Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Thursday, March 31, 2011

جدول امتحانات الثانوية العامة 2011 الجديد

صورة أرشيفية ,لــ إمتحان الثانوية العامةجدول إمتحان الثانوية العامة النهائى المعلن عنة فى المدراس ,جدول إمتحان الثانوية العامة 2011.بعد تلك الظروف التى مرت بها مصر فى الفترة الاخيرة ,توقع البعض تأجيل متوقع للامتحانات الثانوية العامة , فى حين تم وضع نظام جديد لامتحانات نظام يوم ويوم ,حيث تبدأ الامتحانات...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

New Whitesox Bar Update

B sources in the Greek restaurant community report that a food tasting held this week for the new bar was a smashing success. The Gibsons run bar looks to have a delightful menu. Our source also reports that the bar will be staffed by some of Chicago's finest vixens...

Afifa Syahira diculik

Foto Afifa SyahiraAfifa Syahira diculik - Pemain sinetron Melati untuk marvel Afifa Syahira hilang diculik yang menculiknya Kakak iparnya sendiri. Afifa Syahira diculik setelah mengantarkan sang ibu membayar katering. setelah mengantarkan ibunya Afifa Syahira hendak curhat sama kakak ipar yang berinisial BW, namun bukan malah menjadi teman curhat, BW...

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sab Hanstay Hain (Shayri sMs)

Yahaan apni apni baari perSab hanstay hainSab rotay hainDil tau sab ke hi hotay hainDukh bhi sab ko hotay hainKuch ashk diloon per girtay hainKuch mitti mein mil jaatay hainKuch lafz adaa hojatay hainKuch hontoo mein sil jaatay hainMaana ke adhooray rehtay hainPer khwaab tau sab ke hotay hainKuch...

Fool sMs

When things go wrong When sadness fills your heart When tears flow in your eyes Always remember 3 things 1) I am with you 2) You have money 3) Bar is open, Lets go. ...

jackie chan Meninggal | jackie chan die Hoax atau Beneran?

Berita yang menyebutkan bahwa jackie chan meninggal atau jackie chan die menjadi banyak sekali di perbincakngkan oleh pecinta dunia maya, dimana kalo kita melihat di twitter sendiri kata #jackie chan die sendiri sedang marak di bicarakanSelain setelah mencari informasi pastinya apakah benar jackie chan mati atau meninggal dunia, ada...

Swine Flu v1.0 Reliable Information (Sony Ericsson Software)

InformationThe swine flu reliable informationDo you need reliable information about influenza H1N1/Swine?This mobile application includes information about Influenza H1N1/Swine released by the Center  S. U. for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Information is divided by topic and key questions.Features Important Questions and AnswersImportant factsFlu antiviral drugs and influenza.The process of...

1 Touch Contacts (Samsung Software)

Information1Touch Contacts (OTC) can be used to make phone calls and SMS to multiple recipients. OTC implements a smart search technique that eliminates multiple clicks from the same key in contact na'n search. Title text shows the relevant text when you press the keys looking for a contact. For...


By this u can read PDF files on mobileInformationMobile professionals increasingly depend on hand held devices as primary or secondary source of information. Many documents require acrobat access e-mail confirmation, or stored on their phone when they are away from their desk to the adobe. Mobile Pdf enable mobile...

99 Names of Allah (Nokia Software)

InformationRead, research and listen to 99 names of Allah (Asma Allah al-Husna) in English and Arabic on your phone (mobile, Symbian, UIQ, Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, Blackberry, Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung , HTC Imate and many more phone models) Now. The meaning of each name of Allah with...

My Send Secure Chat (Motorola Software)

InformationThe world's first free SMS encryption software with real end to end. Safely chat with your friends, messages up to 2000 characters long will be delivered instantly using push Send is suitable for use very low traffic - it is now possible to stay online 24 / 7...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Time To Relax

There is nothing a B reader likes more in the summertime then a little bit of leisure. Tales of local bankers taking urban siestas on bus stops, neighborhood smokers catching Z's in our lush and friendly parks, over-served revelers opting to wait for the sunrise in the company of...

The.Mystery.of.the.Crystal.Portal. 2 .Beyond .the. Horizon (iPhone Game)

InformationIt's been a long time since the game's protagonist, Nicole, accounted for the Crystal Portal in the basement, in an effort to lose her father to find. Sequel to this title Nicole and her friend, Igor, try from New York to remote locations in search of her father. Along...

2008 World Soccer (LG Game)

InformationGive the real Euro 2008 competition, enjoy great graphics and animation, multiple game modes, customization options, tactical control and online player rankings. Create your own team or choose one of 54 European international teams competing for the European Championships. Give the game strategy and take your team to heights...

Table Football (Samsung Game)

InformationTable football is a game addictive fast speed and skill test. You can play for 2 players to 6 players at the same time!Compatible Mobiles Samsung Phonesi8510 INNOV8     B5702     S7350 Ultra s     S3100     S7220 Ultra bD980     S3500     D780     S5150 Diva     S7350 Ultra...

Gravity Defied (Sony Ericsson Game)

InformationTrial Racing [GDTR] is a motorcycle trial racing game bringing realistic physics to the mobile platform. The goal of the game is to race as quickly as possible through courses overcome obstacles. powerful physics engine that can GDTR for both racing and trial style challenges. If you try good...

Civilization IV War of two Cities (Nokia Game)

InformationWar of the two cities is a mobile arcade game inspired by the popular Civilization series of turn-based strategy. While the original Civilization franchise is global in scope, two cities War places players in control of a town locked in constant battle with a neighboring business. Players have to...

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