the official statistics have shown it. Just right behind the UK figures, basic consumer spending receded.

Just out today (3rd November) are worrying stats in Australia with the "job advertising" numbers falling at record levels and gloomy forecasts of a 50% increase in unemployment by this time next year to over 600,000. How everything changes in three months.
All of a sudden the affected Nations are holding meetings, "nationalising" Big Banks and other Financial Institutions in Crisis. Where will it all end? Who can predict that - they ignored all the signs that caused the whole darn thing in the first place.

In Oz, we have an illustrious program, "4 Corners" with four decades of quality broadcasting. In March of 2007 the craziness of the US Mortgage crisis was highlighted and repeated in October of this year. Record mortgages foreclosures, while on the flipside were those who bought and sold the same property in twenty four hours (at a higher price).

Since that broadcast the Financial Meltdown finally erupted. The "good" times are over, my friends. As a leading US economist stated, "they have such incredible short memories". US. has been in a recession since 1973 - it just gets deeper into it at every rollercoaster ride downwards. The rollercoster rides on Wall Street keep on comin' and the rest of the world follows.

On a personal note, while the financial world was "booming" my mortgage rates kept on rising - 12 times until it tipped over the 10 percent mark, and it took a financial crisis on a global scale to send the rate on a downward spiral. The official rate has dropped one and a quarter per cent to 6% as I write this article, and had been tipped to go to 4% by the middle of 2009. Typical Catch22. While the world "booms" our home affordability gap widens and we, the average worker, suffer; when the "bust" comes the affordability gap only worsens (with falling interest rates no less) as jobs diappear. You just can't win in the Free Market.

The Free Market of Greed and Manipulation. Nothing else. "The Bold Riders" "The Smartest Guys in the Room" and "Other Peoples Money"-the Australian Corporate collapses of 1987 and beyond, the Enron story and the HIH saga respectively make a point of the greed and corruption that oozed in the boardrooms of the now not so rich and famous.. Ignorance is never an excuse at the high end of the Corporate level. And more recently,to shrug your shoulders as a head of liquidated Lehmann Brothers after sucking over $600 million from the failed company is the ultimate in hypocrisy. I trust that every Board Member of every collapsed company that's being propped up by Tax payers' funds is sacked and even tried in a Court of Law for their arrogance and greed.

Poor cousin, the Global Warming Crisis has been virtually left out in the cold. In the State of New South Wales the government there have just announced the cancellation of the proposed multi-billion dollar rail link to the expanding North Western suburbs of Sydney. 100 overcrowded,polluting buses are to be added. Even the South East rail proposal has been vastly scaled back. One cannot help but feel the frustration of the suburban population and their "decent public transport" dilemma.

The Global Financial Crisis has suddenly claimed precedence over all.

Once again, I stipulate, why wasn't something done about it in early 2007, when all the signs were there? I've often stated, in my humble opinion as a cab driver, it was all a matter of "when" not "if". With no or very little regulation, the Free Market has always run off the rails. Lets trust that when all the smoke has cleared we would have awoken to a different world of decent financial management and security for all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Religion and Politics Do Not Mix

You may have been taught in school that America was founded upon Christianity, but proof of such is not reflected in the writings of our founding fathers. In fact, the first six American presidents were actually opposed to the doctrine and dogma of Christianity.

Would you refer to prejudice and premeditated murder as Christian traits? One of our forefathers was so prejudiced against the American Natives that he once described them as "having nothing human except the shape" and as "a beast of prey." Known as the "Father of our Country", President George Washington was known as "The Town Destroyer," and "The Killer of Women and Children" among the Onadaga Indian People whom he and his militia killed in cold blood. Did good ol' George (who couldn't tell a lie) believe this country was founded upon Christian fundamentals? Washington is quoted as saying, "The United States is in no sense founded upon Christian Doctrine."

John Adams, the second President of the United States, had little use for religion when he said, "The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole carloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity."

Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence "found not one redeeming feature in orthodox Christianity" and added:

Christianity------the most perverted system that ever shone on man. ------Rogueries, absurdities and untruths were perpetrated upon the teachings of Jesus by a large band of dupes and imposters led by Paul, the first great corrupter of the teaching of Jesus. The day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the Supreme Being as his Father, in the womb of a virgin, will be classified with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter. But we may hope that the dawn of reason and the freedom of thought in these United States will do away with this artificial scaffolding, and restore to us the primitive and genuine doctrines of this most venerated Reformer of human errors.

Jefferson also called for limitation on the power of the Government, and was an advocate for the separation of Church and State.

James Madison, fourth president of the United States, thought no better of religion when he said: During almost fifteen centuries the legal establishment known as Christianity has been on trial, and what have been the fruits, more or less, in all places? These are the fruits: pride, indolence, ignorance, and arrogance in the clergy. Ignorance, arrogance, and servility in the laity, and in both clergy and laity, superstition, bigotry, and persecution.

Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States, was no doubt a religious man who is remembered as a Christian President; however, some say Lincoln was a skeptic of Christianity. He is quoted as saying, "The Bible is not my Book and Christianity is not my religion. I could never give assent to the long complicated statements of Christian dogma." His views did not change during his political career. He was later noted to say, "My earlier views of the unsoundness of the Christian scheme of salvation and the human origin of the scriptures, have become clearer and stronger with advancing years and I see no reason for thinking I shall ever change them."

After Lincoln's assassination an American author and the editor of Scribner's Monthly named Dr. Josiah G. Holland wrote about Lincoln's religious views:

"------He believed in God, and ------believed himself to be under his control and guidance. ------This unwavering faith in a Divine Providence began at his mother's knee, and ran like a thread of gold through all the experiences of his life. His constant sense of human duty was one of the forms by which his faith manifested itself. ------He recognized an immediate relation between God and himself, in all the actions and passions of his life. He was not professedly a Christian-that is, he subscribed to no creed-joined no organization of Christian disciples. He spoke little------of his religious belief and experiences; but that he had a deep religious life, sometimes imbued with superstition------."

Perhaps Lincoln recognized the difference in spirituality which is our connection and relationship to our Creator, and religion which is the very thing that attempts to separate us from one another and our Creator.

Aside from presidents, other founding fathers of notoriety agree that Christianity has little merit when it comes to governing a nation of people. When Benjamin Franklin was asked about his religion, he said:

As to Jesus of Nazareth, I think the system of Morals and his Religion, as he left them to us, the best the World ever saw or is likely to see; but I apprehend it has received various corrupting Changes, and I have, with the most of the present Dissenters in England, some doubts to his divinity. ------ I do not perceive that the Supreme takes it amiss, by distinguishing the unbelievers in his government of the world with any peculiar marks of his displeasure.

Deism is a seventeenth- and eighteenth-century religious philosophy and movement prominent in England and the United States. Deists normally reject supernatural events and divine revelation common to organized religion. Disregarding holy books and religions that affirm the existence of such things, deists support religious beliefs must be founded on human reason observation of the natural world which reveal the existence of a supreme being. Deist Thomas Paine had a strong opinion about religion:

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish Church, by the Roman Church, by the Greek Church, by the Turkish Church, by the Protestant Church, nor by any Church that I know of. My own mind is my own Church. ------Of all the tyrannies that affect mankind, tyranny in religion is the worst.

The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States is part of the Bill of Rights which prevents legislature that establishes a national religion by Congress or that prefers or supports one religion over another. The First Amendment reads, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." This part of the First Amendment is sometimes referred to as "the separation of church and state" which means that the state or national government should be kept separate from religious institutions.

I doubt the Ten Commandments were posted in courthouses during the early days of U.S. history. Our founding fathers proposed the First Amendment and rejected Christianity as a ruling factor in government and political issues. After being ruled by a government which tried to synchronize the beliefs of the entire population, they were fed up with being told what to do and what to believe. They wanted religious freedom. Today, we as citizens still want religious freedom, but there can be no religious freedom when one religion controls the masses through government. Yet, this is exactly what has occurred in our nation. Religious groups attempt to control the government by imposing laws that decide what a marriage is, what can be grown in our backyard and what medical research can be federally funded.

Every time a law is passed that gives jurisdiction over what happens in a person's home, marriage, healthcare or religion, we lose another personal right that was assured in the laws used to found our country. It's time to stand up and vote against bills and amendments that take away the one thing our founding fathers did have in common-freedom from religion.

Works Cited:

The Encyclopedia Brittanica, 1968, p. 420

Thursday, August 27, 2009

عن جامع عمرو

على سور جامع عمرو


قرآن بصوت جميل

و ناس و هلمة رايحة جاية


على سور جامع عمرو

واحد بيصلي على فرشته

مدخلش و متسألش ليه

و عسكري لابس اسود

بيسجر قدام مكان خدمته

و رتبة بكرش و لاسلكي

لابس ابيض نضيف

واقف طول وقت الصلا

يلمع في جزمته


جوه جامع عمرو

راجل وشه ملهوف

على ثواب القيام

قدامه زمزميته

و في ايده مصحف بيتابع القراية

وفي قلبه شوق كبير

و راجل تاني بيبكي


على عمرة فاتته

بسبب انفلونزا الخنازير


جوه جامع عمرو

راجل صلي أربعة

و ماشي مضطر

وراه مشاغل

و راجل هيكمل التمانية


نفسه يكون وراه مشاغل


على سور جامع عمرو

راجل بينادي على سراويل

و بكل الالوان

و عمره ما لبس جلابية السنة

و شابة أمورة في اسدال

بتبيع للناس الذكر و السبح

و مستنية النصيب و الرزق


على سور جامع عمرو

عيال بعجل و بمب

و ستات قعدة بتعمل أبصر ايه

و رجاله سارحة بفوانيس و كور كفر


بره جامع عمرو

في قهوة عمرانة بالزباين

أهلها مجاورين للجامع

و عمرهم ما فوتوا شيشة العشا

و ست تخينة لابسة اسود

بقدرة قادر تسد طريقك

و باتنين جنيه فضة



على باب جامع عمرو

راجل قاعد على الامانات

و يتفرج على المصلين

و راجل طالع بكذا فردة شبشب

و راجل داخل حافي


جوه جامع عمرو

واحد واقف في الهوا


و في ركن بعيد

واحد قاعد بيقرا

و قدام خالص

واحد طلع الشخير من بقه


على سور جامع عمرو

وقفت حيران

انا العبد الغلبان

هي الناس مش عارفة

ولا مصهينة


على سور جامع عمرو

موبايل بيتعمل سايلنت

و موبايل بينقل شتائم


على سور جامع عمرو

واحد بسبب مائدة الرحمن

مابقاش جعان

و واحد من اعلانات التلفزيون تعبان

و واحد روحه تعبانة

و واحد جسمه عيان

و واحد في مصيبة غرقان

و واحد جي يتفرج على الحجارة

و واحد جي يقعد عشان يحس بالجلال


على سور جامع عمرو

ربنا سايب اللي يسرق


و اللي يخشع


و اللي مصدق بيوم اللقا و بيسرق

قلبه بيتعذب

و اللي بيصلي اكمن الناس بيصلوا

قلبه بيتفسح


جوا جامع عمرو

ناس كتير بيصلوا

و كأن الجوامع التانية


و شباب بيملوا كولمنات الميه

و كأن الشباب كل الشباب


و رجاله قاعدة في ركن

بيستقبلوا دم المتبرعين

كأن مصر كلها


و أول ما اخرج

عربية تزنق اختها

و لسان يعلن للسما السابعة

ان الدنيا مش سايبة


في جامع عمرو

انا حيران

اتفرج على ناس اشكال والوان

و لولاك يا رب

كان زماني خيبان

و لا يمكن انا خيبان

و واحد تاني بيتفرج على

و بيقول في سره

لولاك يا رب

كان زماني زيه


يا رب عمرو و جامع عمرو

ماليش حد غيرك

امتي بقي حتظبط

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Corruption and Transparency

I. The Facts

Just days before a much-awaited donor conference, the influential International Crisis Group (ICG) recommended to place all funds pledged to Macedonia under the oversight of a "corruption advisor" appointed by the European Commission. The donors ignored this and other recommendations. To appease the critics, the affable Attorney General of Macedonia charged a former Minister of Defense with abuse of duty for allegedly having channeled millions of DM to his relatives during the recent civil war. Macedonia has belatedly passed an anti-money laundering law recently - but failed, yet again, to adopt strict anti-corruption legislation.

In Albania, the Chairman of the Albanian Socialist Party, Fatos Nano, was accused by Albanian media of laundering $1 billion through the Albanian government. Pavel Borodin, the former chief of Kremlin Property, decided not appeal his money laundering conviction in a Swiss court. The Slovak daily "Sme" described in scathing detail the newly acquired wealth and lavish lifestyles of formerly impoverished HZDS politicians. Some of them now reside in refurbished castles. Others have swimming pools replete with wine bars.

Pavlo Lazarenko, a former Ukrainian prime minister, is detained in San Francisco on money laundering charges. His defense team accuses the US authorities of "selective prosecution".

They are quoted by Radio Free Europe as saying:

"The impetus for this prosecution comes from allegations made by the Kuchma regime, which itself is corrupt and dedicated to using undemocratic and repressive methods to stifle political opposition ... (other Ukrainian officials) including Kuchma himself and his closest associates, have committed conduct similar to that with which Lazarenko is charged but have not been prosecuted by the U.S. government".

The UNDP estimated, in 1997, that, even in rich, industrialized, countries, 15% of all firms had to pay bribes. The figure rises to 40% in Asia and 60% in Russia.

Corruption is rife and all pervasive, though many allegations are nothing but political mud-slinging. Luckily, in countries like Macedonia, it is confined to its rapacious elites: its politicians, managers, university professors, medical doctors, judges, journalists, and top bureaucrats. The police and customs are hopelessly compromised. Yet, one rarely comes across graft and venality in daily life. There are no false detentions (as in Russia), spurious traffic tickets (as in Latin America), or widespread stealthy payments for public goods and services (as in Africa).

It is widely accepted that corruption retards growth by deterring foreign investment and encouraging brain drain. It leads to the misallocation of economic resources and distorts competition. It depletes the affected country's endowments - both natural and acquired. It demolishes the tenuous trust between citizen and state. It casts civil and government institutions in doubt, tarnishes the entire political class, and, thus, endangers the democratic system and the rule of law, property rights included.

This is why both governments and business show a growing commitment to tackling it. According to Transparency International's "Global Corruption Report 2001", corruption has been successfully contained in private banking and the diamond trade, for instance.

Hence also the involvement of the World Bank and the IMF in fighting corruption. Both institutions are increasingly concerned with poverty reduction through economic growth and development. The World Bank estimates that corruption reduces the growth rate of an affected country by 0.5 to 1 percent annually. Graft amounts to an increase in the marginal tax rate and has pernicious effects on inward investment as well.

The World Bank has appointed last year a Director of Institutional Integrity - a new department that combines the Anti-Corruption and Fraud Investigations Unit and the Office of Business Ethics and Integrity. The Bank helps countries to fight corruption by providing them with technical assistance, educational programs, and lending.

Anti-corruption projects are an integral part of every Country Assistance Strategy (CAS). The Bank also supports international efforts to reduce corruption by sponsoring conferences and the exchange of information. It collaborates closely with Transparency International, for instance.

At the request of member-governments (such as Bosnia-Herzegovina and Romania) it has prepared detailed country corruption surveys covering both the public and the private sectors. Together with the EBRD, it publishes a corruption survey of 3000 firms in 22 transition countries (BEEPS - Business Environment and Enterprise Performance Survey). It has even set up a multilingual hotline for whistleblowers.

The IMF made corruption an integral part of its country evaluation process. It suspended arrangements with endemically corrupt recipients of IMF financing. Since 1997, it has introduced policies regarding misreporting, abuse of IMF funds, monitoring the use of debt relief for poverty reduction, data dissemination, legal and judicial reform, fiscal and monetary transparency, and even internal governance (e.g., financial disclosure by staff members).

Yet, no one seems to agree on a universal definition of corruption. What amounts to venality in one culture (Sweden) is considered no more than hospitality, or an expression of gratitude, in another (France, or Italy). Corruption is discussed freely and forgivingly in one place - but concealed shamefully in another. Corruption, like other crimes, is probably seriously under-reported and under-penalized.

Moreover, bribing officials is often the unstated policy of multinationals, foreign investors, and expatriates. Many of them believe that it is inevitable if one is to expedite matters or secure a beneficial outcome. Rich world governments turn a blind eye, even where laws against such practices are extant and strict.

In his address to the Inter-American Development Bank on March 14, President Bush promised to "reward nations that root out corruption" within the framework of the Millennium Challenge Account initiative. The USA has pioneered global anti-corruption campaigns and is a signatory to the 1996 IAS Inter-American Convention against Corruption, the Council of Europe's Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, and the OECD's 1997 anti-bribery convention. The USA has had a comprehensive "Foreign Corrupt Practices Act" since 1977.

The Act applies to all American firms, to all firms - including foreign ones - traded in an American stock exchange, and to bribery on American territory by foreign and American firms alike. It outlaws the payment of bribes to foreign officials, political parties, party officials, and political candidates in foreign countries. A similar law has now been adopted by Britain.

Yet, "The Economist" reports that the American SEC has brought only three cases against listed companies until 1997. The US Department of Justice brought another 30 cases. Britain has persecuted successfully only one of its officials for overseas bribery since 1889. In the Netherlands bribery is tax deductible. Transparency International now publishes a name and shame Bribery Payers Index to complement its 91-country strong Corruption Perceptions Index.

Many rich world corporations and wealthy individuals make use of off-shore havens or "special purpose entities" to launder money, make illicit payments, avoid or evade taxes, and conceal assets or liabilities. According to Swiss authorities, more than $40 billion are held by Russians in its banking system alone. The figure may be 5 to 10 times higher in the tax havens of the United Kingdom.

In a survey it conducted last month of 82 companies in which it invests, "Friends, Ivory, and Sime" found that only a quarter had clear anti-corruption management and accountability systems in place.

Tellingly only 35 countries signed the 1997 OECD "Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions" - including four non-OECD members: Chile, Argentina, Bulgaria, and Brazil. The convention has been in force since February 1999 and is only one of many OECD anti-corruption drives, among which are SIGMA (Support for Improvement in Governance and Management in Central and Eastern European countries), ACN (Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies in Europe), and FATF (the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering).

Moreover, The moral authority of those who preach against corruption in poor countries - the officials of the IMF, the World Bank, the EU, the OECD - is strained by their ostentatious lifestyle, conspicuous consumption, and "pragmatic" morality.

II. What to Do? What is Being Done?

Two years ago, I proposed a taxonomy of corruption, venality, and graft. I suggested this cumulative definition:

The withholding of a service, information, or goods that, by law, and by right, should have been provided or divulged.

The provision of a service, information, or goods that, by law, and by right, should not have been provided or divulged.

That the withholding or the provision of said service, information, or goods are in the power of the withholder or the provider to withhold or to provide AND That the withholding or the provision of said service, information, or goods constitute an integral and substantial part of the authority or the function of the withholder or the provider.

That the service, information, or goods that are provided or divulged are provided or divulged against a benefit or the promise of a benefit from the recipient and as a result of the receipt of this specific benefit or the promise to receive such benefit.

That the service, information, or goods that are withheld are withheld because no benefit was provided or promised by the recipient.

There is also what the World Bank calls "State Capture" defined thus:

"The actions of individuals, groups, or firms, both in the public and private sectors, to influence the formation of laws, regulations, decrees, and other government policies to their own advantage as a result of the illicit and non-transparent provision of private benefits to public officials."

We can classify corrupt and venal behaviours according to their outcomes:

Income Supplement - Corrupt actions whose sole outcome is the supplementing of the income of the provider without affecting the "real world" in any manner.

Acceleration or Facilitation Fees - Corrupt practices whose sole outcome is to accelerate or facilitate decision making, the provision of goods and services or the divulging of information.

Decision Altering Fees - Bribes and promises of bribes which alter decisions or affect them, or which affect the formation of policies, laws, regulations, or decrees beneficial to the bribing entity or person.

Information Altering Fees - Backhanders and bribes that subvert the flow of true and complete information within a society or an economic unit (for instance, by selling professional diplomas, certificates, or permits).

Reallocation Fees - Benefits paid (mainly to politicians and political decision makers) in order to affect the allocation of economic resources and material wealth or the rights thereto. Concessions, licenses, permits, assets privatized, tenders awarded are all subject to reallocation fees.

To eradicate corruption, one must tackle both giver and taker.

History shows that all effective programs shared these common elements:

The persecution of corrupt, high-profile, public figures, multinationals, and institutions (domestic and foreign). This demonstrates that no one is above the law and that crime does not pay.

The conditioning of international aid, credits, and investments on a monitored reduction in corruption levels. The structural roots of corruption should be tackled rather than merely its symptoms.

The institution of incentives to avoid corruption, such as a higher pay, the fostering of civic pride, "good behaviour" bonuses, alternative income and pension plans, and so on.

In many new countries (in Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe) the very concepts of "private" versus "public" property are fuzzy and impermissible behaviours are not clearly demarcated. Massive investments in education of the public and of state officials are required.

Liberalization and deregulation of the economy. Abolition of red tape, licensing, protectionism, capital controls, monopolies, discretionary, non-public, procurement. Greater access to information and a public debate intended to foster a "stakeholder society".

Strengthening of institutions: the police, the customs, the courts, the government, its agencies, the tax authorities - under time limited foreign management and supervision.

Awareness to corruption and graft is growing - though it mostly results in lip service. The Global Coalition for Africa adopted anti-corruption guidelines in 1999. The otherwise opaque Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum is now championing transparency and good governance. The UN is promoting its pet convention against corruption.

The G-8 asked its Lyon Group of senior experts on transnational crime to recommend ways to fight corruption related to large money flows and money laundering. The USA and the Netherlands hosted global forums on corruption - as will South Korea next year. The OSCE is rumored to respond with its own initiative, in collaboration with the US Congressional Helsinki Commission.

The south-eastern Europe Stability Pact sports its own Stability Pact Anti-corruption Initiative (SPAI). It held its first conference in September 2001 in Croatia. More than 1200 delegates participated in the 10th International Anti-Corruption Conference in Prague last year. The conference was attended by the Czech prime minister, the Mexican president, and the head of the Interpol.

The most potent remedy against corruption is sunshine - free, accessible, and available information disseminated and probed by an active opposition, uncompromised press, and assertive civic organizations and NGO's. In the absence of these, the fight against official avarice and criminality is doomed to failure. With them, it stands a chance.

Corruption can never be entirely eliminated - but it can be restrained and its effects confined. The cooperation of good people with trustworthy institutions is indispensable. Corruption can be defeated only from the inside, though with plenty of outside help. It is a process of self-redemption and self-transformation. It is the real transition.

Corruption: How to Stop

Corruption is a universal social phenomenon that exists in any culture and thrives in any type of society. Many countries claim to have eradicated corruption. By the same token many people believe that corruption can only flourish in bureaucratic societies or post-communist countries where every single matter is controlled by the corrupt government. Even though such a belief is very popular, the reality does not support such an argument. Corruption is all-pervasive and cannot be eradicated completely and irrevocably. It exists everywhere in every stratum of society. However, most people associate corruption with the government, police, legal system and other entities that are somehow related to the control and allocation of public resources. The police are one of such public authorities that are responsible for maintaining order and justice in a society. A police department is very similar to other governmental bodies such as a court of law, or tax collection service, etc. It is a common belief that such organizations tend to be corruption-ridden for one simple reason. All theses public structures receive and distribute the tax-payers’ money, in other words there is no person totally interested in controlling the flow of funds like in a big corporation. A privately owned business is very different in terms of its ownership structure. There is a certain clearly defined group of people who own the business. It would be reasonable to assume that they are very much interested in controlling the monetary resources they invested in the business. Thus, there is a clear incentive to control the flow of resources in that kind of organization. A public organization that is not owned by any private entity is very different. It is very similar to a communist country where there is no clear line of command and responsibility. Even though the structure of the organization such as a police department generates favorable soil for corruption to flourish, the society must devise clearly outlined strategies in order to tackle this social vice that is definitely responsible for generating losses for the society and undermining the notion of justice, order, social equality and democracy.

To begin with it is necessary to identify the nature of corruption in general terms. Corruption seems to be inherent to any social structure. Also, it seems to be inherent to human nature since the cultural or social setting does not exert any influence on the possibility for corruption to thrive. Corruption exists in democratic countries like the United States of America or European countries. By the same token, corruption is present in post-communist societies and countries such as Indonesia, or Colombia. The similar thing among all those countries is that corruption is not restrained by geographic, political or cultural boundaries. However, the difference among the aforementioned societies lies in the level of corruption that a given society is willing to tolerate. It is no secret that countries like Indonesia are virtually ridden with corruption. A foreign businessman cannot open a store without paying bribes to local government officials for taking care of the paperwork and the local police for so-called security services. In case our imaginary businessman refuses to pay the police, his brand new store is very likely burn to the ground the very next day. Therefore, cultural and social aspects virtually define the role of corruption in a given social organization.

Corruption as a social phenomenon is especially salient in organizations like the police. The reason police are so susceptible and exposed to corruption is because of the organization structure of a police department. To illustrate, a police department does not generate any revenue and there is no private owner. The police are totally subsidized by the government. The government officials estimate the amount of funds that would spent by the police and create a budget based on those estimates. Therefore, a police department is a consumer of tax-payers money rather than a contributor to the state’s budget. The people who work in the police force are only motivated by financial incentives that come from the government in a form of salaries. People who stand on the various levels in the organizational ladder receive a very similar type of financial incentive. Thus, the head of a police department is only motivated by the salary that the government sets forth in exchange for the service. There is usually no additional motivation resulting from better and more diligent work. Therefore, if you work in the police it usually does not matter how hard and how diligently you work, because the salary is rarely affected by that quality of work factor. Therefore, low salaries and the absence of external motivation contribute to the spread of corruption. Police officers are motivated to accept bribes in exchange for more lenient treatment. Criminals who bribe the police are also better off eventually, because that way they escape punishment that they would have to accept otherwise. There is a clear mutual gain that is generated as a result of such a relationship. However, there is a clear cost that offsets the gain derived by the two parties as a result of such a transaction. The cost is associated with the credibility and significance of the law that is undermined and eventually annihilated by corruption. The state cannot exist without the law and justice; as soon as those two components are ruled out the society turns into a chaotic crowd. Therefore, it is the government’s responsibility to control the level of corruption and make the police render a service to the society.

Obviously, there are two issues that must be addressed in order to control corruption among police officers. The first essential component is legal restrictions and regulations that should be designed specifically to prevent the police from engaging in any of such transactions with criminals. There should be an anti-corruption department the task of which is to observe the operations of the police officers. This anti-corruption department should enforce the government’s policies concerning corruption. Those policies must be very strict and clear in determining the appropriate punishment for the police officers spreading corruption. The disciplinary actions may range from fines to expulsion from the police, even though some other punishment may be deemed appropriate depending on the situation. The bottom-line is that punishment must be clear and strict, so that people are aware of the potential severe consequences that such behavior can lead to. That is a basic technique that should be implemented in virtually every police department. Even though such a program may turn quite costly for the government, the result that it can potentially yield is obvious. The members of anti-corruption committee should be paid handsomely so that there is no sense for them to engage in corruption. Another strategy to control corruption is to increase the salaries of all police officers thus providing them with additional motivation. As it can be seen, all these techniques involve capital expenditures, and it is quite clear that corruption cannot be eradicated. The bottom-line is to control it at a certain acceptable level where the potential harm that corruption can do to a society is low.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Science and Religion Interact More than They Clash

Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking: The Interplay of Science, Reason, and Religion

Phil Dowe

Grand Rapids, Mich. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2005.

205 pages. $21 paperback.

Sixteen hundred years ago, Augustine decided that the best model for the science-and-religion interplay was one of interaction and in Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking, philosopher of science and religion Phil Dowe argues that pattern continues today.

In his praiseworthy book, Dowe offers up four views of the science-and-religion relationship: naturalism, religious science, independence and interactivity. The first two brand the relationship as uncomplimentary, the third as unrelated, and the latter — which Dowe favors — sees religion and science as harmonious and dependent. He backs up his findings with detailed accounts of the history and philosophy of science-and-religion.

Dowe also reveals that ancient Christian belief made a single God the author of two books: the book of Scripture and the book of nature, which must correspond with each other. Augustine harmonized them. He counseled Christians to read scripture literally except where it conflicts with science, and then to interpret it metaphorically. Moreover, he advised reading Scripture as a spiritual work, not as science.

Conflict arises only when one book is exalted, the other demonized. If both receive equal recognition, either they serve separate functions, as in Stephen Jay Gould’s non-overlapping magisteria, or they mutually benefit each other, as Dowe argues clearly and logically in this book.

In Dowe’s first case study, Galileo is placed under house arrest by the Inquisition for promulgating Copernicus’ idea that Earth revolves around the sun. Surely, this is conflict. Yet, Dowe notes, the Vatican’s need for a better calendar and, therefore, a more accurate cosmology inspired Copernicus’ work, which he dedicated to the Pope. Moreover, this discord lay not between religion and science, but between sciences — Aristotle vs. Copernicus — for Augustine had harmonized Scripture with Aristotelian science.

More generally, the idea that God created people in the divine image — rational and capable of governing — inspired early science. Rational people can discover the workings of God’s rational world. As Dowe argues, governing requires power and scientific knowledge of nature increases power; therefore, humans should pursue science. These ideas gave early scientists the optimism and impetus to engage in science. Dowe claims the subsequent success of science supports the thesis that we do, in fact, share in the divine image.

Religion motivated Darwin, Dowe’s second case. As a student at Cambridge, Darwin studied William Paley’s Natural Theology, a design argument for the existence of God, and wrote On the Origin of Species in part to refute it. Yet, many scientists — including Darwin — think God and evolution compatible.

In evaluating Hawking, Dowe shows how even atheism is a way science and religion interact. The big bang gives the universe a beginning, reviving an old argument for the existence of God. Moreover, discovery that the universe is fine-tuned for the existence of life generates a new design argument. These God-promoting ideas, Dowe writes, drive the development of the “Hartle-Hawking no-boundary condition,” wherein the universe has no beginning and thus needs no creator. To avoid evoking God to explain the fine-tuning, other cosmologists hypothesize about the existence of multiple universes. According to Dowe, atheism drives an amazing amount of contemporary science, from Richard Dawkins’ biology to Hawking’s cosmology.

And Dowe is right. Partition between the two fields seems unlikely. Science is used to support religion, and religion — or lack thereof — stimulates science. Galileo, Darwin, and Hawking is worth pondering in all its detail.

عن رمضان السنة دي

أستعير كلام كثير أسمعه و أكتبه هنا .. أكرره على نفسي لكي أتذكر


جاء رمضان هذا العام 2009 .. كما يجيئ كل عام .. و أسأل نفسي لماذا رمضان .. لماذا تزدحم المساجد و يسود الأجواء مناخ روحاني حتي اني أكاد ألمسه في الهواء من حولي .. لماذا الاقبال الشديد على الخير في رمضان .. اراجع ما أعرفه من الكتب و أسمعه في المساجد و يردده الناس و يفعله .. أجد أن رمضان رغم تكراره كل عام عظيم جدا .. فلقد خلق الله الخلق و فضل ابن آدم .. و خلق الله الأنبياء و أرسلهم بصحف مقدسة .. وفضل محمد عليه الصلاة و السلام و القرآن فكرم مقام النبي و حفظ القرآن من كل تحريف .. خلق الله اثني عشر شهرا .. و فضل رمضان فأنزل فيه القرآن .. و خلق الله الليل و النهار و فضل الليل فهو سبحانه و تعالي يتنزل فيه كل ليلة في آخر ثلث ليستجيب من الناس .. و خلق الله الليالي كلها و فضل ليلة القدر الذي لها أجر ألف شهر .. و فرض الله على الناس شتي الفرائض و فضل الصيام .. فيقول في حديث قدسي ما معناه "كل عمل ابن آدم له الا الصيام فهو لي" .. اذن فنحن مفضلين برسول مفضل و الكتاب المفضل في الليالي المفضلة في الشهر المفضل في العبادة المفضلة .. هذا خير كثير لا يستوعبه العقل .. غير ان هناك أشياء لا نراها تحدث عند رمضان .. كسلسلة الشياطين و اغلاق ابواب جهنم و انفتاح ابواب الجنة و الاسماء التي تفوز بالعتق من النار .. كل هذا يجعل لرمضان طابع سماوي خاص .. أما الطابع الأرضي الذي يتبدي أمامنا من اقبال على العبادة و الخير فأعتقد ان هذا من حسن حظنا أهل مصر .. لأن رمضان بخيره السماوي الرهيب يهل على دول أخري فلا تجد اي فرق من حولك كما هو عندنا .. اذن فنحن ايضا مفضلين اننا في بلد يعتد برمضان .. تري فيه موائد الرحمن منصوبة و حصر المساجد تملأ الشوارع و أصوات ترتيل التراويح تتعالي و دموع المتهجدين ترقرق الأفق و الأيادي التي تدفع حبات التمر المكيس الي المارة و السائقين و الخير المنتشر في السر و العلانية .. كل هذا التفضيل هو كرم من ربنا عظيم .. اضافة الي ان ربنا قد بلغنا نحن هذا الشهر هذا العام .. فمثلا الأجداد قد ماتوا و هناك من مات قبل الشهر و لم يحضر هذه الفرصة المتجددة .. اذا هذا تفضيل اضافي مخصص لنا .. لأن رمضان بطابعه السماوي و الارضي باقي ولكن نحن من نذهب .. هذه اذا فرصة لنا نحن بالاخص .. و لا نعلم ان كنا سنعيش لرمضان القادم أم لا .. بل لا يقين اننا سنحيا رمضان هذا العام كله اصلا .. هي فرصة هائلة .. فهمها الصحابة أصح الفهم فكانوا يدعون الله ان يبلغهم رمضان قبل 6 أشهر من بدايته ..دعاء لمدة 6 شهور متواصلة .. رمضان ثوابه كثيييير جدا .. السنة بفرض و الفرض بسبعين الي آخر ما نعلمه جميعا .. وهذا يضعنا في فرصة شديدة الجمال .. هناك خير يجب ان نتحصل عليه .. لا يجب ان يفوت هذا الشهر الجبار بدون ان نفوز بخيره .. فمن يحرم خير رمضان فقد حرم من ثواب عظيم .. و قد جاء في القرآن ان الصيام كتب علينا كما كتب على الذين من قبلنا "لعلكم تتقون" .. التقوي هي الهدف من وراء هذا كله .. الفرصة في رمضان بالاخلاص .. ان اخلص النية لله عز و جل و أصدقه .. لكي أتحصل على التقوي .. فأخرج من رمضان و معي التقوي .. ان النبي محمد صلي الله عليه و سلم نفسه لم يحضر الا 23 رمضان حيث أتته النبوة وهو في الاربعين و مات في عمر 63 .. و نحن كم رمضان مر بنا .. هل خرجنا من رمضان و قد استفدنا من خيره ؟ .. ان رمضان فرصة لكي نقوم النفس .. النفس التي تلخبطت في فهم ما يريحها .. و تاهت في دروب الحياة و ظنت ان هذا المسلك او ذاك يجعلها هانئة .. لابد أن أربي نفسي في هذا الشهر .. القرآن هو الملاذ الوحيد لراحة النفس .. لابد ان ينغمس قلبي في الروحانيات .. القلب الذي هو محل نظر الله لنا .. فالله لا ينظر الي صورنا ولا أجسادنا و لكن ينظر الي قلوبنا .. فلو اطلع على الخير .. الله أكبر .. كغانية بني اسرائيل التي سقت كلب فاطلع الله على قلبها فأدخلها الجنة .. ان الانسان كما تقول الاحاديث لا يدخل الجنة بعمله .. فلا الصلاة و الصيام و لا القرآن و لا أي شئ .. انما رحمة الله علينا .. نحن بحاجة الي رحمة الله .. و اخلاص العمل له .. فالانسان ان ملك الدنيا و ما عليها فلن يكون سعيد و لن يضمن آخرته بلا حب الله له .. اما لو كان الانسان معه الايمان و ليس معه اي شئ من هذه الدنيا .. فهو سعيد في الدارين ..و الايمان كما جاء في الحديث "ما وقر في القلب و صدق عليه العمل" الايمان اذا نزل بالقلب يأتي معه العمل الصالح .. اللهم اصلح لنا قلوبنا و أعنا على أنفسنا .. رمضان مكافأة لنا .. " من صام رمضان ايمانا و احتسابا .. غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه" و في حديث آخر " من قام رمضان ايمانا و احتسابا غفر له ما تقدم من ذنبه" أو كما قال النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم .. هذا هو شأن الله معنا .. ثلاثين يوم من الصوم و قيام الليل .. شريطة الاحتساب .. اي ننوي ان هذا العمل لم نكن لنعمله ابدا الا لأن الله أمرنا به و ان نوقن بأننا عندما نعمله لن نأخذ اي ثواب الا من الله فقط .. هذا شأن الله معنا .. عبادات ييسرها الله لنا مقابلها ثوااااب كبيييييييير .. هذا إلهنا .. سبحانه الكريم .. هو في غني عنا .. و نحن بدونه لا شئ .. الهنا القدير و لا قدير الا هو .. يسمع كل الناس في نفس الوقت .. و نحن اذا تكلم امامنا اثنان تختلط الاصوات .. وهو يسمع للناس كلها في كل الارض في نفس الوقت يستوي عنده الهمس و الصياح و الكلام العادي .. و لا يختلط صوت على صوت .. يعلم حتي ما في نفوسنا من غير ان نقوله .. سبحانه سبحانه .. قلوبنا بين اصابعه .. يقلبها كيف يشاء .. فاللهم ثبت قلوبنا على دينك .. و لا تجعل مصيبتنا في ديننا أبدا .. و لرمضان شأن خاص مع القرآن .. فقد روي أن العلماء قديما كالامام مالك و غيره كانوا ينصرفون عن دروس العلم و يكبون على القرآن .. فمنهم من كان يختم في الشهر ثلاث و منهم من كان يختم في الشهر ستون مرة .. و هناك دروس في رمضان لابد ان نعيها .. كالتراويح .. التي لم تكن عبادة على الشكل الذي نحن عليه أيام النبي صلي الله عليه و سلم .. فقد كان قيام الليل على أيام الصحابة جهد فردي .. و بعد موت النبي محمد صلي الله عليه و سلم رغب سيدنا عمر في تجميع الناس .. أن يجمع الأمة في هذه الصلاة .. و ليصلي بعد ذلك كل بمفرده .. و لكن هم الصحابي الجليل عمر رضي الله عنه أن تجتمع الأمة و أن لا تتفرق حتي في العبادة .. و من أجل صدق نيته صار المسلمون في كل العالم يصلون التراويح مجتمعين .. و درس آخر يؤكد الأول .. ليلة القدر التي هي أهم ليلة في كل الليالي .. كانت معروفة .. عرفها النبي ذات مرة و أراد أن يخرج ليعلنها لأصحابه .. ليقول لهم ليلة القدر ليلة كذا .. حتي نتجهز و نتحضر و نغنم ثوابها .. ولكنه عندما خرج ليقولها اختلف صحابيين و في رواية تناحرا .. يعني حدث ما يشبه الجدال او المشاداة الكلامية .. فرفعت المعرفة بليلة القدر و نسيها النبي .. و كل ما نعرفه أنها تلتمس في الليالي الوترية من العشر الاواخر وفي رواية اخري ليلة من العشر الاواخر .. هذين درسين مهمين جدا احب ان اذكر بهما نفسي .. من اراد اجتماع الامة فله الثواب و الله يساعده .. اما من اراد اختلاف الامة فالله يمنع عنه الخير و يحجبه حتي يوم القيامة .. رمضان لابد ان يكسبنا عادات تبقي معنا العام كله .. فالقيام يستمر و القراءة تستمر و الصلوات الجامعة تستمر و صيام السنن بعد ذلك يستمر .. اللهم اعطنا القدرة على طاعتك و تقبل منا


و رمضان كريم

تقبل الله منا ومنكم


لو مالكش عازة .. ما كنتش اتخلقت

ولا اتحسبت من الناس

و لا اترزقت


أحمد مكي

أغنية فيلم : طير انت

Monday, August 24, 2009

Thanksgiving - A Time To Understand Religion In America

It is fashionable these days to forget the truth and even downright ignore it when it cannot be forgotten. And what about when the truth cannot be ignored? Well, in that case we are far too accepting of any attempt to distort it.

These days in America we have a subculture of poorly educated Americans who erroneously believe that somehow, somewhere in the Constitution there exists a “separation of Church and State” which precludes government from recognizing Almighty God and the faith of those that founded this nation.

Our first amendment provides only two simple and powerful restrictions on the government with regards to how it handles the religious beliefs of the people. First, it prevents the Congress from making laws “respecting an establishment of religion”. Second it prevents the Congress from making laws that prohibit the “the free exercise” of religion by all citizens even if they are elected officials. That’s it and nothing more.

James Madison, once remarked during the discussion of the amendment that if the amendment were clarified by adding the word “national” before religion such confusion over what was meant would be easily corrected. For you see, that is what the founding fathers really and truly meant.

What they feared was what they and their ancestors had escaped from; a national church headed by the government. In England you either belonged to the Church of England or you life was made miserable at the very best.

The founding fathers completely disagreed with those today who would strip the vestiges of God from the public lives of the people. One need only look at the very Constitution itself where those that affixed their names proudly proclaimed that their act was “done in year of our Lord”. Hardly something that a group of people who believed God should be stricken from American life would do.

In fact the first amendment is nothing more than a means of preventing a mandate by government as to how the people would be allowed to worship Almighty God.

In the years that followed the birth of America, our founders publicly implored Americans to give thanks to God in no subtle terms and furthering this belief that religion was important to the public lives of Americans. George Washington, John Adams and even James Madison all proclaimed days of thanksgiving often with the blessing of Congress where they pleaded that Americans remember the blessings of God and show humility before Him.

They however never ordered the people to participate not did they dictate the manner in which those that participated worshipped. That would have been unconstitutional to its core by violating the right of all Americans to worship (or not worship) God as they saw fit.

Since then, Thanksgiving has become a national holiday no longer decreed by Presidents who implored the citizens to remember God. And while many people who gather on Thanksgiving Day will certainly give thanks to God, many more will not. Such is their right.

To some Thanksgiving is simply about food and family and not God. But no matter whether you chose to give thanks to God or not on Thanksgiving, remember that religion was important to both the public and private lives of those that came before us. So much so, that they made sure to write into our federal Constitution that they firmly believed in the Almighty God who gave his only son for us.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Rule of Law

One of the most fundamental requirements of a civil society is the rule of law which means that the people must follow the law of the land irrespective of his or her status or position in the society. In the modern world, the developed countries feel proud that their society is governed by the rule of law while most developing countries like India feel ashamed that their society does not have the rule of law. The developed countries are the role model for the underdeveloped countries, where the rule of law is still a distant dream.

Societies that follow rule of law are often considered more civilized as there is much more order in the society. Every thing in such societies appears to be in order. The roads are clean, lawns and parks are well-maintained, government officials work in office, trains and public transports run on time. Further, there is virtually no corruption in public offices. People are well paid, deliver better efficiencies and keep everything neat and clean. These societies appear perfect to the people of other parts of the world, who often wonder why they can’t be like them.

All societies need laws for their existence. Even though the laws may be different in each society, yet there are some basic principles that are common to all laws of the world. These fundamental principles are equality, fraternity, justice and liberty. The Indian constitution, for example, incorporates these goals in the preamble to the constitution which seeks to secure for all its citizens justice, liberty, equality and to promote among them the spirit of fraternity.

These principles are so universal in nature that they find place in every civilized society of the world. It is matter of great surprise that in reality the outcome of the rule of law is just the opposite. The more civilized a society is, the more is the inequality among its population - more injustice to the have-nots, less liberty due to strict enforcement of law and more hatred among the citizens based on race, caste and religion. What goes wrong in the implementation in the so-called rule of law?

Law of Nature

Indian thinkers in the Vedic period, i.e. around 3000 years before the birth of Christ, discovered that the universe does not perform its functions at random but follows certain laws. These were called “Rita” or the universal laws or principles that guided the universe. The progress of man can be largely attributed in understanding these basic principles of nature and exploiting them for the benefit of the human race at the cost of the rest of the creations. The laws of man, therefore, run contrary to the laws of nature as they are human-centric and not designed for all the creations of God or Nature.

One of the basic differences between man-made-laws and the laws of Nature is that the laws of nature are spontaneous as they require no effort in implementation. For example, in a natural piece of earth like a forest, the earth produces trees, plants, fruits and vegetables spontaneously without any need of watering or breeding. The nature itself provides timely rain and fertilizer to the new plants. The forests and the mountains are covered with greenery and beauty, which is purely natural since it comes without any effort.

On the contrary, the man-made creations like parks, trees, plants are artificially made. They too may look as beautiful as the natural ones, yet they cannot survive without regular effort on the part of man. Imagine a park, which is not maintained for a few months, or a house not cleaned for months. It will lose all its beauty and soon be filled with dust and weeds. No building or modern gadget can survive without external effort from man. However, all natural creations are able to survive on their own and maintain their existence; and enjoy their life without any external support.

The laws of nature are just as they treat every specie (and not only man) with equality. In a jungle, every specie gets its due share of food, air and water which enable them to live a dignified life without being dependent on any other creation. Nature makes no distinction between one specie, and the other as all species are the children of the same God.

However, in the man’s world, every other creature is killed if it is not useful for man. They can survive only if they can be useful for man. Thus man’s world does not treat any other creature of the nature with respect and does not provide them any right of equality, liberty, justice or fraternity. He cleverly usurps this universal law and makes it applicable only for human beings. For all other lesser species, he has created a man-made-law, calling it ‘the law of jungle’ or ‘the survival of the fittest’ which justifies his domination over the weak creations. The fact, on the contrary, is that the laws of jungle are far more just and equal for all species than the man-made-law.

Most men are not concerned about the way they treat the lesser animals as they feel that ‘the survival of the fittest’ theory is more logical than the laws of nature. However, they forget that every principle created in the universe has to be applied on them also and that they may not always be a beneficiary. Man-made-laws do not stop with animals but they soon spread their wings to encompass human beings, too. This is where conflicts between man and man starts that gives rise to hatred and wars. Man feels the pinch when the law of jungle is applied against them and the law of nature is denied to him. He is hurt when he is treated like weeds by the society.

Weeds: The Undesirable Plants of Nature?

One of the most interesting creations of the natural world is weed. Weeds are undesirable vegetation in the kingdom of plants. Weeds are defined as any plant that is not valued by the human society and usually tends to overgrow or compete with valued flora. Weeds are the plants which are considered by human beings as unattractive, undesirable, or troublesome.

In the natural world, man has to continuously fight against weeds to make their artificial plants survive. Weeds grow automatically and if the artificial gardens do not have the support of man, it is soon overpowered by weeds and the whole field or garden becomes full of weeds. Weeds are created by Nature (God) as no human effort is required to grow them. They are, however, so powerful that man has to continuously guard his creation from these weeds, lest all creation of the civilized society is destroyed. Weeds are as undesirable to man in the world of plants as criminals in the human society.

Criminals: The Necessary Evil for the Civil Society

Similar to weeds in the natural world, there is a growth of criminals in civilized societies. Who these criminals are? Why do they grow? Whether the criminals are healthy people or are they mentally ill as often thought by the civilized world?

Criminals are defined as the people who commit crime. Crime is defined as an act that is a violation of the criminal law that is punishable by law. Crime is usually considered an evil act and criminals are often seen as evil created by Devil, out there to destroy the civilized citizens, the children of God.

There are many similarities between criminals and weeds. Criminals grow automatically in every society and the society has to work hard to weed out these criminals. Criminals like weeds are so powerful and competitive that they have the power to defeat the civilized people. They are, therefore, fought jointly by the society. Yet in every society, there is crime and there are criminals. We are used to look criminals as evil that is unnecessary just like weeds. Yet if God (Nature) is the creator of all, then everything in this world must have been created with a purpose. “What could be the purpose of creation of criminals?” We wonder.

Criminals are, as a matter of fact, creation of the civilized world. In an uncivilized world, there would be no law, so there can be no violation of law and hence, no criminal. If we wish to understand the utility of criminals in the civilized world, we must imagine the world of nature without weeds. In such a world, all plants will have to be grown by man with artificial watering - canals, tube-wells, and other irrigation systems used for agriculture. In all certainty, man will grow only such crops and plants that are useful to man and the rest of the species would surely not survive in the man’s world. Further, man’s energy is limited and with all his effort, he can hardly take care of a minuscule part of the world by artificial plantation, so the rest of the physical world would be without plants and so without oxygen and other animal life and eco-system. This will soon lead to the end of the world including the human being.

The role of criminals is similar to the role of the weeds. Imagine a world without crime i.e. everyone follows the law of the land without questioning. It will only provide status quo in the world. Kings will always be kings and only their children or loved ones can become kings. Poor will always be poor. Kings will frame more inhuman laws that would give them more powers. The less fortunate people would die out of hunger and poverty as they won’t break the law and the state will have no obligation to feed them. Thus the world without criminals would be a place where people will die due to inaction, boredom and cruelty. Such an ideal world, indeed, would be the most inhuman and most undesirable to mankind.

Thankfully, people called criminals automatically grow in every civil society as soon as man creates laws to govern it. The laws of man are always challenged by them since they are mostly against the laws of nature i.e. equality, justice, liberty and fraternity. States always have to face opposition from such people who break the law and are known as criminals. They may have an ugly appearance as weeds but they only provide oxygen to the society for its life. Thus in posterity, people recognize them not as criminals but as heroes.

The Path of Heroism

While man hates criminals, he worships the heroes. He can lay his most valuable possession i.e. his life on a single call from his hero. Who are these heroes? Are they law-abiding civilized people or the law-defying criminals? Take the example of Mahatma Gandhi in the modern world. He was perhaps the biggest criminal in the time of the British rule in India and he was jailed many times on charges of being waging war against the state. He spent more than 15 years in jail for his various crimes. Yet the people of India call him ‘Father of the Nation’ and love him more than any civilized person on the earth. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in jail, yet he is a national hero not only for South Africa but for the entire world.

In history, we can find numerous examples of great people who have broken the law and having been punished for their criminal acts. The list includes people like Christ, Prophet Mohammad, Socrates and Galileo. Yet it is these people who changed the history of the world and they are rightly worshiped as heroes by the masses even after their death.

How many people you have ever known who have become heroes without breaking the law and committing crimes in their time? Perhaps none. Heroes are created not by following the law but by breaking the law.

Rule of Divine Law

It is not always good to follow the law blindly as it provides order and rule of law in the society but kills the humanity as the implementation of most of the man-made laws are against the natural laws. Man-made laws are often disguised under the cover of natural laws like equality, justice, liberty and fraternity yet they serve just the opposite purpose. Most people see the letter of the law but fail to grasp its spirit. One must understand that breaking man-made laws is one of the fundamental requirements of all civil societies, if it contradicts the natural or divine laws. Thus every person who breaks the law need not be a criminal. One must go deeper into the facts before declaring a law-breaker to be a criminal. The key distinction perhaps would be to see if he is breaking the law for the interest of the humanity or for his own selfish end. Is it need-based or greed-based? There lies the distinction between good and evil, between a true criminal and a hero. One who is breaking a law for others or to fight injustice is a hero and not a criminal. A poet said “Jo lade din ke khet, Sura toi” (One who fights for the weak is the real hero).

Mr. Awdhesh K Singh holds his B. Tech. from Institute of Technology, Bananas Hindu University Varanasi and M. Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He was granted study leave for the PhD course in 2002, for doing PhD from ABV- Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM) Gwalior, India. His PhD thesis on the topic “Expert System based Decision Support System for E-Governance: An Application to Indian Customs” is undergoing evaluation.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Islam is the Solution to Save the World

As the coordinator for an online think tank, I am often amazed by what is going on in the geopolitical world. For instance, there was a special TV program on Islam on CNN. It talked about God's Warriors and "The Brotherhood" in Egypt, which believes that Islam is the solution to save the world and that all people of the world should convert to Islam or leave this world. They use these religious statements to gather up a huge political base that supports them, although the group is mostly moderate in its leadership.

Of course, Osama bin Laden's second in command was a member of this group; "The Brotherhood". Is Islam really the way to save the world? Many Christians believe that Christianity is the way to save the world and if everyone was a Christian there wouldn't be any problems in the world and all.

Perhaps you can see the huge problem with the culture clash in the war of religions. Especially with religious groups such as God's Warriors, The Brotherhood or Jihadists. Indeed, in reality the Christian religion has a very similar groups, although not as bold and there are many Christian world wide missionary groups calling themselves Christian soldiers.

The answer to, or rather the solution to save the world is certainly not religion; it is not Islam and it is not Christianity. Perhaps the solution to save the world is to get rid of all world religions, and for mankind to join together in a common cause; the cause of liberty, freedom, and democracy.

The solution to save the world should never be to convert everyone in the world against their will to a specific religion. If a group trying to attempt this, then that group is violating people's personal freedoms and liberty. Quite frankly, there's been enough of that in the world and therein lies the problem. Something to contemplate in 2008.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Unemployment: a Political Mechanism

Abortion, right-to-life issues, Terri Schiavo, and same sex marriage: these are all political mechanisms that bloggers, pundits, and poorly informed law makers have used to further their own agendas and biases. Now we turn to the recessionary economy, and more importantly the unemployed. Scanning the blogosphere, there is a sense that the most to gain from some stimulus plan put forward by a presidential administration are trapped by these same discordant, self-serving politicos that use shallow bickering as poor substitute for true analysis. Now I am no detractor or supporter of President-elect Obama.

Yet some are comparing his "proposed" stimulus plan to the FDR and his New Deal. I put proposed in quotation marks to stress that it is just that, a proposition. A proposition for the unemployed. There have been reams and reams of space taken up on how this stimulus plan may or may not work. Now the price tag, 600 billion to 775 billion, is enormous burden considering that United States is already in debt. Yet, instead of giving the incoming administration time to clarify and to compromise with other law makers on this particular plan, bloggers have already written it off. Some comparing it unfavorably to the New Deal and how that the money used in that era had been abused for political gain.

I have no doubt that this may happen. In our desperate climate, we may see States with their hands out, and salivating at the opportunity to get some for themselves. But the opposition in Washington has not been crushed. Republications, licking their wounds, still have enough power to sway what may go into this stimulus bill for the unemployed. And to my confusion I see some bloggers use World War II as to disqualify FDR and what he did to raise this nation out of the Great Depression, and thus predict the downfall of Obama's stimulus plan by doing so. It may be true that WWII produced massive jobs, and unemployment was at the lowest, perhaps, never seen before or since. Yet look at the facts. In the midst of the Great Depression, 1933, unemployment reached a staggering 24.9%.

A very daunting number! By 1940 the unemployment rate in the United States was cut in half to 14.6%. Now I am no economist, but what that says to me is: FDR was doing something right. WWII stimulated the economy even more, however, this sharp downturn in unemployment by the 1940s before the world war even started should be taken into account. Such bloggish rambling should be disturbing. In such dire times, most economists believe that we are heading for a 8 or 9 percent unemployment in 2009, something has to be done. Notice that I called this a stimulus plan for the unemployed. It is more than that.

Apparently it is also set up to help the States deep in the red, and the housing market. But doesn't that unavoidably lead to those unemployed? I propose that those sinking us lower, and dividing us with poor analysis, are not bring America together. Instead of constructive criticism, there are those using the economy and to a large extent, unemployment, as just another political mechanism to foster their selfish needs. They commit themselves to careless prose that you now see throughout the Internet.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

Located on the delta of the Ota River on Hiroshima Bay, and divided into six islands by the seven channels of the river, Hiroshima is the largest city in the Chugoku region of western Honshu, Japan, and capital of the the capital of Hiroshima Prefecture, As of 2007, Hiroshima had a population of 1,159,391.

On August 6th 1945, during the closing days of World War II, the first atomic bomb used in warfare, "Little Boy", was dropped by the American B-29 Superfortress "Enola Gay" on the city of Hiroshima. Approximately 70,000 people were killed by the bomb, 69% of the city's buildings completely destroyed, and further 6.6% of the buildings severely damaged. A further 60,000 people died from injuries and the effects of radiation during the next few months.

Hiroshima was rebuilt after the end of World War II, principally after 1949, when the Japanese government passed the "Hiroshima Peace Memorial City Construction Law". Also in 1949, the Japanese parliament also declared that Hiroshima would henceforth be a city of peace, and a result the city is today a leading location for peace and social conferences.

The atomic bombing of Hiroshima is commemorated by a variety of memorials and events in the city, principally the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. This is a large park in the center of Hiroshima.. The most recognizable symbol of the park is the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, usually known as the "Atomic Bomb Dome" or "Genbaku Dome", which is the preserved remains of what was the Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall, a building which lay almost directly beneath the site of the atomic explosion.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Peace in South Asia

Recently, the J & K Forum for Peace and Reconciliation arranged a lecture in Jammu by the former Vice-Chancellor of Jammu University, Dr.Amitabh Mattoo. The topic of the lecture was, Is peace possible in South Asia? The forum had earlier arranged a similar lecture by Dr.Mattoo in Srinagar last year. At that time the topic was, Peace Building in South Asia: An Agenda for Civil Society. In that lecture he had discussed a wider picture of a peaceful and reconciled South Asia of the future which we all needed to imagine and work for. He wanted us to go from Kashmir First to South Asia First. Once overall peace and reconciliation had been established in South Asia on a broader perspective, the minor conflicts like Kashmir would get automatically resolved. Peaceful South Asia is a very sublime and idealistic goal which all of us cherish to reach. Following the last year's lecture, I had pointed out in my column that it was not practically possible to have overall peace in the region unless the underlying areas of conflict are attended to in the first instance. It is true that unless there is an understanding at the higher level for establishment of peace, the smaller problems cannot be sorted out. All the problems are based on the trust deficit between the various stake holders. The first requirement has always been the establishment of mutual trust. In the latest lecture, Dr.Mattoo's theme was precisely the same that there was urgent need to establish mutual trust between India and Pakistan. According to him, the jingoist talk of war was out of question. War is no option at all. It was incumbent upon the civil society in the two countries to come forward to re-establish trust and strengthen the evolving democracy in Pakistan.

In fact, he suggested to Dr.Farooq Abdullah who was present on the occasion, to lead a group of 100 civil society members to Pakistan especially to disturbed areas to strengthen the democratic forces there. It is very encouraging to know that the people now realise that it is not possible to establish a peaceful South Asia unless we resolve the basic problem of mistrust. The major manifestation of mistrust in regard to Indo-Pak sub-continent is the Kashmir problem. Unless this core issue which has been plaguing the entire region for over 60 years is settled to the satisfaction of all the stake holders the peace in the true sense will continue to be illusive. Mr.Varun Sahni, the new vice-chancellor of the Jammu University also spoke during the event. He was more forthright in calling a spade a spade. He blamed the present scenario on the wrong foreign policy followed by the Indian Government right from 1947. According to him, Indians tried to befriend people in distant lands and totally neglected the neighbours. It is a pity that due to mutual bickering among the South Asian neighbours, the outsiders from distant lands were getting a chance to come here as the global peace brokers. We fail to realise that the so called peace envoys are in fact the very people who are responsible for the discord in this part of the world. They know that we have failed to look within and are looking outside for establishing peace in this region. In fact, they create as well as manipulate the situations to suit their aim which is total self-interest. Their recent mantra has been that the people everywhere are either with them or against them. Europe after two destructive wars has become almost one country. They have themselves realised the futility of war and removed all barriers but are selling us all sorts of gadgets and weapons to create and strengthen barriers among our neighbours. The recently announced budget has hiked the defense expenditure by 34% bringing it to Rs.1,41,703 crores.

The most jubilant people to see this hike would be the western armament companies. Pakistan is getting a similar boost from its US friends. How can one discuss peace in South Asia when the governments in the area are exponentially increasing their defense budgets? If war is not an option then why increased spending on defence? This is the greatest dichotomy in our part of the world. Whatever we do has two facets. We talk of peace and at the same time prepare for war. We repeatedly declare that the idea of war is preposterous as it will destroy not only the sub-continent but the entire South Asian region. At the same time we keep all our options open. This must be the height of hypocrisy! In such a situation the civil society which Dr. Mattoo wants to awaken appears totally impotent. There are umpteen organisations claiming to be working for peace and reconciliation. All of these aim at the civil society in both the countries. The track-II, the back channel, and the overt and covert diplomacy. No matter how hard one tries the civil society fails to muster the strength to over ride the internal political compulsions on two sides. The vested interests on two sides are more powerful than the civil societies. Afghanistan has virtually gone back to Middle Ages and the Americans are inducting more troops to probably take it to Stone Age? Swat in Pakistan with the recent capitulation of the government has gone to a period which may be beyond the Middle Ages. The events of Mangalore show that the Indian Taliban are not far behind. Where is the civil society? In such a situation the question, Is Peace possible in South Asia? becomes very relevant. Seeing the developments in our neighbourhood the answer can only be in the negative! The peace process which had been meticulously built over the years by the efforts of the progressive political leadership on two sides as well as by the active participation of the civil society received a tremendous set back by the events of 26/11 in Mumbai.

This shows how fragile a peace process without establishing the basic trust between the people of the region can be. A single incident can completely derail it. The problem has been the focus on elite civil society in five star hotels. The peace will not flow down from the five star hotels. It has to rise from the roots among the common people popularly known as the Aam Admi. They face same problems in the entire region. Poverty, ill health, hunger, lack of education, and unemployment. In spite of high growth rates, increasing economic power, and so on, there are millions below the poverty line. No South Asian State can claim to be a welfare state in the true sense of the often repeated phrase. We have to go a long way before we can reach the stage as it is understood in the west. The way forward towards peace is not meeting of high flown civil society with vested interests but the coming together of the common people. It would be more useful in the long run if the civil society keen on establishment of peace in South Asia wholeheartedly works for bringing together the common people in the region. We have to go beyond the symbolic confidence building measures presently being implemented for diplomatic and political consumption. The elite society on two sides has no mistrust. They share the same tastes, cocktails, and other fads. It is the common people who need their mistrust created by the propagandist media to be removed. Once in a blue moon lectures and seminars may highlight the problem but the real road to peace is the bringing together of the common people by forcing the governments to remove unreasonable restrictions on travel and trade. Umpteen high society delegations travelling between the two countries will not solve the problem. It is the everyday travel by thousands of common people which will ease the situation. Peace in South Asia is possible only if the civil society musters the power of the common people to break the barriers of mistrust. To do that they have to come out of the five star hotels!

The Democratic Presidential Debate

Welcome to Myrtle Beach Hillary, Barack and John.

Well I'm happy to say that I did get a chance to see the Democratic Presidential Debate on CNN today. I didn't want to miss it, especially since it was held right here yesterday evening at the Palace Theatre. And on Martin Luther Kings' birthday. What a historic time we are living in now. Hillary, Barack and John. Change is definitely here!

I can only wonder with all the problems in the world why are they wasting time debating, fighting against one another and causing further separation. Isn't that how this whole mess started in the first place? Instead I think that now would be a good time for them to put their heads together to figure out a way to make it better as quickly as possible.

I have to reflect on what Momma said, "... only God will bring true peace".

Another thing I noticed was how quickly the press here turned on Obama. But then you have to remember this is South Carolina. It wasn't very long ago when slave ships were docking in Charleston. Many of the natives here are so afraid of change. But like it or not, change is here.

They were all united in their views on Bush. I do feel for our next president because he or she will be dealing with past issues that need to be cleared up, present issues that have been put on the back burner and future issues that need to be dealt with shortly. Not an easy job.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wilson and Bush Foreign Policy - A Comparative view

((… To see the promotion of American democracy throughout the world has been always the greatest matter for American foreign policy…)) Nil Levis

Journalist (New York Times)

Although history of U.S throughout twenty century, president have resembled each other but hardly you may see both of them, though with highly time distances, to have similarity in their foreign policy. The presidents whose foreign policy will be studied in this article are Woodrow Wilson (1913- 1921) and George W. Bush, both of them tried to show themselves moral , religious and good Christians, especially Wilson as Presbyterianist. According to historian(Schuel, History of U.S, translated by E. Sedghiani,1383,Tehran,Amir Kabir publication)Wilson desired in keeping nations’ international rights. Bush also believes in helping nations with rogue states to promote real democracy in the same way Wilson viewed, “only U.S could lead world into a new, peaceful era of unobstructed commerce, free market nonexploitative capitalism, democratic politics, and open diplomacy…Armament had to be reduced” .

It is interesting to see, even different parties of which presidents have come out but they have functioned alike in terms of foreign policy. Wilson who came to office as a democratic nominee and won presidency in 1913 had a legacy of two powerful terms during T. Roosevelt and a relatively weak of W.H. Taft, even though Taft intervened in some Central American countries for he believed “The interventions provided America strategic and financial interests as well as convenience for these countries” .Wilson was an idealist as well as realist, so he meddled and intervened in Mexico to help promote democracy. Parallel to what Bush intend to do in Iraq and Afghanistan. But what is interesting is that a kind of exceptionalistic view can be seen in both presidents’ view of democracy. Two presidents believe that only American democracy can solve third world problems. One of similar aspects of both presidents’ foreign policy is to attract nation’s support and attention to indicate multilateralism of their actions, e.g. Wilson, to support Mexican revolutionary leaders, better to say intervention, consulted some South American states as Brazil, Argentina and Chile to know their idea, and then supported Carransa against Huerta to empower, though Americans occupied its land later. The basic point is that why Wilson did uniquely in Mexico and did not ask collaboration of those countries when intervened in Mexico. This is a critic to him and can be compared to what Bush does in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bush, although at the break out of War on Terror parted all world two parts, with America or against it, today most of states helped U.S fighting in Iraq but only America and Britain make decision for Iraq and its future, apart from plundering its oil by U.S and Britain, and reconstruction, and no one can see U.N (United Nations) and Security Council or other states’ role in this issue. Of course, the reason lays on period of post cold war and the birth of American unilateralism after Soviet Union collapse in the late 1980s, while in first decades of twenty century the international position was not so easy. At the break of twenty century superpowers competed politically and for land, while they also formed political treaty to act successfully in world scene.

In U.S, people and politicians have been introduced to be conservative in different occasion. Refusing enter the first world war by Wilson signified it. He was pressed, while he resisted, by some pro-British in America to enter the war for being Anglo-American and had same ancestors. Even when Lusitania was attacked to be sunk and 128 Americans among others died. He only warned Germans by ending political relations and complained for what they did. A competition between America and European powers caused Wilson not favor of each side because triumphant of each side would damage U.S security, power and position in world (Lafeber. Walter, The American Age, 1994, Norton Company, New York).

Bush’s and neo-cons’ doctrine as first American government in twenty first century led America to pre-emption war, as some believe they, themselves, caused the war broke out. The attack on September 11 aroused war and was a manipulated tragedy. A tragedy designed to attract Americans and congress to make them supporters of war, the target Bush and Neo-cons wanted to reach. Bush as Wilson has made democratization and toppling rogue states as a goal in world. Ideally he thinks of nation-building in Iraq and Afghanistan and envisions it as his American mission (Fukuyama, Nation-Building, p. 1), but does not understand that “it is state-building rather than nation-building” (Fukuyama, 3).

Wilson in 1915 targeted Haiti for democratization. Haiti had been influenced by U.S since 1905. Some puppet governments had come to power and were rejected by coupe. Wilson in 1915 dispatched troops to Haiti to pacify and suppress Haitians who had rioted against Guillaum Sam, American surrogate whom people had killed for revenge of his execution of opponents. Americans organized presidential election and even a new constitution, as they did in Afghanistan after toppling Taliban regime. Establishing a Luyeh Jergeh, a kind of elite assembly, Americans organized a so-called election to elect president by people and Hamed Karzay was elected as a American surrogate.

American leaders, today, seek for strengthening their position in Afghanistan by indicating some issues as Taliban’s’ return, Terrorism and Jeopardized democracy in Afghanistan to manipulate public opinion and prepare them for their stay, understand to be pressed on by American citizens and international community. It will happen in Iraq as well. As George Bush called people in America and world that American troops had captured Baghdad and “Iraqi people are now free” (his speech on news), all people waiting for Bush’s declare end of war and time to go out of Iraq, but he noted sometimes directly his idea about democratization and reconstruction, or before them finding WMD and Saddam, so his speech implicated not to quit Iraq. Like many military missions during twenty century, in Central America, that lasted some years, war on terror will continue, as Bush noted in his speech.

Wilson and Bush resemble in re-election for presidency. Wilson in first term showed his reluctance for war and Americans re-elected him by the idea that “He kept us out of war” in 1916, but they regretted very soon because in 1917 America entered world war and it cost 117000 casualties and 26000 death , so people became exhausted and pessimistic toward war and Wilson. When Wilson asked people to elect democrats for congress, they did against it. Offered his peace treaty with 14 principles in Paris, Wilson could not please republican senators and representatives to ratify the treaty in congress.

Bush profited of saddam’s arrest for re-election in 2004 presidential election for he had achieved his goal, arresting Saddam. Although Kerry could use Bush’s defeat in finding WMD to win the campaign, for it was Bush’s main explicit excuse to attack on Iraq, but he did not , may be public attention was influenced by arresting the dictator and Bush’s triumphant, so Kerry under Jewish lobbies could not benefit Bush’s defeat. In congress election, November 2006, people of America shocked President Bush and voted for democrats.

Wilson entered the first world war for democracy, as noted before, Wilson believed in multilateralism, of course, it was due to the time because U.S could not assume itself without rival, so he planned League of Nations and introduced himself and U.S as caller for peace and freedom. He said “the world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty”(Tindall,1134).In peace conference, Wilson spoke about “peace without victory”(American Age. 294).He does not like to identify the winner, for U.S security and interests would be jeopardized by winner group in Europe and world. The war, itself, had weakened both sides made occasion for U.S to benefit political and economical opportunities. The U.S became a source of funding and credit for Allied countries in Europe.

Bush came to office after Clinton and from the very beginning criticized Clinton’s foreign policy in his presidential campaign. He claimed that Clinton had pushed America to isolated policy. Setting a group of experts by neo-cons to modify and re-define foreign policy for assessing status quo to design more important role for U.S throughout world. The politicians as Candoliza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz and Donald Ramsfeld and the likes planned attack after 11 September and directed Bush toward Middle East. They believe in America unilateralism in world and say that U.S should not trust on international organizations about different issues for they aim to weaken U.S. According to such an idea, Bush pretends apparently to follow Security Council of U.N on international issues, but all witnessed while Security Council inspectors did not confirm WMD in Iraq, Bush announced America right to attack Iraq to find weapons and paid no attention to international and domestic opposition. During its history U.N has not been as weak as it is

In general, if some one pays a careful attention to U.S history, he will find out, despite of party competition and rivalry, all American presidents completed the function of others in the past.

- Chomsky, Noam, Deterring Democracy, translated by Mahvash Gholami,Tehran,Ettelaat,1383

- Norton. M, et al, A People and A Nation, 1999, 432

- Schuel. Frank. L., History of U.S ,translated by E. Sedghiany,1383,p.261

- Lafeber. Walter, The American Age, 1994, Norton Company, New York

- Tindall. George. & Shi. David. E, America a narrative history, 1999, New York, Norton,p.1144

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