Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Office Politics - The Worst Fear in Your Working Life

So when you just graduated from university/college and looking forward to your first job, everything was doing great - your boss is nice, Supervisor and colleagues are helpful and friendly, but your worst fear comes true when you are caught in one of the most common problem which is...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The G20 Summit Participants Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (AFP) - President of the United States Barack Obama will host a summit (summit) Group of 20 industrialized countries and emerging economies (G20) on Thursday and Friday in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Here is a list of leaders who will take part in the summit as the AFP reported.Chistina Argentine...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

عن الطالب

أشهد لمعلمي أنه أكثر أهل الارض علما .. كما أشهد له أنه أعلاهم خلقا .. و أنه لا يتكبر عن الاعتراف بجهله اذا ما صدمه أمر خارج معرفته .. و الحق أن معلمي كلما اهتز يقينه تجاه أمر أمرني بالتوجه لصاحب علم لأحصل منه ما التبس عليه .. و...


و ما ان قرأت القصة الاولي العنونة "موت الموظف" حتي أيقنت أن هذا بالتحديد هو الاطار الذي يلائمني .. الاطار الذي يمكنني أن اودعه كل ما حلمت به .. أيا كانت قيمة هذه الاحلام او الاوهام .. آمنت تماما بأنني لست سوي كاتب للقصة القصيرة .. ليس أكثر من...

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Israeli Attack on Gaza Eid

A number of fighters and Israeli artillery bombarded several tunnels in southern Gaza Strip, near the border with Egypt. The bombing took place as Palestinian Muslims in the Gaza Strip still celebrate Eid, Sunday, September 20, 2009.Page Iranian television station, Press TV, revealed no reported casualties in the attack...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Noordin M Top Killed in Solo

Apparently Noordin M. Top killed by a bomb vest on the last info. Is this correct?Drama raids in Solo some time ago it left a lot of mystery unfolding. As the adage that sampled from the film The X-Files "The Truth Is Out There".Thousands of shells detonated by anti-terror...

Monday, September 14, 2009

Faith in Barack Obama Or Your Politicians?

Do Politicians Lie or Miss Lead or Over States the Facts?Headline: Politics and Lies - Why Politicians LiePoliticians lie because the public wants to be lied toThe reasons politicians lie is because the public doesn't want to hear the truth. People want to hear what they want to hear....

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Taiwan former first lady a year Imprisonment

charcoal a ibunegara involved in a case. But former ibunegara Taiwan, Wu Shu-chen, in fact sentenced to one year prison sentence for corruption allegations with her husband, former President Chen Shui-bian."Wu even asked her children to lie during the investigation of bribery cases that had befallen his family. Taipei...

Monday, September 7, 2009

Obama Advisor Retreat

Advisor to President Barack Obama, Van Jones, resigned amid controversy over statements related to Jones in the past. As stated by the White House, Sunday, September 6, 2009.Jones, a counselor who specializes in environmentally friendly activities "green jobs" in the White House Council on Environmental Quality, involved in efforts...

Friday, September 4, 2009

عن الحارث

حميت الشمس .. و هوازن لا تطيق .. و عائلات هوازن يدركون انه عندما تحمي الشمس من فوقهم .. فانه سيكون عام أشهب .. سيسوده الجدب .. و يحرموا المطر .. و سيتربص بهم الجوع .. فقرر بنو سعد أن يخرجوا .. ان يخرجوا الي مكة .. أهل هوازن...


أعلى الناس صوتا .. ليس أحسنهم .. و انما أقربهم الي الميكروفون*أنيس منصور...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Suicide Bomb Attack Kills Afghan Deputy Chief of Intelligence

U.S. soldiers stand guard at the location of a suicide bomb attack in Mehterlam, capital of Laghman province, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Wednesday (2 / 9) that killed deputy intelligence chief of Afghanistan.Taliban suicide bomber attacked a convoy of Afghan deputy intelligence chief, who visited a mosque in Kabul,...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Malaysia claimed the island Jemur

Pekanbaru (ANTARA News) - The information contained a number of web sites on the Internet mentioned that the existing Jemur Island in Riau province is part of a tourist destination Selangor State, Malaysia.The news immediately get a strong reaction Government of Riau Province, Monday, who firmly stated that Jemur...

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